General Question

charliecompany34's avatar

What food do you fear?

Asked by charliecompany34 (7816points) July 9th, 2009

food fear? that certain edible item that other people eat that you will not—and for what reason?

you feel like you will break out in hives or go thru some metabolic reaction. no known allergy of course, just something you never tried and never will until you face it head-on.

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103 Answers

Grisaille's avatar

Pig’s feet and cow tongue. Why, you ask?

Have you seen them?

charliecompany34's avatar

@Grisaille and pig brains. they say it’s good with hot sauce and eggs.

janbb's avatar

Green eggs and ham!

Blondesjon's avatar

@Grisaille . . .You’ve just never had cow tongue prepared properly.

Fucking cauliflower. urk

jamielynn2328's avatar

I have the worst relationship with Onions. I despise them more than I can bear. And everyone puts them in everything. I cannot go to a bbq and just eat freely. I usually end up with a hot dog and some beans on my plate. If you request no onions on something, people think that you must be joking and put them on anyway. I can smell them, I know when they are lurking in a dish even if my mom tells me they are not. I know.

I’m very serious about onions. They are out to ruin my life.

ragingloli's avatar

bacon, stomach and brain

Tink's avatar

Meat, ‘nuff said

charliecompany34's avatar

@jamielynn2328 my son is like that about onions. he has no clue how much flavor onions add.

Jude's avatar

Caviar (just the thought of them gushing in my mouth…barf), and Rocky Mountain Oysters.

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Fish eyeballs. Monkey brains. Blood sausage. Liver w/ or w/out onions. The list goes on and on. It’s not fear really… just disgust.

jamielynn2328's avatar

@charliecompany34 He probably can’t think about the flavor cause the disgust of onion is so overwhelming.

qualitycontrol's avatar

Lobster…definitely lobster. I jump at the site of them and I live in New England! Every single person who loves here looooves lobster but ohhh no not me. Stay the hell away from with those claws and stabby points on the forehead.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

rocky mountain oysters

azusenal's avatar

Radishes! I’m allergic.

charliecompany34's avatar

@qualitycontrol oh no, i’m sorry. you must try lobster. face that food fear and never look back. sweet, savory. goes great with drawn butter and a juicy ribeye. you are missing out. u get lurve tho!

Grisaille's avatar

@charliecompany34 * looks down at crappy Indian take out *


bythebay's avatar

Uni; I just can’t bring myself to even try it. I’m usually pretty open to new stuff but just can’t seem to go there. @qualitycontrol; I’m with @charliecompany34 – go for the lobster!

charliecompany34's avatar

@jamielynn2328 onions are just so harmless. i think it’s because they have layers or they can be pungent. i cook everything with onions and he does not realize it exists unless he sees it.

jamielynn2328's avatar

@qualitycontrol I agree about the lobster. I actually won’t eat anything that came out of the sea. It gives me the creeps to think that I’m eating something that swam in it’s own poop juice.

willbrawn's avatar

Corn in a can, its just nasty.

Plus when I was younger my dad told me and my sister that corn dosent digest. So when you poop it out it stays in tact. And at the plant a worker goes and gets a pool cleaner tool and gathers up the floating corn and re-packages it. Ugh, can’t eat corn from a can still.

jamielynn2328's avatar

@charliecompany34 I am the opposite. I will tell my mom I can taste them or sometimes just smell them and she will insist they are not there, and then the more she thinks about it she will recall that they were in something that she used in the dish. I can detect them from miles away. My worst enemy.

Tink's avatar

@willbrawn You poor thing, yuck

Allie's avatar

Onions. Sometimes mushrooms. Brussel sprouts.

Onions are the devil in food form.

willbrawn's avatar

Onions are magically delicious

Bluefreedom's avatar

Beef brains, Caviar, Durian fruit, sushi, liver, peas, buttermilk, sauerkraut, Miracle Whip, cottage cheese, Horseradish sauce, and sweet pickles.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@Blondesjon So true about cauliflower. And the worst food ever to exist is Mayonnaise.

I shudder to even think of it.

charliecompany34's avatar

@Bluefreedom miracle whip? oh wow. you just go right past the potato salad on holidays, right?

bythebay's avatar

@charliecompany34: hahahaha! look

And for the record, miracle whip and cool whip are pure evil, with no redeeming qualities whatsoever. I feel the same about pretty much anything in a can, too.

charliecompany34's avatar

i think onions are high on the list because they can seem “musty” when sauteed. but if you’ve ever driven past u of I at chicago over around halsted and roosevelt, there’s a diner strip there that will send onion lovers straight to heaven. love the musty smell!

Bluefreedom's avatar

@charliecompany34. Miracle Whip was something concocted by Satan himself. I cannot stand that vile substance.

ragingloli's avatar

no he didn’t. he told me himself.

charliecompany34's avatar

@Bluefreedom and you know what? no matter how you feel about miracle whip, you’re still my buddy! LURVE

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@Bluefreedom It would take someone as evil as Satan to create something so vile.

