Are you kidding? Nobody sucks as badly as Rush Limbaugh.
I do admit that I am beginning to find Bill Maher a little bit tiresome lately. He’s not as funny as he used to be. But I think he will get his edge back.
Dubya was was such a dangerously out of touch buffoon that we all worried what disaster he would get us into next. And those anxieties were easy to address by poking fun at him.
Obama poses more of a challenge because everyone thinks that he is a liberal, and that liberalism is back, and the country is going to get back on track. But, Maher made some very telling observations in his last two shows, where he criticized the Obama Administration for being too cautious and centrist.
“We don’t have a left and a right part in this country anymore. We have a center-right party and a crazy party. Democrats have moved to the right, and the right has moved into a mental hospital.” – Bill Maher
I think he’s correct, but that he’s a bit too far ahead of the rest of the country on this. Sonia Sotomayer, for example, despite being a woman and a Latina, isn’t all that liberal. In fact, she may be more conservative than Souter. The Wall Street and Banking bailouts leave the same banking elites who got us into this mess still in the driver seat. The recent “credit card bill of rights” just tinkers around the edges of reform and still allows companies to charge upward of 30% interest. “Too big to fail” is being enabled, not reformed. The banks “still own the place.”
In addition, single payer is off the table. The war in Iraq may be winding down, but the war in Afghanistan is ramping up; the use of military contractors and the privatization of warfare begun under Bush II continues unabated. Gitmo may not close as promised after all, or if it does, we just send the people we can’t release to the prison at Bagram Air Force Base in Afghanistan—a place even worse. The war on drugs continues. Backpedaling on gays… and the list goes on.
Maher is already disillusioned with Obama, as am I. With every passing month it becomes clearer that he is not the liberal we all thought he was from his campaign.
But, I think, the rest of the country is so relieved to have an adult in the White House, they are willing to overlook this. I think once people realize how centrist Obama is, and how this is not in the interests of ordinary people, they will be more receptive to his criticisms from the left. At that point, I think he will seem funnier and more on point.