General Question

zarnold's avatar

Cheapest way to get stormtrooper armor?

Asked by zarnold (713points) July 11th, 2009

I’ve looked online and everything (even rentals) seems really expensive. Do people really pay that much, or is there some way to get it for less?

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9 Answers

Jayne's avatar

Bed a stormtrooper and slip off with his armor after he’s gone to sleep? Spike his drink? Strip poker?

cheebdragon's avatar

I’ve seen it in several Antique shops!

AstroChuck's avatar

Join the Imperial Forces.

growler's avatar

Try contacting one of the stormtrooper units. They may have people in your area and be willing to lend it to you.

jeffgoldblumsprivatefacilities's avatar

Try the old Wookie Prisoner Gag.

That’ll fool those troopers, and then phase 1 is complete.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I was going to suggest find a friend with a welder/cutting torch set up, ply him with an offer of free beer, and spend some time at a local junk yard to find old car parts that could easily be cut/shaped into what you need. Then I realized this might work for a suit of armor, but for a stormtrooper costume, it might end up weighing more than you do. :-)

YARNLADY's avatar

The authentic, licensed costume is running around $550 or so, brand new, but if you put an ad on Craigs list for a used costume, you could probably get it for half of that, or less.

There are several site that explain how to make your own, but as a former costumer, I suggest it woudl require a lot of previous experience working with molding plastic and such.

YARNLADY's avatar

Contact your local costume rental shop for better prices than you see online.

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