Bluefreedom's avatar

@charliecompany34. Thank you, my friend.

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities. I knew someone out there thought like I did. =)

@bythebay. Love the sign stating “No durians”

Grisaille's avatar

Oh, Twinkies. I can’t stand Twinkies.

charliecompany34's avatar

@jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities make a sandwich with it. face your food fear my brother!

prude's avatar

d/won’t eat any type of brain.
eyes, jowls anything else eddible off a head, just not brains

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

@charliecompany34 I just died a little on the inside by just the thought of that.

charliecompany34's avatar

i know people who have feared blueberries, sardines, black olives, smoked oysters, but miracle whip is a new one.

benjaminlevi's avatar

Lobster. I don’t like cracking arthropods open and eating there guts. Things that have lobster meat in the are acceptable, but not when I have to break it.

Even though I usually prefer plants, I really want to eat brains. I just like the idea of it, feasting upon that particular animal’s knowledge intrigues me.

charliecompany34's avatar

@benjaminlevi they carved out michael jackson’s brains. you up for a lobe or two?

benjaminlevi's avatar

I don’t eat plastic.

charliecompany34's avatar

@benjaminlevi i just got it! good one!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

Any innard. Noooo way! And no fat of any kind in meat. I trim meat down to the inth amount. It literally makes me gag. I will stand & pick out obvious little pieces of fat from hamburger. The ribbie part of lettuce. I cut that out, too. I can’t STAND that crunch in my mouth. And corn bread. Gag me!

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@Bluefreedom Come on to my house, honey. I’ll make you a sandwich made out of my special sandwich spread. Beef brains, liver, Miracle Whip & chopped up sweet pickles. I’ll fix you right up!!! ’-) LOLLLLLL

syz's avatar

Any organ meat.


Any of the cabbage family that smells like feet when you cook it (brussel sprouts, etc).

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@syz You sound like me. I’ve always thought Subway’s bread smells like feet. :-(

syz's avatar

subway bread makes me nauseous

Grisaille's avatar

Oh, and live octopus. That’s disgusting.

Darwin's avatar

Insects and things whose hearts are still beating. And poi.

jbfletcherfan's avatar

@charliecompany34 Yes! It stinks. I mean, literally. It has a funky smell to it.

Bluefreedom's avatar

I thought of a few more items that I really dislike….......

Tofu, Calamari, oysters, soy based products, Kimchi, eel, rye bread, vegemite, black licorice, dark chocolate, clam chowder.

ubersiren's avatar

Most meat. It’s so gross. I’m willing to risk whatever deficiency I may face to never bite into another piece of gristle or slimy jiggle fat. BLARF!!!

dannyc's avatar

Anything made by my ex-wife.

tadpole's avatar

anything that moves..

YARNLADY's avatar

Chocolate covered insects

janbb's avatar

Headcheese – even the name grosses me out.

charliecompany34's avatar

@janbb i tried hoghead cheese back in the 80s and it was actually quite good with crackers. haven’t had it since.

casheroo's avatar

Foie Gras. I have had it, but the texture grosses me out, and the thought of what they do to the poor animals. That’s the only time I feel extreme guilt.
My husband eats oysters raw, it sooo grosses me out. I won’t even eat them cooked. I like clams though.

aprilsimnel's avatar

Brains. AKA “head cheese”

I’ve had relatives that love the stuff and I’m all like, EEEEEEEEE!NOOOOOO!

jonsblond's avatar

You will never get me to eat coleslaw, mushrooms or green olives. Bleh! Egg nog too.

rottenit's avatar

Brains, I think they just give me the creeps!

I would make a bad zombie.

kenmc's avatar

@Bluefreedom Sushi, peas, sauerkraut, Calamari, and clam chowder are some of my favorite foods!

To answer the question though, I wouldn’t eat lard or anything alive.

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i’m not really afraid of any food, so much as i am grossed out by cauliflower since they decided it’d be a good idea to use as a comparison for stds in junior high sex-ed. god. just, i’ll pass.

kenmc's avatar

@tiffyandthewall When someone says they hate cauliflower, an angel loses it’s wings…

jonsblond's avatar

How could I forget fruitcake?

Tink's avatar

I actually like cauliflower

cyndyh's avatar

@Bluefreedom : Lurve for durian. Oh, I had some durian ice cream once and I swear I think that’s where they get the vomit flavoring for vomit flavored jelly beans. That stuff is so incredibly nasty. And that’s how it’s supposed to taste! It wasn’t like it was something that had gone bad. It’s just always that nasty.

Liver. I’m just not interested in eating something that looks like it came out of a horror movie.

