NSFW: Do women really enjoy oral sex?
25 year old guy here. Are there women that really like giving oral sex? I mean, it seems like it’s not really all that biologically adaptive, so it’s hard to imagine it’s a desire that’s evolved strongly in females. I guess the same applies to anal sex. Are these things women truly enjoy or do they just feel compelled to participate because men do?
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47 Answers
I love to give and receive.
I should also add that there is no “all women”. Some do and some don’t.
Both techniques avoid pregnancy.
guess this is the kind of question that is best responded to anonymously :)
I’m sure there are women that enjoy giving it. Not all though.
I concur completely with both of Marina’s responses.
I asked this question privately of a number of women a couple of years ago (maybe between five and ten women). I expected pretty much all of them to say they only did it for the guy, but they didn’t actually enjoy it for themselves. Almost all of them told me that they liked it. Some said they liked the feeling of power they had for being able to make the guy feel what they wanted him to feel. Some liked the taste. Some just liked seeing their guy feel good.
I think people can like things for emotional reasons, even if they may not like the taste or the smell. Of course, those are things you can do something about. However, there may be some people for whom the pleasure in giving pleasure will never be enough to overcome their revulsion of the taste and smell. I think love for a person can go a long way towards helping a person get over any nasty feelings about oral sex.
I suppose a test of whether women just like it for it’s own sake is to see whether they would do it for any guy who was willing to let them do it. I’m pretty sure some men like it just for it’s own sake. So perhaps some women do, too. Still, I think the vast majority of people like it for it’s emotional value and the sense of connection they get when they do it. I doubt very much, that many people would do it without the emotional part of it.
Some do, some don’t, for both giving and receiving. I’ve dated women on all sides of the issue – one who liked receiving, hated giving. One who enjoyed giving, could never get into receiving, one who liked both (she especially liked 69’ing), and one who wanted no mouths anywhere near any genitals…
Basically, it depends on the woman, and you should be talking to her about it, not a bunch of random strangers on the internet. If you can’t be honest and comfortable with each other regarding what you do and don’t like in the bedroom, you really don’t have much of a relationship.
I think, for me, it’s partially a reciprocity thing. If I give it, I’ll get it in return. There is also a lot of satisfaction in knowing that you’re pleasing him and/or getting him off. There’s the opportunity to be in a power position and a submissive position at the same time, which can be arousing. It’s sometimes not my favorite thing to do sexually, but it is part of a number of sexual activities in my grab bag that keeps things interesting. I always like to mix it up, and the act itself isn’t that awful either. It also doesn’t seem as serious or intense as intercourse is, so I’m more readily willing to go down on a guy rather than sleeping with him off the bat. Also, if I’m otherwise sexually incapacitated (read: women’s issues), it’s a good alternative to making a mess. The fact that (most) guys really enjoy receiving it is just a bonus.
Just like all women don’t either enjoy or hate giving head, all guys don’t necessarily want to receive it either. I know a guy who constantly says that he’d always rather have sex.
and @MrItty: I don’t think he’s asking about his partner, I think it was just a general question.
@TitsMcGhee I didn’t mean to imply he should get off the net right now and go talk to his g/f. I meant in general – talking to your partner (even if she’s in the future, or purely hypothetical) is better than taking the word of a bunch of strangers on the internet. If he’s not talking about a current g/f, he still shouldn’t be using what he read on Fluther 6 months ago influence his decisions as to what to do with a new g/f 6 months down the road. He should talk to her then.
I liked it. Of course it was for the guy, I wouldn’t do it to just anyone. I liked having the power, the teasing, the flirting and the excitement of knowing he was powerless in my presence. way tmi, i know
Notice I used past tense. I don’t like it anymore since becoming a mom. Not sure why.
To me, the whole purpose (on most occasions) of sexual interactions is to pleasure each other. So, yes, I enjoy giving and receiving. But like it was said above, some women don’t. It took a long time for me to be comfortable with receiving.
Men LOVE it, I want to please my SO and do everything in my power to give him the best experience. I’m so fucking sweet, last night I gave him some since actual penetration wasn’t possible for reasons we won’t talk about. Long story short, (hehe) he went to bed satisfied and so did I because I knew he was happy.
Not saying that if women love their men, then they’ll do it. That’s just my personal opinion.
Some do, some don’t. Some like it today and not like it another time. Really depends (probably on how sexual they are feeling at the moment). But I guess it’s important that you still give to your partner even if you’re not feeling like getting any.
