General Question

coffeenut's avatar

How can I get blood stains off of my wall?

Asked by coffeenut (6174points) June 20th, 2009

It’s a regular painted(white) drywall wall, it looks like the blood is starting to soak into the drywall, I’ve tried general cleaner, wiping, dabbing, but It’s not working Any ideas?

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80 Answers

DeanV's avatar

Just saying, but how did you get blood stains soaked into drywall?

Tink's avatar

WTF?! Take out the dead body!
And what @dverhey said

casheroo's avatar

Removing blood stains from walls:

The safest method for removing blood from walls is to use just plain soap and water. This method is pretty safe and effective for all most all types of wall paints. If you have paneled walls then Murphy’s Oil will work to remove blood from the walls

I’d try that first. Why are you just letting it soak into the wall? You should be trying to clean it immediately.

chyna's avatar

Is the body inside the wall?

PandoraBoxx's avatar

You may have to paint over it with KILZ.

juwhite1's avatar

I’d bleach it (blood is organic) before painting it over, but you may end up needing to replace that section of dry wall, re-texture it, then repaint the whole wall… If the paint is allowing the blood to soak through to the drywall, I’m assuming you have fairly flat paint, rather than a latex based paint. How can you possibly get so much blood on your wall that it is seeping into the drywall without first needing to ask how to remove a body from your home? I hope everyone is okay!

autumn43's avatar

@chyna – exactly what I was wondering! I just have to know how this happened.

Club soda gets blood out of clothing….not sure about walls though.

chyna's avatar

You might call one of those crime scene removal units and see what they use.

juwhite1's avatar

Or invite them over to do the clean up for you right after the investigation!

filmfann's avatar

I know how you feel! Chainsaws just splatter blood everywhere!

mangeons's avatar

Do we actually want to know?

Of course we do! Why is there a dead body in your wall?

Tink's avatar

I think @coffeenut is avoiding that question

mangeons's avatar

@Tink1113 I think so too. :P

Tink's avatar

@mangeons – Maybe he/she is hiding from the cops right now

chyna's avatar

If I have said this once, I’ve said it a dozen times, use a tree chipper. Less mess and it’s all outside.

juwhite1's avatar

I’m sure the cops would never be able to figure out who posted that question!

filmfann's avatar

My dad used to say “If I told you once, I’ve told you a million times! Don’t exaggerate!”

mcbealer's avatar

If you guys look at his prior questions, he has neighbors who get trashed and fight almost nightly. He posted a question called “When is violence acceptable” after having a confrontation with his male neighbor. I’d link it but I’m on my iPhone which I haven’t upgraded to 3.0 yet

Anyhow, on that thread @coffeenut mentions how no one was bleeding… at that point. But that was back in January.

Lupin's avatar

’‘Don’t ask don’t tell…”
If it’s been more than a day, get a spray can of KILZ Original, white pigmented, Interior oil-base, Primer -Sealer Stainblocker. It will cost about $3.50.
It sprays on nicely and will perfectly match the Dover White that 95% of rental units are painted.
It will even cover black hair dye stains.
Good luck. Our thoughts are with you.

sandystrachan's avatar

New wall might be safer , just remember to burn everything to keep evidence at a low .

Walshy's avatar

I haven’t a clue dexter lol

andrew's avatar

I <3 fluther

Tink's avatar

Who doesn’t?

Dog's avatar

If you are simply looking to clean it up the aforementioned Kilz and paint us a great answer.

However- if you are looking to remove evidence remove the drywall and bleach the studs and framework beneath before putting up a fresh sheet of drywall. _Then take the bloodstained drywall and hurl it over the fence into the fighting neighbors yard where it will blend in with the other blood stains.

coffeenut's avatar

lol, you guys are nuts, sorry to disappoint but theirs no body in the wall (lol) I just tripped and the jug of blood I was carring hit the wall (covered almost half the wall 4–5 feet ) I think I’m just going to cut the drywall out and replace it. It probably started soaking in wile I was cleaning up the floor.

chyna's avatar

I hate to ask the obvious, but why were you carrying a jug of blood?

Tink's avatar

Horray he’s no killer!!!!

filmfann's avatar

Hope you still had enough for the ceremony!

Dog's avatar

He did not say he was not a killer- he just said there was not a body next to the wall. Perhaps the body has been disposed of already.

So this means he works for a blood bank or was just up for a midnight snack. Or both.

casheroo's avatar

a jug of blood? oh. okay.

DeanV's avatar

Wow. Um. Was it human blood?

autumn43's avatar

Oh yeah, that happens to me ALL the time. Just carrying a jug of blood and trippin’. Mhmmm…

MacBean's avatar

All the times I’ve found myself carrying a jug of blood, the trippin’ came first.

