General Question

nmguy's avatar

Why buy an iPhone?

Asked by nmguy (528points) June 28th, 2009

I have a generic cell phone that I use only for phone calls. Lately, I’ve had the urge to buy an iPhone. I’m wondering whether it’s worth the extra cost. What are the pros and consz?

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12 Answers

sandystrachan's avatar

Have you looked at other phone similar to the iphone, you might want to look at them along with other phone 1st . If you don’t really use the special features on the iphone , do you just want it for people to go wow an iphone ?

giganull's avatar

If you only make calls on your phone, then an iPhone won’t be any help. If you are used to going days without a charge then iPhone will be a step backwards. It can only hold a charge for a day. Really primitive in that respect. If on the other hand you will take pictures, surf the net, make and send videos, log on to your account on youtube, be in contact with your exchange server or google apps account get directions and so on, then by all means consider an iPhone. Its all great as long as you can keep it charged.

mangeons's avatar

If you are only using your phone for calls, then an iPhone is completely unnecessary and a waste of money for you, coming with a bunch of applications you will never use. A basic cheap or free phone that comes with your plan will accomodate you fine if you’re just interested in something that will make calls.

TheCreative's avatar

Once you get an iPhone, you’ll wonder how you lived without one before. If you’re a person who only makes calles and that’s it, then I guess you wouldn’t need one. Oh and believe me, this is the best phone in the market. You should atleast take a look here

Dog's avatar

As others have mentioned if you are just looking for a phone do not bother- the phone is actually in my opinion the weakest feature of the iPhone.

Since getting my iPhone when I travel I no longer take my laptop with me.

On my last flight my eTicket was scanned right off my iPhone screen- I checked in via email on the iphone and avoided the kiosks and line entirely.

Here is a rundown not of all the features but the ones I use most.

The Cons:
Camera is mediocre (in 1st and 2nd generation iPhone- I do not know if the new one is an improvement or not as I do not have a G2S)

The Pros:

Navagation- It is a full GPS with built in search. (Handy if you are in a strange city and want to have a cup of Starbucks)

Email on the go.

Internet anywhere you can get a phone signal

Voice Recorder which can also email your recordings.

Good Video Camera (G2S only)

Can hold your entire music library

Watch movies and videos and podcasts.

Applications for everything. Here are a few I have:

App Sniper- tells me when an app goes on sale. There is a great web site that is even better but I lost the URL- so if anyone knows it please post.


Tweetie- a twitter client

Audiobooks- I can listen while working out.

iRenMovie- runs my Netflix account easily

Classics- A bookshelf of classic books that bookmarks where you are at.

FML- always good to know that no matter what day you have had someone has had it worse.

Texas Holdem


If you would use any of the above features I say the iPhone is well worth the money. When I washed my iPhone (it was tragic and terminal) I was forced to use a trac-phone. It only lasted three days before I cashed in the penny jar, dug through the couches for money and raided my savings to replace it.

Dog's avatar

Amendment to above:

Fluther is dragging slowly and I was not able to catch my stupid mistake on time. The newest iPhone is 3GS not G2S. I should never post before having coffee.

My apologies.

StephK's avatar

@Dog: When you say “Can hold your entire music library”... what kind of space are you talking? I’ve been debating between an iphone and a really nice (large) mp3 player, but this might just swing the pendulum.

Dog's avatar

@StephK It holds my entire library which is about 3000 songs- I have the 16GB model and have 5GB of room left. (I also have three full length movies on my iPhone and three audio books)

Here are some stats I found:

iPhone 2G

4GB = about 1,500 songs*

8GB = about 2,000 songs*

iPhone 3G

8GB = about 2,500 songs*

16GB = about 5,000 songs*

32GB= about 10,000 songs*

*With no other data stored

Bobbilynn's avatar

Get it!!! It’s great!!!

StephK's avatar

@Dog I was hoping for something larger than that, but thank you for the stats. :)

DominicX's avatar


How is the phone the weakest feature of the iPhone? A phone’s a phone. It works just like any other AT&T phone.


I have an iPhone 3GS. The phone is not the only thing I use. I text all the time and I love the way the texting works on the iPhone, how you can see everything both of you have posted on the same screen. I also use it as an iPod; I have a lot of my music on it. I also use it to look up random things while I am on the go, and I use plenty of the other apps (like the dictionary, AIM, radio, etc.). The camera is no more mediocre than any other cell phone camera. 3 MP with no flash is not much. I keep a really small pocket digital camera; I don’t really use phone cameras. And it’s true what the others have said, it does not hold a charge for very long. Depends on how much you use the apps and such, however.

If you don’t see yourself using the extra features and if you don’t want to spend extra money for just a fancier looking phone without taking advantage of the extra features, then I wouldn’t recommend it. However, if you do think the features would prove useful and you wouldn’t mind spending the extra for it (you can always get the cheapest plan available) then go ahead and get it. Most of the cost is AT&T; the phone itself is only $200 and you can get the older model for $100 and there isn’t a whole lot of difference between the two.

Dog's avatar

@DominicX I find that my iPhone has intermittent non-ringing issues that require reboot and calls that fade out after a minute. I have had two iPhones replacements due to poor call quality.

See this review on CNET. Apple has added patches to software updates but issues still make the calling feature the only weak aspect of an otherwise stellar product.

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