I not only imagine having multiple answers being deleted, I can one-up you….
My first four answers were deleted in the middle of the night in a single minute, and I was “indefinitely suspended” for advertising. ONE minute! Middle of the night.
So, the next morning I woke up to a totally suspended account, and not even the possibility of appeal. I suppose I could attempt to make a new account just to ask about this one-minute indefinite ban of a ‘newbie’—but, from what I read there, that too is a violation of their rules.
Askville says there cannot be ‘unsolicited advertising.’ Well, how do you answer a question about your favorite website and post a link without it being advertising? And if you do, wouldn’t that be ‘solicited’? Does it matter that you are answering a question? Advertising or not, the relevant answer to a question is not unsolicited. Askville is full of advertisements. Most of it is exactly that.
Askville says “Askville’s business model is tied to generating revenues based on the content that is created on this site.” So, the entire site is ONE BIG ADVERTISEMENT! The links I posted actually linked-back to amazon products too (in addition to having unique and relevant content to answer questions). The site is one big ad for amazon, but links that include amazon products are not allowed. Strange.
Askville also says they want to “Make newbies feel more welcomed to Askville.” I DON’T FEEL WELCOME! I am banned!
From what I’ve read here, long-time users were suddenly banned. Well, they are banning ‘newbies’ too. Who’s not banned?
I might consider linking to the above quoted askville pages, but that would undermine askville’s own ‘no unsolicited advertising’ policy. So, you can find the quotes at google. Far be it from me to advertise askville when its own policy says no!
I was summarily cut off, without appeal, in a one-minute review, in the middle of the night.