DeanV's avatar

I don’t know what’s worse. A body or a jug of blood.

chyna's avatar

@autumn43 ::You have me snorting::

mangeons's avatar

Oh, just a jug of blood? Well, that’s fine. We’re not wondering why you were carrying it, or anything.

Tell us!

coffeenut's avatar

no not human blood, cow blood for protein shakes (after I add all the other ingredients you can hardly taste the blood)

DeanV's avatar

Oh my. Well. Whatever floats your boat.

I think the best real answers have already been covered.

chyna's avatar

You killed a cow, drained its blood for protein shakes? A little self centered, aren’t you?

mangeons's avatar

Um… ew?

Dog's avatar

Dude- uh- kinda sorry we asked now.

It was a lot cooler thinking you were an axe murderer.

So are these shakes to help you with your balance?

DeanV's avatar

@Dog I thought we decided it was some sort of a chainsaw?

autumn43's avatar

OMG! I am SO sorry we asked…..I wish I was trippin’

casheroo's avatar

Can’t you get protein from something other than cow blood??

Dog's avatar

@dverhey It can’t be chainsaw- it was a soaking stain an not splatter. Nor did he ask about cleaning the ceiling.

chyna's avatar

<shaking head up and down> axe, had to be..

DeanV's avatar

Good point. I am not entirely familiar in the physics of chainsaws and blood spatters. I guess it would have had to be an axe.

coffeenut's avatar

HA, you guys are too easy,lol drinking cows blood lol

Dog's avatar

@coffeenut Then it was in fact an axe murder?

DeanV's avatar

Really now… What was it?

Lupin's avatar

Try the KILZ Original, white pigmented, primer sealer spray before replacing the drywall. Every home should have a can for those Friday night bashes.
Don’t you hate it when that happens?

tyrantxseries's avatar

this is too funny

coffeenut's avatar

ok, I’m having a barbecue tonight and made some blood sausages, I was taking the leftover blood to the bathroom to flush and woops on the wall and floor I got too much blood from the butcher

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Wouldn’t soy or whey protein be easier?

Jeruba's avatar


<This is Jeruba being speechless>

filmfann's avatar

I remember Jack Lalanne talking about the benefits of drinking blood. He said he never felt so good! He would go to the slaughter house each morning and get a glass-full, up until he choked on a clot.
(do you get lurve for making people vomit?)

sandystrachan's avatar

Now you are just trying to put us off the scent by saying its blood sausages . Maybe we are all next coffenut has to cover his/her tracks now !

syz's avatar

We get blood on the walls all the time at the emergency clinic – soap and water works just fine. Or a magic eraser, which gets pretty much everything.

chyna's avatar

@Jeruba Which part of this whole thread is making you speechless?

mangeons's avatar

Why were you taking the butcher’s blood?

sandystrachan's avatar

@mangeons Surely you have asked for a pint of your butchers blood , if not i urge you to try it it makes the best smoothie . Vampyrisim is a wonderful way of keeping healthy.

mangeons's avatar

I’ve honestly never been to a butcher shop in my life, nonetheless asked for his blood

sandystrachan's avatar

Oh coffeenut seems to be a polite vampyre he asks first , i think its more fun if you just take it .

filmfann's avatar

To clarify, I don’t think it was the butcher’s blood…

tyrantxseries's avatar

He had to pay for it, like ten bucks

mangeons's avatar

Sounds more fun to just, oh, you know, stick a needle in the guy’s arm and suck out a quarter of his blood.

sandystrachan's avatar

@tyrantxseries Ten bucks i hope it was kosher blood then , that or he got ripped off as a vampyre he has a special card to get it free .

Vincentt's avatar

You’re actually trying to start a Fluther meme, are you? :P

Anyway, this might even be the reason for me to donate blood (it’s been on my want-to-do-list for a while now, I just always forgot :).

Dog's avatar

Puts a whole new twist on the “Fried Green Tomatoes” plot doesn’t it?

mcbealer's avatar

I’m sooo glad I’m a vegetarian right about now…

DeanV's avatar

I really love overanalyzing.

Dog's avatar

Dude – sausages made by an axe murderer might fit in a frizzer but they will not go well with panckes. Not even with salt and pepper.

DeanV's avatar

But when you eat them under the pool… Maybe.

chyna's avatar

And with cake.

mangeons's avatar

But never when you put the pool on top of the jail. Then shell jus run away.

autumn43's avatar

Okay. That just makes so much more sense now. Blood sausages. Of course. How could I have not known. I’m just a whole lot neater at it apparently. :0|

Judi's avatar

My prayer is that no mod realizes this is in “general.”

Tropical_Willie's avatar

How did this get into “Questions for You” as a new question on March 2, 2013 ? The Q is almost 4 years old ? ?

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