When can we meet?
Asked by
peedub (
July 5th, 2009
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133 Answers
Who? I certainly don’t want to meet some Flutherers anymore, if that what you mean.
But I’m ready anytime
I am ready any time!
I even found another vintage outfit!
We’re meeting?
I suppose any time
Not until I get my desk cleaned up, the little blurb under my name over there—> just correctly pointed out that it is a mess!
let me put some pants on first.
Any special reason, @epony?
Has Las Vegas in late August been canceled?
When someone fixes my flux capacitor…
And you might not be needing them anyway.
Well Dorothy, if those ruby slippers are any indication of the party, call me a flying monkey as I come in through the bedroom window.
@Jeruba, he won’t need them if I show up, that’s for sure.
@Dog @Jeruba well, if you prefer and i know most do, i’ll leave them off. just don’t forget to shock the monkey.
Las Vegas is on as far as I know!
We can hunt you down @TaoSan!
@chyna :: I think you did. But the host seems to be MIA.
she needs a permission slip
Do we need a permission slip?
You are in L.A., yes? Maybe 30 min. But I’m not very presentable.
Butters you’re parents won’t let you do anything you know that. :)
Oh, gosh…golly jeez. I’m getting all red. Do you mean me?
I have had wine- will need to wait long enough to be “good to drive”.
We don’t need no stinkin’ permission slips!
I waited for all of you at the Sacramento Convention Center last weekend and, besides myself, only Parrothead showed up.
Heyyyy…. methinks yet another Fluther Romance may be in the air! Prey tell Peedub are you seeking the company of the fair figbash?
Once I catch up on laundry, pay the bills, and graduate from college I’m there!
The 2461 mile flight was a bitch, and then the place was closed. DOH!
the safe word is lemontree.
Tuesday is good for me. Anytime after that and I’m going to have to check my schedule. Let me know.
You can all come over to my house. We can have a great pool party, and I can get discounted rooms for you at very good local motel. The only requirement is you all have to agree on the same date, and there is a blackout period in October. e-mail me for details. We might even get @AstroChuck to show up, he lives right down the highway from me.
Okay, someone come up with a date, time and place.
@chyna how about December 21 2012?
@chyna. December 31st, 2009. 11:59 p.m. Times Square, Manhattan, New York City.
BYOB everyone.
Anytime! Come over now please, all of you! I’m so lonely!!!
@SeventhSense oh I thought you were the one on the left…now I see where you are :)
@charliecompany34 And I would love to meet you, so we must have a reunion! Peedub, are you in charge? Where did you go?
Wait….......I look pretty causal right now. Let me put on my make-up & do my hair. Don’t start without me!
@chyna i am not. just a scarf, a smile and a banana.
I’m already here.
Standing in the rain, waiting for other Flutherites, crying.
If pants are optional and I go without, I’m at least going to be wearing my Banana Hammock.
@chyna hmmm. Now THAT ups the ante!
@Bluefreedom LOLLLL…what color??? Please don’t say yellow!!!
@jbfletcherfan. It’s a leopard skin print that matches my loin cloth. I threw away the rainbow colored one because people got the wrong idea.~
@Bluefreedom I think a fleshy pink would be gorgeous on you.
oh wow. think i’ll strap myself just in case. might have some charliecompany haters
@Bluefreedom Leopard skin??? Oohhh..catch me. I’m getting a case of the vapors. ’-)
@Grisaille. I’m willing to entertain the idea of a pink one only if the women consider wearing pink g-strings (or Butt Floss as some like to refer to it).
@Bluefreedom who needs a hammock for their banana? mine doesn’t need any rest…
@Bluefreedom Sure, but I can’t promise that they won’t wear pants.
@eponymoushipster. I just KNEW you were going to go Commando on us. Power to the people!
Any chance that we can make it mandatory that people DON’T wear pants to this shindig?
@Bluefreedom I think people will get the gist if we just put down “Clothing Optional” on the invite.
Hot Dawg.
@applesaucemanny. Very loose ones that leave a lot to the imagination. Maybe. =)
Duplicate post removed to preserve continuity and the smooth flow of humor.
Anywho, where are we meeting up?
I say we head to Maine on New Year’s Eve and stand at the Easternmost point. We’ll be the first ones in America to bring in the New Year.
Then have a “party” in the lighthouse.
Not sure I’m coming now. <looking around nervously>
i say we rent like 20 camping sites somewhere, and simply have a big campfire every night.
@Grisaille. Clothing optional sounds like a good idea. And a “party” in a lighthouse sounds fun too!
@eponymoushipster. I like the campfire idea also. Very cool.
