@La_chica_gomela I’m a guy (don’t let the beaver fool ya), and here I am.
As a case study, I started yoga about a year and a half ago, and I couldn’t even touch my toes. I had back pain as well due to improper sitting habits.
I started once a week at a studio where my friend/coworker taught. She teaches a power vinyasa style similar to Rusty Wells. The first class kicked my butt, and I was barely able to move for six days. Mind you, I had never exercised in my life after high school.
I had lost 35 pounds and three inches off my waist through dietary changes more than a year before that and maintained well at 165, though I still had a “winter layer” around the middle. I kept going to her class once a week, then twice a week until about three months ago. My weight stayed the same, but my fat and muscle shifted around a bit, and I got stronger and more toned.
Almost three months ago, I started a 40-day instructor-led program based on Baron Baptiste’s book. I started doing yoga daily, then twice daily, and three times on Sundays. At the end of the program, I had lost another 14 pounds and two more inches off my waist (not to mention 53 points off my cholesterol). I have muscle tone, stamina, heat tolerance (the studio is kept in the 90’s), peace of mind, strength, better eating habits, self-confidence, and so much more – all due to yoga. In fact, my sweat tastes like water, now, and I barely need deodorant (though I still use it – I ain’t no hippie).
I’m also starting to teach lunchtime yoga at work next week. I’m filling in for my first teacher who just promoted to another department, and she asked me to step up. Is yoga beneficial? Hell yeah!