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desiree333's avatar

What Version Of "The Reader" By Bernhard Schlink Should I Read?

Asked by desiree333 (3241points) June 30th, 2009

I liked the movie, and I wanted to read the book. It was first written by Bernhard Schlink who is German. So I assume that the book must be in German. Later Carol Brown Janeway translated it into English. So if I went to my book store would the author be considered Carol Brown Janeway since I want the English version?

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7 Answers

Darwin's avatar

The author is still Bernhard Schlink whether the book is in German or English or Hindi. Carol Brown Janeway is just the translator.

Here is the book on

desiree333's avatar

Thanks, I just wanted to know because when I have a specific book in mind I usually get a worker to find it for me! I don’t like to waste time when I know what I want. I also didn’t want the staff to not find it in the computer because I’m not telling them the right author.

Darwin's avatar

If the staff at the bookstore or library are at all competent, they will know precisely what book you are referring to when you simply give the title The Reader. It has won awards as a book, and it has won Kate Winslet a number of awards, including an Oscar, as a movie.

gailcalled's avatar

I just finished reading the paperback (in English) and the author was listed as Schlink. A very good read and an astonishing movie. See the movie first, if possible.

desiree333's avatar

@gailcalled yeah I already saw the movie, I thought it was good, I tend to always want to read a book when its made into a movie. After seeing Freedom Writers I’ve always wanted to read the book, but I never got around to it. I’ll probably go get The Reader very soon.

gailcalled's avatar

@desiree333 : Did you guess Hanna’s problem? If so, how early on in the movie?

desiree333's avatar

@gailcalled at the part when Michael tells her to read the book for a change and she looks at it for a brief second and says “I rather you read it to me” or something. I guessed it pretty early on in the movie. It was such a great movie once all the war crime trials start happening.

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