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chyna's avatar

Why would I be "carded" (asked to show ID) when buying a foot pedal bike tire pump?

Asked by chyna (51683points) June 23rd, 2009

I asked the 17 year old clerk why she needed to see my ID for a bike pump and she said she didn’t know, that it just came up on the computer for certain items and they had to ask.

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41 Answers

ubersiren's avatar

You could probably use it to build a bomb or something stupid. Hahaha… “cia” in the topics? Paranoid, @chyna?

La_chica_gomela's avatar

Did you use a credit card? Was it expensive? If you answered yes to one or both of those questions, I think you have your answer.

DeanV's avatar

Yeah, if you use a credit card you will need to show ID like @La_chica_gomela said.

I honestly can’t come up with any silly response to this. It seems to have had me beat.

chyna's avatar

Cash and under 20.00. Although I’m pretty thrifty, I didn’t consider 16.99 pricey.

Jeruba's avatar

Did you ask if she would refuse the sale if you didn’t show ID?

chyna's avatar

No, I didn’t think of that, but if it ever happens again, I will.

kheredia's avatar

The item was probably miscategorized. They usually ask for ID if you’re purchasing something like a game that’s rated M or something like that. I worked at Target a long time ago and sometimes when I was scanning stuff that pop up would come out. Its nothing personal, its just the way the system works.

Master's avatar

I think she wanted to know your name… ;)

eponymoushipster's avatar

@chyna if you start getting flowers left on your doorstep, or followed by black, unmarked cars, you’ll know why.

pancakes in the frizzer

Ivan's avatar

Anything that would require your ID by law couldn’t be sold to you by a 17 year old anyway, so it was probably just store policy.

chyna's avatar

@Ivan Guessing her age, she could’ve been 20.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Likeradar “build her a cake, or something.”

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Do you need a bicycle pump to make meth?

SeventhSense's avatar

Even more frustrating is actually trying to get a straight answer from a sales clerk…
“Like, what do you mean? The magic number machine said I have to ask you.” ~_~

SeventhSense's avatar

Well you need a pedal to make Crank…hides head in hands

knitfroggy's avatar

I don’t think we carry it anymore but at the store where I work we had to card people for buying white out! Now we just have the dry line white out stuff and not that little bottles. I thought that was insane to card high school kids for buying white out. I can’t imagine what sort of illegal activities you could do with a bike pump though.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

Per my block watch police, a bicycle pump can be modified to be used as a weapon, shooting either arrows or even a bullet.

chyna's avatar

@PandoraBoxx Seriously? Who would’ve thought?

eponymoushipster's avatar

yeah, i don’t want to break the magic of Fluther, but this is how @chyna really looks, so i can understand their concern.

robmandu's avatar

@Ivan quipped, “Anything that would require your ID by law couldn’t be sold to you by a 17 year old anyway, so it was probably just store policy.”

Not true. It might vary by state, but minors certainly can process sales for tobacco and alcohol products.

robmandu's avatar

@Chyna, what kind of store? I’m guessing a Target or Wal-Mart? Just curious.

The kinds of places that sell bicycle pumps and age-limited goods are not that many.

Unless it was maybe an adults novelty shop? But then, if so, that begs a whole ‘nother set of questions.

Ivan's avatar


Wasn’t aware of that. That certainly isn’t the case in Michigan.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@robmandu: That’s true. When I worked at Walgreen’s when I was 17 I could sell people cigarettes.

As for the bicycle pump, I have no idea. Maybe the clerk was new and was unsure as to when she should card someone.

eponymoushipster's avatar

One thing that i don’t think as been asked yet: @chyna, is the back of your credit card signed? in many places, if the card isn’t signed, or is illegible (worn off,etc), they’re required to ID the buyer to verify.

robmandu's avatar

He paid cash.

So far, to me, I think the most likely hypothesis offered so far is that the checkout girl was, well, checking him out.

DeanV's avatar

You mean she?

robmandu's avatar

Sorry, generic him. Just being lazy… not deciding Chyna’s gender.

DeanV's avatar

I do that all the time…

chyna's avatar

@robmandu Im a she. I purchased it at KMart and she told me the computer told her to check my ID, that it requires ID only on certain products, she didn’t know why. I would assume it would check for certain drugs used to make meth, but I could not figure out if a bike pump was used to make meth.
@epony Thanks for showing how not to look as a man.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@chyna what’s wrong with that, friend-o?

DeanV's avatar

You should just go back and ask if you have extra time. It would be an adventure.

justn's avatar

That seems like an odd thing to be carded for. The other day I got carded for buying a cheap knife sharpener (about $8) at Wal-Mart. It makes a bit more sense than being carded for a bike pump, but I still thought is was weird.

SeventhSense's avatar

Well I guess the weapon things sounds plausible. A pump action air rifle is essentially compressed air. A zip gun is essentially made from simple items as well.

chyna's avatar

I guess I could’ve pumped air someone to death.

SeventhSense's avatar

Well essentially yes…If you were blowing one of these

Master's avatar

Heck I got carded to buy a lighter!

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