How do you think you would fare if fluther discontinued and you migrated to another question/answer site?
Asked by
mammal (
July 9th, 2009
would you be able to mix in? would you be accepted? would your oppinions be accepted? personally i think most of you would struggle
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67 Answers
I don’t think I would migrate. Sure, I like it here, but I don’t need to rely on a Q&A site all the time. I can get my kicks elsewhere.
So maybe i’d struggle, but I think it’s more likely I wouldn’t go anywhere.
And I don’t think Fluther will fold, if that means anything. Different business models than or other sites like this.
fluther will definately discontinue, within a year or two
I’ve been on many sites like fluther in my life. I never have a problem adjusting, if they provide enough of what I want.
@mammal- link or source or is it just what you are hoping?
I would not migrate except back into my studio to work more.
@mammal What crystal ball are you looking in?
I wouldn’t go anywhere else. I don’t do social sites. If/when fluther becomes defunct, I’ll just return to my antisocial ways.
i kind of like the idea of moving on from waterhole to waterhole
As engaging as it has been, I would quit this nonsense and move on to something much less virtual.
@kevbo sure, i told myself that ;)
i am not so socially intense on this site compared to, i got all that side out of my system, so i feel like a peripheral observer with fluther,
I’d migrate outside and do the things I enjoyed before I found Fluther.
@jonsblond sensible, sunshine is nice, i work outside so a get my solar ray vitamins, serotonin suppliments or whatever it is
Don’t worry, since the world is ending in 2012, you won’t be without it for long.
Your prediction “fluther will definately discontinue, within a year or two” makes about the same amount of sense as that one without solid information to back it up. If you have information, please share. Otherwise, idle speculation is just that.
I like Fluther because it’s often interesting, not because it’s a Q&A site. If it closed down, I’d find something else that was interesting enough to spend my time on, which might or might not be a Q&A site. And there are many interesting things out there, so I’d just keep on moving until I found one that I fit in at.
@mammal Being a peripheral observer hardly sounds like “mixing in”. Would you say that migrating to Fluther was a struggle for you?
@Harp no, i don’t get my kicks from the social aspect of fluther, i explained that in a previous comment, the clique here is too sown up to get a look in, and the people don’t really interest me as a consequence. i like kevbo and i already know Simone, facade is hot but apart from those guys…..
Probably not. I’d probably do more homework, like I should be doing right now. I would be sad though.
@mammal What do you get out of Fluther, then?
@Harp i like to agitate of course
I’ve never found that to be a good strategy for mixing in. Sounds more like a guaranteed struggle. Are there sites where agitation helps you fit in?
@Harp not sure i want to fit in i would probably have to compromise a good deal of myself in order to do so, no, some people aren’t made for the herd. having said that i’m now going down the boozer i’ll try to mingle see you all later :)
I’m sorry, @mammal, but I don’t believe I’ve noticed you being particularly different from anyone else, and I just don’t believe you that you’ll have to compromise to fit in. There are a lot of weirdos here. You’re just one of the crowd. I wouldn’t worry about compromise. There are ways to be yourself and to get through the moderation, if that’s what you’re worried about.
If you like to agitate, just do it for some other purpose than for agitation itself. I.e., something you actually believe. Also, this might sound disingenuous, but I’m really not trying to do that. Who the hell is in this clique you can’t join? I may have been around a long time, but I don’t feel like there are cliques, not that I am in any one of them, should they exist.
The only reason why you feel like an outsider is because it pleases you to do so. I know. I play that game a lot.
@mammal Why am I not surprised you came from
I migrated here from Askville, and I don’t think I have had any problem fitting in. I should imagine that if I move on to yet another site that I will do what I always do. Observe for a bit, then stick my toe in the water and get involved. As in any site there will be folks I prefer to avoid, and folks I wish I knew in person, but that’s what makes being human interesting.
It seems to me, @mammal, that you rather like to be “separate” and so you tend to say rude things to folks. That’s okay – you can do that. Those who don’t like what you say can just ignore you, although I suspect that you are struggling a bit here.
