I don’t see that I’d have a whole hell of a lot to talk to a celebrity about. The people I admire are ones who’ve created things, who are talented. I don’t have similar talents ergo what do I have in common about which we could discuss. Yes, there would probably be something, but I can come on here and find engaging, insightful conversation any time I want, instead of sitting in the presence of the flesh and blood creator of some work which astounds me. If I weren’t awestruck, I’d probably just come away disappointed, having had the aura of greatness removed by seeing that they too were just another normal person.
The only exception I can think would be that I’ve been told by many on Fluther, and other websites where I’ve contributed my thoughts, stories, musings and what not, and often by people whom I respected tremendously before they ever said anything to me, that they truly were impressed by something I said or a way in which I said it…I’ve had many people tell me I should write professionally, and I would LOVE to, so if someone in a position to make that happen for me were to discover my writings and have a similar reaction, I’d be OK with that. And I can think of my wife…she had a pretty amazing life story, having come from an unstable, unhappy, at times abusive childhood where she had nothing, causing her to be a very shut down, messed up person for quite some time, and she has overcome that to become a level person, a great mother and a successful librarian…I think that’s the kind of inspirational story that if she were to write it down and get the opportunity to speak with say Oprah about it, this could be life changing. But by and large those are exceptions….no, I have no interest in meeting famous people…I’ve gotten a few autographs, but really I’ve got nothing to talk to a celebrity about, I have nothing to say to one that they haven’t heard from a billion other fans…and frankly, for my, celebs as people don’t interest me…when they’re dead and gone, their work lives on…I do not mourn the loss of a person, I mourn the loss of potential future output…how can I mourn someone I don’t even know. And when you get right down to it, many celebrities aren’t all that good of people….how many celebrity mugshots are out there now?
If you think about it, for every actor who gets to make movies, there are thousands of other people who can act but never get famous. You know who those people are? They’re the ones you went to high school with who dropped out to move to LA…by and large they are losers who don’t want to toil in the real world…they’re people who take irresponsible risks and make irresponsible decisions because they’re convinced the world would be impressed by them…and 99,999 times out of 100,000, they’re wrong. What you’re seeing when you see a famous actor is someone who thought they were good enough to be up there on the screen with all those other beautiful people, who got really lucky and managed to do it, and who is probably now used to having people snap to his every whim. All I’d have to say to the majority of “celebrities” is “Dance, monkey…you ain’t done entertaining me yet.”