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Do you prefer the term Single Mothers over Divorced Mother?
I recently saw some shows with Ann Coulter as a guest, and she was talking about a lot of research she had done on single-motherhood and that the children of single mothers statistically don’t do as well as other children. I’m not sure of all of the parameters by which she measured the success of these children. Anyway, the hosts of the shows barely let her get in a word in edgewise. They got all over her, defensive, telling her examples of successful people who were raised by their mother, and angry that she is blaming mothers, etc. Ann, was finally able to say, that single mothers are not the same as divorced mothers or widowed mothers, it is mothers who have babies outside of marriage. She said the statistics for divorced moms are very similar to those of children with married parents. Every divorce mom I know does a trip on themselves about how they might have damaged the kids, maybe it would be good to know these statistics, but Ann Coulter is so ridiculous and extreme most of the time, no one wants to give her a second to talk. Generally, she is difficult for me to listen to also.
This got me thinking…would divorced moms actually prefer to be called divorced mothers rather than single mothers? Or, do they dislike the idea of labeling themselves divorced?
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