Will you recommend some books to me (and each other)?
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phoenyx (
July 12th, 2009
I set a goal a few months back to read at least one book every week. I’m doing good so far, but I’m always on the lookout for more recommendations. So all of you readers, please take a look at my hobbies and interests and give me a book recommendation.
Bonus: give a recommendation to the person who answered before you.
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35 Answers
Snow Crash and Diamond Age by Neal Stephenson
The Crooked Cucumber, by David Chadwick.
For @wildpotato: Anathem. (And Cryptonomicon, if you haven’t read it.)
I am now approximately 62.5% of the way through Anathem, and I do have to tell you that I was 200 pages in before I found anything that resembled a plot. But it’s pretty interesting now.
Manufacturing Consent – Noam Chomsky
Flow – Mihaly Csizsentmihaly
Language and Thought of the Child (Routledge Classics) by Jean Piaget
How about the long term series by Robert Jordan “The Wheel of Time” It’s fantasy.
The person above me, “When the Wind Blows” by James Patterson.
Everything by Kurt Vonnegut, Jr.
His books are short and nerdy, funny, and entertaining. And he wrote a lot of them.
Lord of the Flies….I remeber that book….well just the cover…never actually read it…
I see a fantasy fan…
Have you ever read any of Terry Pratchett’s books? I loved them. An amazing blend of magic, humour, social satire and well-developed characters. I’ve had many a laugh-out-loud moment reading his books. For starters, why not try out The Wee Free Men? It’s advertised as a children’s book, but everyone from adults to children enjoyed it. I know I did.
For @cyndihugs If you are into psychological books, why not try out Hermann Hesse’s Siddhartha(novel) Argh screw the links here it is: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siddhartha_(novel)? Simple enough to read, and it’s a simply beautiful take on the search for enlightenment.
^^^ I’m placing another vote for Terry Pratchett. My favourite is Small Gods. Pratchett’s books are not only an amazing blend of magic, humour, social satire and well developed characters as @Saturated_Brain put it but philosophy as well, but an accessible kind of philosophy, it’s good.
Or you could try Good Omens which is a joint authorship by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaimon. It’s pure gold, seriously.
Seconding Hesse.
His stuff is fantastic. Really, everything by him is great.
Haven’t read Good Omens yet, but I would recommend American Gods by Neil Gaimon.
lurve for all, thanks everyone
Interesting how a lot of my favorites are showing up.
@kevbo Haven’t read the book, but I enjoyed the documentary Word Wars
@gilgamesh Flow was interesting. Have you played flOw or flower? (which are games that try to induce flow)
@ShanEnri I was enthusiastic about the Wheel of Time series at first, but after several books I found I couldn’t keep all of the minor characters straight anymore, reading was more laborious than fun, and I’d had enough braid-tugging and arms-folded-under-the-breasting to last me for a long time. I’ll probably go back and finish the series when Brandon Sanderson is done.
@Saturated_Brain I have read a lot of Terry Pratchett (I was seriously bummed when I found out he had Alzheimer’s). In fact, I just finished A Hat Full of Sky. It’s been a long time since I’ve read Siddhartha. I should go back and read it again sometime.
Keep ‘em coming.
Oh so you’ve read Terry Pratchett already? Well, never fear!
Isaac Asimov is a good read too. In fact, everything of his that I’ve read it good.
@Saturated_Brain I’ve also read a lot of Asimov. I should see if I can find anything more by him that I haven’t read yet. Sounds like we have similar tastes in sci-fi/fantasy.
Have you read anything by Timothy Zahn?
The Perks of Being a Wallflower.
Daaaanggg… You read a lot don’t you? Have you read Kafka? Or Albert Camus? Or Ibsen?
And nope, haven’t read Timothy Zahn. How come? Why would you recommend him?
For good fantasy, try Robin Hobb. There are 3 trilogies set in the same -verse: The Farseer trilogy, The Liveship Traders trilogy, and the Tawny Man trilogy (in that order). It’s best to start with the first or the second – the Liveship Traders is one of my favorite series. Dave Wolverton wrote a great trilogy about the Dronon, unfortunately now out of print but occasionally on amazon. Of course, there’s also George R. R. Martin – you can read some chapters of his Song of Ice and Fire here
The Stand – Stephen King is probably my favorite book of all time.
Catch 22 – Joseph Heller
Out of Africa – Isak Dinesen
Lullaby – Chuck Palahniuk (Or any of his books)
A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius – Dave Eggers
Stranger in a Strange Land – Robert Heinlein
Out of the Silent Planet – C.S. Lewis
The Monkey Wrench Gang – Edward Abbey
All of these have brought me hours of enjoyment.
@wildpotato I could never get the connection between Robin Hobb and Robin Hood out of my mind.
(Maybe I should start reading his books [Hobb not Hood])
Hmmm…well regardless of gender I think Twilight is a great read. Also you might like the lord of the rings by JRR Tolkien. Also try the Davinci Code and Angels And Demons are great books I highly recommend them.
I also notived that you like comics. You may want to try manga. They are Japanese comics and they have a very beautiful uniqueness about them.
I highly recommend to you Code Geass, Death Note and Zombie Loan if you would like to try reading manga. www.onemanga.com is an online manga reading website, completely free.
I hope I helped you.
overqualified by joey comeau. (sweet book review here)
it’s only 94 pages or so, but i really liked it.
judging by your interest in reading, web comics (joey’s the writer for asofterworld, so if you like those comics, you’ll definitely like the book), people, psychology, words, stuff, whatever, etc, you might like it too. (;
also, the things they carried by tim o’brien. loved it. it’s a story about war stories. o’brien reluctantly fought in the vietnam war, and i think the book is fascinating. he has a very interesting technique…
@FujiokaHaruhi192 I finished vol. 9 of the Fullmetal Alchemist series over the weekend.
Extremely loud and Incredibly Close, and Everything is Illuminated, both by Jonathan Safran Foer.
Anything by Robert Rankin – he is awsome!!
I too loved Hearbreaking Work of Staggering Genius by Dave Eggers and anything by Tim O’Brien, his prose is brilliant. I’ve been reading Jose Saramego and I find his work very interesting.
I loooooove girly books. I’ve read all the Shopaholic books and similar…
YES! but I didnt take it too seriously…I’ve been with my bf for 3 years and a half now.. :) But check this one out… I loved it. here
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