Bluefreedom's avatar

@cyndyh. Durian ice cream…..that is so totally wrong and completely heinous. Nice description on the liver too….inedible and unsightly.

janbb's avatar

Speaking of vomit, grated parmesan cheese smells like that to me.

cyndyh's avatar

@Bluefreedom : Yeah, I tried durian ice cream along with jasmine, black sesame, green tea, and something else (lavender, I think?). All the others worked pretty well. I’d never heard of durian before, and was being adventurous that day. Yikes. Not again.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

Ah… Durians.. Love em or hate em…

To be honest, I don’t mind durians (they’re have a kinda nice taste), just that I can’t stand the way that for the next few hours every time you burp or fart you can taste/smell them. I don’t like the idea of recycling food that way.

Incidentally, I just had some durian milk shake. It was niiiiceee….

But never, ever, ever give me shellfish. I HATE all shellfish with a passion (except for scallop). Snot in a shell. Eurgh.. And don’t give me crabs or lobster either. And insects freak me out. And liver is, for the most part, just vile.

janbb's avatar

@ Everyone What are durians?

Saturated_Brain's avatar

Fruits endemic to South East Asia. Extremely pungent recognisable smell. Spiky exterior suitable for use as a weapon/helmet.

All the info’s on wikipedia if you wanna find out more.

janbb's avatar

@Saturated_Brain Nope, that’s enough info, thanks!

El_Cadejo's avatar

I’ll try anything once. The way i look at it is, if it was absolutely horrible, no one would eat it in the first place, so theres got to be something there. Maybe i’ll like it, maybe not, but theres only one way to find out. :)

Darwin's avatar

I try anything twice, in case I was in a bad mood the first time. However, asking for three times is asking too much.

prude's avatar

@Darwin I like that;)

Nimis's avatar

I’ve actually physically run from durian fruit.

Only because my dad thought it’d be funny to chase me around with one.

sjmc1989's avatar

Have no idea but I have always hated them and will continue to hate them

filmfann's avatar

Okay, my kids laugh when I do this.
I cannot stand mayonnaise being out of the refridgerator. If it is used, it needs to go back in RIGHT NOW. It cannot be on the counter for 2 minutes.

whatthefluther's avatar

I’ll eat liver if prepared right (lots of onions, bacon and wine) but no other “exotic meat” (hearts, brains, intestines, etc). . And there is no chance in hell I will eat snails, raw shellfish (or even smoked oysters), or sushi…....that stuff is nothing but fishing bait! . See ya…

kenmc's avatar

@whatthefluther I’ve only ate one type of heart (pheasant) and it was surprisingly delicious. They’re definitely worth a shot if cooked right.

whatthefluther's avatar

@boots….Perhaps if cooked with lots of bacon, onions and wine (actually, I may have to kick up the last one to whiskey with a couple of preliminary shots to get in the right frame of mind)! But thanks for the recommendation (actually, there is no problem in our home…@sccrowell eats that stuff up)! See ya….wtf

Darwin's avatar

Anyone here ever had giblet gravy? Do you know what giblets are?

whatthefluther's avatar

@Darwin….Well, I certainly do….and that is precisely why you will find two gravy boats afloat in this house! See ya…wtf

YARNLADY's avatar

@whatthefluther Believe it or not, Jewish chopped liver is actually edible. I also hate liver, but my Mother in Law makes a chopped liver dish that I can eat, on the Jewish Rye bread she gets at the bakery, it’s a real treat.

Darwin's avatar

Chopped liver can be very good, as can various forms of pate and liverwurst. It is rarely low calorie, however, as most recipes require a liberal addition of some kind of fat.

whatthefluther's avatar

@YARNLADY & @Darwin…I’m know Jewish chopped liver well….yes, chicken fat makes it moist & rich & it’s great on rye. Canter’s Deli on Fairfax here in L.A. makes a great chopped liver. My grandmother made both beef & chicken…I prefer the chicken tho. Boy I sure miss my grandmother. But, she lived to 93 and cooked wonderfully to the day she passed. See ya…wtf

cyn's avatar

anything that is still alive….

CMaz's avatar

Egg salad. That is just funky. Add a glass of milk and I am out of there.

janbb's avatar

I also hate really ripe bananas. For some reason, they just gross me out; their smell and the brown skin.

scotielee's avatar

The invisible food.

CaseyWVU10's avatar

Gooey duck…they are so creepy and sci-fi looking. People actually eat those things and it boggles my mind.

Tink's avatar


Darwin's avatar

It is actually spelled Geoduck, and it tastes pretty good, if you like clams.

Chrissi85's avatar

@jamielynn2328 I am allergic to onions, pretty badly, so I get where you are coming from. Everyone loads food down with them, even food that I’m sure doesn’t need onions. To answer the question in general onions and garlic, due to being allergic, and food in tubes.. I refuse to eat anything I cant see.. it could be anything and you wouldn’t know until it was in your mouth! shudder

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

Mayonnaise and vinegar.

Frenchfry's avatar

I fear Oysters. They are slimey. I just don’t see how they would taste good.

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