General Question

YARNLADY's avatar

Do you make fun of people who have different personal standards than you?

Asked by YARNLADY (46716points) June 24th, 2009

Some people don’t use or respond to swear words, some people think it’s wrong to not wear current fashions, some don’t want children, others don’t believe in a supreme being or in cheating or lying. Do you make fun of them, call them names?

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18 Answers

DominicX's avatar

I have no reason to make fun of anyone with different personal standards; I respect people’s differences and if I expect people to do the same to me, putting down others for their own personal standards will most likely not bring me respect.

However, if these people become arrogant about their personal standards (and thus put down other people’s) or suddenly feel it’s their duty to impose their own personal standards on me, then that’s a different story.

Darwin's avatar

Why would I call someone else names? Even if they call me names first I generally simply prefer to leave their presence and forget they exist.

Life is too short.

Blondesjon's avatar

Only when they are behaving in the same manner they are accusing another of behaving.

This usually applies to political and religious discussions.

This is why a beer drinking, cursing, left wing, hypocritical, bullying, atheist like myself tends to jump in on the side of Christians and conservatives when they are being treated like they usually treat others.

Jeruba's avatar

I agree with DominicX. Also it wears on me pretty quickly if somebody feels the need to bring it up all the time. Once you’ve taken your stand, it’s all right just to let the matter rest.

I used to work with someone who loathed both celery and chicken. No one in her vicinity could make the least passing reference to either one without hearing an opinion, always delivered with considerable vehemence. She reacted as if you had suggested microwaving (or freezing) one of her adored cats, she was that horrified at the very mention.

It’s not as if there were anything either right or wrong about her dislike. She just couldn’t leave you alone about it even if there was already no doubt at all in your mind as to how she felt about them.

Made planning department potlucks a real chore, I can tell you that.

Darwin's avatar

@Jeruba – Was your co-worker related to a graduate student who once shared an office with me? He hated chicken with a passion because it looked like an animal, and refused to have anything to do with foods that crunch, most particularly celery. He lived mostly on ground beef patties, an occasional piece of fruit, and chocolate sundaes without nuts, and he had the complexion to prove it.

avalmez's avatar

I am usually very tolerant of differing mores, values, religions, politics, etc. However, too often when discussing such topics others do kind get the ass about their position and I tend to react in kind. After the fact, I’m usually contrite about not having taken the high road, but I also reflect foundly about the exchange :)

chyna's avatar

@Jeruba A guy in my office acts the same way over Ranch dressing. Won’t eat anything that was on the same table as ranch dressing and won’t stop talking about it.

Disc2021's avatar

I dont have any strong personal qualms with people who have different standards – but that doesn’t mean I dont ever crack a joke or two about them, or succeed in seeing things from their precise perspective. There are some standards I might not understand but to each his own and I do respect them. After all, who knows what’s innately good or bad, wrong or right?

AstroChuck's avatar

Yes, I do. I also make fun of those who have the same personal standards. I make fun of everybody. That’s what makes insecurity fun.

Blondesjon's avatar

@AstroChuck . . .You’re a cop at a bed and breakfast?

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I try not to in an open forum like this here. Giving my opinion on why I don’t believe in something is a bit different than me telling people who do believe whatever they should all be sterilized. Just an example there, mind you.

Jeruba's avatar

And, @chyna, if you and I weren’t so terribly grown-up and mature, we might think of secretly flinging a drop of ranch dressing onto a strawberry or hiding a teeny particle of celery in a batch of chocolate chip cookies before sharing them with the group. But we are much too well brought up even to have such a thought. I hate to imagine what temptations might befall others.

Uh-oh, I guess I might be making fun just a little bit. Sorry, sorry, sorry.

lillycoyote's avatar

I don’t make fun of anyone, at least not out loud. I’m not a saint.

tinyfaery's avatar

I’m with @astrochuck. I’m just a smart ass. Anyone is susceptible.

cookieman's avatar

No. That would be rude.

and people who do name call are poo poo heads

jackfright's avatar

i might question their rationale, and make fun of them, but i wouldn’t call them names.
names are reserved for best friends only :)

Bluefreedom's avatar

I cannot, in good conscience, indiscriminately make fun of someone or call them names. I tease my co-workers, friends, and family members from time to time but nothing mean spirited or hurtful in any way.

I’m a very sarcastic person by nature and I always have been but this should in no way be construed as intentionally making fun of someone. If anyone suspects otherwise, please bring it to my attention immediately so that I can discipline myself. Thank you.

Dutchess_III's avatar

@Jeruba, @avalmez, @Darwin That’s insane! What do you suppose is wrong with them.

@lillycoyote YOU SO LIE!!!! Remember that time we spent about an hour making fun of AGN, Grog and Liz??!!! And you’ve made fun of me. And tarps!

To answer the question, no. That smacks of insecurity, which I’m not.

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