General Question

Jude's avatar

Any car upholstery cleaner that you’d recommend?

Asked by Jude (32210points) July 10th, 2009

My “Bessie” is looking a little worse for wear at the moment. Coffee stains, dirt, & a good sized chocolate shake stain (six year old niece). What’s worked for you?

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4 Answers

sandystrachan's avatar

By Borax and mix it with a little water into a thick paste for stubborn stains , into a runny liquid and into a trigger bottle for normal stains and general cleaning . Add lemon juice for freshness , or mix lemon juice with water into a trigger bottle and mist for fresh smells .

gottamakeart's avatar

I’ve used murphy’s oil soap on vinyl, leather, and rubber parts of my cars, seems to remove all dirt and stains quite well. not sure about cloth (woolite maybe?)

IchtheosaurusRex's avatar

Car upholstery is pretty much the same as any other, except it gets dirtier. There’s a product called Tech that works better than most.

Sold at Ace Hardware and a lot of supermarkets.

FrankHebusSmith's avatar

If you like the car enough you could just replace the seats/get them reupholstered.

It’s surprisingly not THAT expensive (at least if you like the car enough it’s not).

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