Hi, seekingwolf. :)
Let me just say that if you abnormal for being that close to your father, then make room on the crazy bus for me, too.
My dad died this year and truly, there are days when I wished I died with him. I miss my friend, one of my dearest friends so much I can’t stand life – sometimes. It just hurts. I was his little boy – we joked, even though I am a woman. I did anything to stay by his side, including learning how to take cars apart. I fished, I did yard work, I played sports – just to be like him and to be with him. I thought he was the funniest man on the planet, the smartest and no one else could be like him. I still think those things. Yesterday, I tried to call him to tell him a joke, but damn, he’s not there.
I am in my second marriage. My first marriage, the man couldn’t have been any further from my dad. This marriage, I swear, even my mom says I married my father. He has some of my dad’s mannerisms. Now, my mother has been giving my husband tools and some of my dad’s possessions to my husband and it’s like my dad is here, at times.
With the exception of my husband, (he’s 6 months younger than me), I’ve always found older men attractive. Something more steady in them, strong and secure….yes, like my father.
Sometimes, I think therapist can make things harder on us. Instead of helping us see that certain things are just a part of the person we really are, they want us to pick it apart, analyze it to death and beat it until it’s dead. Then, we kill a part of ourselves, but hey…we are normal! My vote, find a new therapist and understand that you are okay, just as you are – you only need to learn how to be okay and at peace with the person you are.
not a doctor, just a mom