“fluther will definitely discontinue, within a year or two” now now, just because sucked ass and couldnt make it for the long run doesnt mean fluther will suffer the same fate.
i also couldnt help but correct the spelling on definitely in your quote, sorry.
@all – Re mammal – DNFTT. If you don’t like it here @mammal, by all means, go away. If you want to stay though, stay…your choice. It’s clear to me though that there is nothing cliquish or exclusionary about this site, we’re all individuals saying whatever the fuck we want, however the fuck we want to say it, wherever the fuck we want to interject it, and I humbly submit that if you can’t fit into that paradigm, you’re the problem, not the site.
I’ve tried the rest, stuck with the best. Fluther is the only one I know of that ain’t all about the Benjamins. Complete freedom of speech and expression as long as you don’t resort to name calling and personal attacks. I’ve seen the data mining model where it’s all about “we own your content” and “moderation costs money so we’re not going to step in unless it’s WW3 out there.” Fluther is the perfect combination of hands on, yet arm’s length, common sense moderation, in an otherwise completely free forum. Furthermore, the site admins clearly care about quality control and we just don’t get a lot of stupid questions clogging up the site. And we have very few “agitators” like mammal because usually when they realize that we’re a group of intelligent folks who can put troublemakers in their place, they lose interest and go away.
@Marina And what’s wrong with coming from
@daloon, @dalepetrie: Some people invest a lot of their self-worth in being an outsider. If it really helps @mammal to feel that she’s not in the clique, and she’s happier being an outsider, hey, why burst her bubble by pointing out that there’s no clique?
I dunno, not to play on any stereotypes here, but mammal seems a lot like a man…
And his/her avatar was a guy before…
Doesn’t really matter, though. Good point cwilbur.
@dverhey Mammal is a dude. Avatars are not reliable gender identification…
Please everyone, let’s not make this about vs. Fluther. There are many wis.dmers who have come to enjoy it here and are valuable members of this community. As with any thing, Fluther does not float everyone’s boat… and that’s ok.
Regarding the question itself… I’d cry. :’(
I honestly don’t know if I’d look for another Q & A site, since this is the only one I’ve ever been a part of. I might just become a more productive member of society!
FWIW, I see no indication of Fluther shutting down anytime in the near future.
I got no problem with’ers being here. I’m an Askville refugee myself, I say come one, come all, the more the merrier, don’t care where you were before, check this one out, it’s hard not to love.
I do however think if you don’t like the site it makes a lot more sense to find one you DO like than to hang around this one as an “agitator”, decrying exclusivity that simply doesn’t exist except in your own mind. Just my opinion.
OK, so I am bad.
I do not think there is anything wrong with coming from per se. I apologize if I offended anyone.
I will say that at this point in time if you are still here, it seems you ought to be identifying as a Fluther user.
Many people came from other Q&A sites and have become integral parts of Fluther. That includes Askville (I cannot imagine Fluther without many of the former Askvillians) and A lot of them are in my Fluther. I look forward to their posts. I count some as friends.
What felt very familiar to me was the old, old come from somewhere else and bash Fluther. That is not a chapter in How to Win Friends and Influence People.
I feel sorry for @mammal because agitating, being negative, and then complaining that you have no friends is a serious sign of immaturity and low self-esteem. Really more the mark of an invertebrate rather than a mammal.
If the hypothetical situation mammal described occurred, which I have no expectation that it will, I find it unlikely I would go to any other site. There are no other Q&A sites like Fluther.
But Fluther is my first ‘net love’. Can it be true that there are other beauties out there?
If so , I will ignore them. I’m a very loyal person, and happy here.
Stay @Mammal, you provocateur.
I would not go to another Q&A site unless all my Fluther family were moving there too. Even then, I’m not sure.
I’m not a Q&A site guy; I’m a Fluther guy.
I like to think I did alright while not having to compromise my values.
When I first arrived at Fluther, it took a short time to get comfortable but it turned out great all these months later. If Fluther discontinued, I probably could move to another Q&A site and eventually fit in like I did here but I doubt it would be as entertaining and inviting as Fluther has been.