@Peedub….Lose them and lets f…....you know that invitation still stands, here. Don’t be shy…come on by. Sherry’s has nothing on but those vintage Nikes we got from you and reports they provide great traction. See ya soon?
@chyna Sure, I’ll be in charge. Let’s all meet at the Grand Californian in Downtown Disneyland.
@whatthefluther How do I get there again? Do I get to ride on Pegasus’ back??
I’m ready when you are.
@peedub- where are you?
@peedub….We’re freeway close to all, just off the 5 freeway, in the foothills of the beautiful Verdugo hills of Los Angeles. Just look for Elmo, our ten foot tall knight in shining armor. You can ride Pegasus any which way you please. We also have many unicorns here but I suggest you exercise care when deciding which way to ride one of those. I’m ready to order pizzas and beer…..anyone else in?
@whatthefluther I’m good with the beer, just need pizza right now. Order whatever you want on it and if I don’t care for it, I’ll just pick it off.
lol i dont even get it, who are we meeting??
@chyna ooh!! duh!! that makes more sense :P
@whatthefluther. I’m in. Scottie is going to beam me over from Phoenix in about half an hour. I’ll bring chips and salsa.
it’ll be cool to see everyone!
You know, Sherry was ill the last two days, but as soon as I read Peedub’s question to her, her eyes lit up and now she has a skip in her step. Peedub has a way of doing that to people. Sure would like to see a whole lot more of you Peedub (take that any way you please, please). See ya…..wtf
@Dog romance. and VD. lots of VD.
@Bluefreedom….Maybe you can convince Scottie to make the transporter available to other flutherers? Ask him what he drinks…I have it here waiting for him. See ya….wtf
@whatthefluther. Scottie and I are comtemplating that right now (multiple transporters). He wants to meet all the other Jellies just as much as I do. He said he’d like a Guinness Stout when we arrive. =)
@Bluefreedom,....Naw whiskey is whiskey (once you get down half a bottle).
Is today current enough? Look in the bucket.
<Bad mod looks around>
I’m in.
<—- Looks around and notices that Peedub and figbash are nowhere to be seen.
@Dog hope they remember “lemontree”
How about everyone comes to visit me in Guam?! I’m getting married very soon and I would love for all of you to make it!!!
I do not need a permission slip!!
I need a ride, mom won’t let me take the van :(
@krose1223 Congrats! I’ll be there in spirit, at the very least. :D
so many replys, so much to read. so worn (3am) [Res bursts into flames]
what. the. hell. you guyyyyyys :( you were sposed to come to australia, I shouldn’t have to keep reminding you! otherwise you have to save the party til I can get there next year. so yeah, s’up to you basically. either party now in australia, or party in a year in the u.s. I know what I’d pick if I were you….
Hey, Australia isn’t too far from Guam. :)
Hey, it actually isn’t. Wow. I need to get a job right now haha.
Anything less that a Hilton is camping to me. I still like Vegas!
@Judi- My oldest daughter’s last name is Hilton. We could stay at her house in Maryland.
Hello guys I’m still waiting for one of you to pick me up, don’t leave me :(
@AstroChuck Maryland is also closer to me, so I’m with Augustlan on barging in on your daughter.
Of course my daughter has a family of nine so everyone might have to share a room.
Or bed. ;)
First no pants, now sharing beds… this is turning into a Fluther orgy.
I’m still in.
Your daughter is named AstroHilton? HiltonChuck? ParisHilton?
Well where are most of the flutherite’s native habitats?
Left coast, right coast, SE, NW?
What happened to Peedub and Figbash!
Send out a search party! They are AWOL!
@Dog: Hah! Nope – I’m right here, dealing with an upstairs neighbor issue. See recent question posting. As for Peedub, I imagine right now that he’s at Disneyland, surrounded by a group of strangers from Fluther.
”Duplicate post removed to preserve continuity and the smooth flow of humor.”
We love you, Mods.
@Grisaille. That response was actually written by me because I posted the same answer twice by accident.
We love you, Bluefreedom.
I’m in!! So where are we meeting? Time? :P
Can I bring a pet squirrel?
All I need is about 4–6 weeks’ notice. Mid-Atlantic or Northeastern US is preferable for me
@cheebdragon A… pet squirrel? That’s awesome! I may just steal him. :P
Is he named Foamy? I love Foamy
@whatthefluther i’m a couple of hours away but i’ll make salsa.. bring a nice single malt and some mexican beer… what’s your policy on guitars? bring one or no?
The Meet-up at my house is being planned as we speak. contact me by e-mail with the date you want to hold the big event.
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