I’m for using the death penalty for removing people from the streets if they are a danger to the rest of us.
And though I have sympathy for alcoholics, I have ZERO sympathy for drunk drivers, because you make a CHOICE to drive, and you know DAMN WELL that you are essentially doing something that could lead to someone else’s death. To me that’s just as bad as attempted murder…it would be the same if you loaded a gun and started firing into a crowd at random…you might not hit anybody, but you might, sorry, that’s intent to do something that could bring about someone’s death. And in my mind attempted murder isn’t really all that much less of a crime than actual murder anyway, what, just because you’re a lousy shot means it’s a lesser crime? BULLSHIT. Anyone caught driving drunk should be punished SEVERELY. Clearly our society has been more permissive and it wouldn’t be fair now that we’ve put forth an expectation among people that it’s not THAT big of a deal, we need to change that perception…set a date, maybe 5 years in the future and say after this date, you get caught driving drunk once, you spend 2 years wiping he asses of people who’ve been crippled by drunk drivers. You do it again, you die, period. You have NO RIGHT to take the life of a stranger in your hands, and that’s EXACTLY what you’re doing when you CHOOSE to drive when you’re intoxicated, we need ZERO TOLERANCE or this is going to keep happening.
Now I’m no monster here, I understand our society is too permissive and may have led to him thinking it wasn’t really as big a deal as it was. And I also understand that alcoholism is a disease, but I don’t demonize his drinking, I demonize his choice to get behind the wheel of a car after drinking. And YES, I know every single one of us right now if we adopted a ZERO TOLERANCE policy such as what I described would probably know multiple people, people we like and don’t think of as attempted murderers, getting caught up. But I have to believe that if we underwent a massive, nationwide education program, saturated the airwaves with PSAs, spent money on direct mail, put it up on bus stops and billboards, on the radio, printed on our milk cartons, whatever it took, we could spread the message that drunk driving isn’t just something you might have to do every now and then, it’s the same as shooting a loaded gun into a crowd, and if you do it, starting on date x, you will pay for your crime, regardless of whether your choice leads to someone’s death or not.
So for now, given that it’s not as cut and dried as I’d like it to be, and he may not have known the full consequences of his choice this time, I’d give him another choice. Here’s what I’d do in THIS case:
Sober him up.
Bring him out to the middle of a wooded area that was in the direct path of a raging wildfire.
Strip him naked.
Cut down a tree.
Nail his ball sack to the stump.
Give him a rusty butterknife.
Viola, he has a choice, and IF he makes a choice that saves his life, well, he’s gonna think LONG AND HARD before he makes a choice like THAT again.