This community of people and this site itself is a large step above all others, in my opinion, and I would much rather stay here for the long haul than consider the decision of having to migrate somewhere else.
I think petethepothead said it best here when he said “I’m not a Q&A site guy; I’m a Fluther guy.” That’s about how I feel too.
@lloydbird `provocateur’ i felt my love muscle twitch
@mammal . . .We are not the kids that picked on you in gym class nor are we the parents that didn’t give you enough attention. We are not the teacher that finally broke down and told you that you really aren’t as clever as you think you are.
If you want to agitate something, go mix up a batch of Tollhouse Cookies.
@Blondesjon i must say, i find any reference to blond offensive, once we have dealt with that, we can re-establish a relationship based upon sensible criteria
@mammal. Yes I am and I have been for the last 21 years also.
@mammal funny you should say that about the waterhole thing
I go bar hopping and I also site hop now.
This question is the best demonstration of why “lurve” should be reformed I’ve seen in a while.
@Ivan This is a ‘bird’s of a feather…’ situation, I believe.
While arguing an unpopular opinion can make people ‘clique’ up on you, though I don’t suppose that’d be the proper way to use the word.
@boots When someone says “Fluther will be no more in a year or two” of course Flutherites will defend the site. Am I missing something here?
oh, that’s right. I’m blonde!
I think the issue is that “Why am I not surprised you came from” got 8 lurve.
@Ivan i think its because the migration was a rough one for everyone. There was a lot of bullshit happening on both sites and a lot of them mockin us on their site. Not saying all wis.dmers are bad, just that it wasnt the smoothest assimilation we’ve experienced.
@Ivan I agree that the comment was not appropriate.
@jonsblond Why care? He’s either right or wrong and ultimately, it won’t matter. It’s not like he’s going to blow up Fluther.
@uberbatman Insinuating the whole of are bad people because 3 douche bags wrote shit on a site apart from this one is not an excuse. one does not blame the many based on the actions of a few.
@boots im not saying its right, im just saying that why i believe the comment was made. When migrated over, fluther turned into a shit hole, it was also a lot more than just 3 douche bags making it rough.
@uberbatman That’s fair enough, but I wasn’t saying that you were trying to justify the comment. I was saying that there is no justification. Suppose it was ‘black people’ instead of wis.dmers (which I know is a hyperbolic[?] analogy)?
@boots Why care that an answer received 8 great answers? It’s just a number.
@boots ah i misunderstood. I agree though, blanket statements are a no no.
@jonsblond I read it before it received the GA’s.
I think @Ivan‘s point was that it shows a multitude of people agree with a quasi-offensive blanket statement.
@boots I understand Ivan’s point. You asked “Why care?”. Fluther is a second home to many of us. When someone craps on our lawn we want that person to crap somewhere else. The majority of Flutherites are very kind and willing to help those that need it. When someone comes in and says that they hate it here and just want to agitate, what should we do?
Actually my big problem is that most Q’s are well thought out with source links and have a legit desire to find an answer.
The asker even states a desire to be a loner and a distaste for others who frequent Fluther. So are we to believe that the asker really cares if any of us go elsewhere or acclimate?
This question and the statements and questions made by the asker are not founded in facts and are created only to troll. I, for one, will no longer respond to questions by this user.
Personally, I find the comment comparing my remark to a racist one offensive.
What I said was about someone’s behavior. My excuse is that the migration was so distressingly horrible that I actually left this site for months. I was thrilled that when I came back it was Fluther again.
About the last thing I wanted was to restart this whole thing. Obviously, I used poor judgment. In my mind, that is less problematic than being deliberately provocative.
@jonsblond With all due respect… it’s the internet. To steal from my friend, J0E, “why so serious?”
@boots I have only been an internet user since December. I would have no problem living my life without it. I did for 37 years. Why so serious? Didn’t know I was being so serious. As I said before, most flutherites are very kind and willing to help others that need it. That is why we are here. Most of us are not here to agitate, like mammal is. The people being so “serious” are the people upset because an answer received 8 great answers.
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