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How fair is this punishment?
Okay – A friend of mine…I swear he’s a friend (i.e. – It’s not me) – had a child with his wife of 14 years. Long story shortened – there was a protection order placed on him from her. He calls up to ask his daughter what she wanted for her birthday, thus violating the no contct order, and she reports it. He is then sentenced to a YEAR in jail. Previous to the conviction, however, he was placed in jail with a bond of $99,000 while awaiting court – The maximum in Pierce County, Washington without the offense being a felony.
Now – In Spokane a man got into an argument with another man and told his son to get in the truck and start it. If any trouble arose he would yell to his son “GO!” and the boy was to take off and leave. The man proceeds to tie a noose, the other end of which is tied to the trailer hitch of the now running truck, and wrap it around another mans neck and yells to his son “GO!” – The boy drags the man 13 miles before getting pulled over by a trooper. Thus killing the man.
The guy who tied the noose and yelled go is sentenced to 3 months in jail and 3 years probation. Oh yeah – And the bond…$10,000.
How fair is that?
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