General Question

CMaz's avatar

Would that not refer to most of our answers?

Asked by CMaz (26323points) July 11th, 2009

“Removed due to the explicitly vain and narcissistic content of the answer.”
This is the response placed when you say something that is over the top derogatory. And Fluther removes it.

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18 Answers

Jeruba's avatar

Is there a context for this question?

eponymoushipster's avatar

frog stomp banana patch?

Dog's avatar

I am lost.

Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

I’ve never seen this written by a

Bluefreedom's avatar

Here is the question that this response came from.

I authored the answer Removed due to the explicitly vain and narcissistic content of the answer. I thought it would be a humorous reply but maybe not everyone thought so.

Here is another recent example of one of my attempts (miscues?) at humor on another question:

Me: Duplicate post removed to preserve continuity and the smooth flow of humor.
Another user: ”Duplicate post removed to preserve continuity and the smooth flow of humor.” We love you, Mods.
Me: That response was actually written by me because I posted the same answer twice by accident.

Because some answers are in Italics and have the word “removed” at the begining doesn’t always mean that the moderators have left that specific message.

Dog's avatar


CMaz's avatar

Ahh, I do like people that pay attention. :-)

Allie's avatar

[mod says:] Keep in mind that when we actually remove something, the GA button will vanish as well.

jeanna's avatar

@Bluefreedom I found it funny. :)

CMaz's avatar

I agree!

loser's avatar

I’m kind of with Jeruba on this one.

Darwin's avatar

“Removed due to the explicitly vain and narcissistic content of the answer.”

That sounds like a sensible reason to me. It certainly is more interesting than saying simply “Removed due to rudeness.” or “Removed because the mods don’t like you to talk that way.” or even “Removed for cause.”

But I must concur with Jeruba – details are lacking as why this is being brought up.

Bluefreedom's avatar

Just so everyone knows, or at least those that know me here, I don’t think I’ve ever given an answer that was so bad that it had to be removed by moderators because of rudeness, bad language, poor taste, or anything like that. The reason I chose the response I did (Removed due to the explicitly vain and narcissistic content of the answer) was because I thought it was better than the original humorous response I posted the first time around.

@augustlan. I lurve you too. But you already know that. =)

Jack79's avatar

Removed because we mods don’t like Jack…get the hell out of here! Go! Shoo!

(don’t worry, that was actually me)

wundayatta's avatar

Left in place due to the excess amount of removal going on. Did you know that in England removal means moving? Like moving your furniture to a new house? The mods are in a dipsy mood, so they removed this, but don’t be fooled because they are referring to themselves in the third person—it’s all part of the same nefarious plot to turn fluther into a fair and balanced site, that bars none, and tolerates none. No. Wait. We take that back. We are wonderful! We are truth! We are the fluther mods!!!!!

P.S. We may also be the CIA!

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