(do I make sense?)
It comes down to keeping that thang clean.
People like to receive it but never put thought into the fact that someone has to go down there.
Sure, I get turned on my doing it but if I found out a partner wasn’t into reciprocal oral then I wouldn’t bother in the future because it would spoil my excitement and enjoyment of the act knowing they’re not interested in pleasing me the same way.
I’m with @Marina, love to give it, love to receive it.
@ChazMaz I concur. Completely.
Woman, if I’m about to move my tongue in and around your twat/clitoral area, have the courtesy to not have a funky Brillo pad in the way, mkay?
Unless I’m ridiculously drunk, in which case I’d probably pork a donkey.
@Grisaille Omigod. Most. Hilarious. Thing. Ever.
So true though. I wouldn’t want to lick a dirty Brillo pad and don’t expect anyone else to…
Being with a woman (and, I’m a woman myself)—for me, most definitely. Giving and receiving. Giving it is a total turn-on..
What Marina said, way up there ^^.
It isn’t physically pleasant in the way that receiving it is, but it’s a lot of fun.
Depends who I’m with… sometimes I’m more into giving it to the person than receiving.
It works both ways. Do men actually like the TASTE of oral sex when they’re the givers to their female partners? I can’t see how. But you do it to make your partner experience ecstasy and you do THAT because you want to.
Just the same, it’s a lot less messy for us men all in all then it is for the women. We owe you!
My experience found that some women like to give, some hate it, some LOVE it, and some started out saying no way and they, themselves, changed their mind.
I used to think they did until I realized it’s a uvula in the back of a woman’s throat.
It’s up there on the best things ever list.
I enjoy it mainly because I know my partner enjoys it. I don’t think I would enjoy oral sex (or any sexual activity) with someone I didn’t love though.
I’m a boy, but I LOVE going down on girls. Seriously, sometimes I would almost rather do that than sex. As long as it’s “maintained’ the taste is actually kinda good imo. And something about when a girl is getting really into it, and arching her back and like wrapping her legs around my head….. UGH.
(receiving it isn’t too bad either :) )
yes, I know many women that actually enjoy oral sex, though usually it depends on the type of relationship they have with the receiver. I think it is more a question of power, control over the man than taste or anything like that. It’s a mental thing, not a biological.
@westy81585 Whoa whoa whoa…. Hang in there cowboy…
The image of a naked girl wrapping her legs around a man’s head at her vagina is somehow not very pleasant…. I can almost imagine her executing some spy killer move, killing the guy by twisting his neck.
@Saturated_Brain Hahaha, well I’ve yet to be executed, so I guess I’m doing something right?
my wife seems to enjoy it, as she usually instigates it. If that smile on her face is any indication, I’d say it is just as pleasurable for her as it is for me. Kind of hard to fake that big of a smile.
hey im with ‘jmah’ too :D
personally, i absolutely love giving oral to my bf. maybe because i know he really enjoys it, and i think many women out there (and men) would admit that they enjoy sexually pleasing their partner
but…i have learned that the only way i can enjoy receiving is if my partner actually wants to do it.
i think a lot of women enjoy giving/receiving when it is a mutual pleasure. Not when they feel obligated to/or like their forcing their partner.
Oral sex is a very personal thing that is one of the more submissive sexual pleasures, it should be taken seriously
I think I’m the only one that likes to be ordered by the girl to give oral, then.
NSFW: Do women really enjoy oral sex?
yes, I enjoy oral sex.
I enjoy getting it more than giving it.
I also enjoy anal sex.
what was the point of this q?
I forgot, side tracked into thinking about getting freaky
” I can almost imagine her executing some spy killer move, killing the guy by twisting his neck.”
Hmmm, what a way to go!
Personally, I like to do whatever gives my partner pleasure – because I like to see him get worked up because of something I’m doing. It’s a turn on!
I’m no fan of anal, that’s a no-no, but I do like giving oral when my man enjoys it. :)
anal isn’t bad, men just need to realize that it can be harder for women to get or stay turned on during anal…so men need to pay more attention to the woman’s needs during it.
@fallingtoofast agreed. I’m all for anal as long as ALL of my needs are being taken care of before and during.
i enjoy giving oral. i think its hot. and the expression on your partners face is usually worth it rightt?
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@RebeccaSJ .. I like those who know what they want and can state it!
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