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JLeslie's avatar

Are any of you women over 30 very healthy?

Asked by JLeslie (65850points) July 10th, 2009

When I talk to friends about some health problems I might be having it is amazing how so many women my age have or have had something go wrong with their health. I am not talking about colds and flu, but rather serious health issues or chronic problems that might not be considered serious, but have to be dealt with. This could be anything from thyroid dysfunction, to chronic pain, to significant GYN problems, autoimmune, etc. Something is very wrong, because I do not think men are affected as young or as often as we are.

I am also interested in your theories on why this might be.

I’ll take a moment to say here that I think every women should have their vitamin D checked, iron, and B12 (of my friends who have checked their D about 75% of them were EXTREMELY low, SPF protection blocks absorption of D from the sun, and you will never get enough from drinking milk. SInce it is summer if you are low normal, I would check mid-winter again to be sure you are not deficient throughout the winter). I am sure there is more to it than just vitamins and minerals but I think everything counts.

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22 Answers

kevbo's avatar

If you don’t mind my piggybacking, I’m wondering too about miscarriages.

sakura's avatar

I wouldn’t say I was the picture of health but I don’t have any medical condidtions touch wood I am 31. I am unaware of any of my friends of similar age having problems? Are you from the US or UK I wonder if this has any bearing on the issue??

JLeslie's avatar

@sakura U.S., good point, country could matter. Even within the US, we are such a large country we see differences…upper midwest sees a lot of Multiple Sclerosis compared to other areas (I wonder about vitamin D related to that) and Long Island, NY is famous for female cancers.

@kevbo I don’t mind the piggy back at all. I will tell you that the estimate for miscarriage is between 1 and 3, and 1 in 5 fail. I think the discrepency has to do with 1 in 3 cenceptions don’t make it to a live birth, but 1 in 5 known pregnancies fail, something like that not sure. Most people think if they are late, they are just late, but a lot of times you are pregnant unless youhave a history of being irregular. I have had 5 failed pregnancies, 3 miscarriages 2 ectopics, but I knew within hours of a missed period I was pregnant, because I was very regular and trying…I knew before the test told me, that is why I got the test.

jamielynn2328's avatar

I am 30 and (Knocking on some wood) haven’t had any medical problems. I had gestational diabetes with my last child, but carried her to term and delivered naturally. I come from a pretty healthy family though, my mom is 51 and is experiencing some medical issues for the first time ever. Maybe it has to do with biology.

I did experience extreme migraines a few years ago, and found out that, just like you said, I was lacking in iron and B12. Once I fixed my vitamin intake, I have been just fine.

tinyfaery's avatar

All the medical conditions I currently have are chronic conditions I’ve had since childhood or developed as a young adult: asthma, PMDD, B12 difficiency. I also look 10 years younger than I really am.

My theory as to why our bodies fall apart is that we are not meant to live as long as we do. 35 is old.

janbb's avatar

I’m 58 and in great shape: a little plump, but otherwise just fine.

JLeslie's avatar

I don’t think 35 is old. From what I understand the stats of people living an average of 40 years a 100 years ago (I am kind of making up those numbers) is because it is a mean average. 100 years ago there was a lot of infant mortality and we did not have antbiotics, two things that drastically impacted the mean. If a bunch of 3 month olds die, and a lot of people live until 75, the average is somewhere around 40.

tinyfaery's avatar

How long we live due to intervention is not the issue. Disease is meant to thin the population. We have side stepped that through technology. Most of us should be dead by now. Thus, our bodies are old, and not meant to be functioning.

JLeslie's avatar

@jamielynn2328 this is very ineteresting about a genetic mutation that seems to keep you from getting diseases
I have a friend who acquired HIV back in te 80’s. All of his friends who were infected died from it, even his boyfriend at the time (so tey were likely to have the same strain) when I worked with him he was already 12 years from his positive diagnosis and was never sick, and not taking drugs for it. His father lived to be 99 and was never sick.

tinyfaery's avatar

Yes. There are always exceptions to the rule. I think that’s called evolution. :)

jamielynn2328's avatar

@JLeslie Very interesting article. Having that mutation is kind of like having a super power.

JLeslie's avatar

@tinyfaery it’s more than that. Although it is true that modern medicine might be keeping certain ailments around, because people live with the disorders and pass the genes to their children, and the person lives longer than they would have to has time to develop other ailments, still there are people who live to be 100 with no major ilnesses.

One example of a possible enviornmental or infectious link…I saw a show where they give a peanut butter concoction to nutritionaly starved young children in Africa bordering death, it is packed full of nutrients and beings them back from deaths door. When the reporter asked the doctor at the medical facility, “what do you do if the child is allergic to peanuts?” The doctor replied, “we don’t really see any types of allergies in the primitive areas of the third world.” That’s gotta mean something, might be explained by genes too…but I think it is more than that.

tinyfaery's avatar

See my answer in the hygiene hypothesis thread.

Darwin's avatar

I thought I was healthy until I read your list of ailments. But then, back when I was in my thirties I didn’t take medications of any kind except an occasional aspirin for cramps. I really didn’t develop anything that needed pills until I was in my mid-forties. Now I take meds for low thyroid and for acid reflux.

OTOH, my husband developed diabetes in his thirties, so, at least in our case, the guy is the weaker sex.

Darwin's avatar

@JLeslie – In primitive areas, kids with allergies don’t survive long enough to reproduce. Hence, allergies are rarely seen.

aprilsimnel's avatar

I have just turned 40 last Sunday, and no one would ever, ever suspect. I run and practice karate 6 out of 7 days a week, eat properly, get decent sleep, deal with my problems, don’t smoke, keep social and I’m extremely healthy from head to toe.

I had a small tumor removed at 29 and a calcium deposit at 35, but that’s it as far as that goes. The only problem I have currently is an allergy to cat dander for which I take a Claritin™ when I know I’m going to a home where a kitty lives.

I don’t take any drugs for anything else, and everything’s running more or less as it has for the past 25 years. I feel no change in energy. I don’t see why things can’t stay as they are for a least another 15 more if I take good care of myself.

There are illnesses that some people who are slightly older than me have gotten that I’ve had to look up recently, like sciatica and root canals and gout and whatnot. I had no idea what these things were.

JLeslie's avatar

@aprilsimnel that’s wonderful. Do you live in the city or a rural area?

aprilsimnel's avatar

(No Sleep ‘til) Brooklyn!

I probably should look at vitamin supplements, but I’ll have another complete physical workup as soon as I get a job and take it from there. The last one I had was at 38 and all was well.

JLeslie's avatar

@Darwin I agree with this to some extent, it is logical. But, I think there is a chance that these kids do not even have peanuts available to know if they are allergic (depending on what part of the world). Other things you can avoid if you have minimal reactions, but to say they do not see allergies, is a big statement…not every allergy creates a life threatening reaction.

On another note: I kind of think chronic conditions stimulate the immune system and then over time lots of things start to go haywire.

YARNLADY's avatar

I have several of the health issues you mention, but I was known as a sickly child my entire life, so it doesn’t really count. I started on tyroid replacement therapy in my 20’s, but the cholesterol issues and high blood pressure didn’t appear until my 50’s.

answerjill's avatar

33—so far, so good (thank G-d).

SuperMouse's avatar

I will be 44 in September. I have carried three pregnancies to term and had no miscarriages. I have never had any gynecological problems, have no chronic health problems, and the only surgeries I’ve had were a c-section and having my wisdom teeth removed. I have also never broken a bone. I try to eat pretty well and I work out at least six days a week. I find this all rather ironic because my mother died of ovarian cancer when she was 39, and I always figured that would be my fate as well.

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