Where does fluther stand on the legalization of marijuana?
I’m sure this question has been posed here countless times, but seeing as how I’ve never been here before today and this is a personal favorite subject of mine, I’m curious how the rest of you feel.
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42 Answers
Fluther never has one single point of view on any topic. It is a collective.
@CodexNecro welcome to Fluther. There’s a search box at the top right, which you can use to find a couple hundred threads on this topic.
Come on.
Lets go another round again.
Personally I can’t stand the stuff, love the taste and smell though, weird!! If someone wants to have a smoke then we should just let them, just like I would be pissed if someone told me I couldn’t have a beer or wine with my dinner.
I’ve never “tasted” it, but smelling it makes my throat swell up. So I don’t do it anymore, but yeah if you want to do it, do it.
If you want to do it, don’t do it…it’s illegal.
@Tink1113 by taste I just mean the taste of smoking it, like the taste of a nice cigar, I just hate the way it makes me feel, now if someone could sell me some really crap marijuana that has no effect whatsoever, I’d pay top dollar for that ;-)
Hah, I’m guessing I was right and this is a tired subject here. S’all good, I’m just picking brains while trying to figure this site out.
@MrItty I appreciate your semi-sarcastic assistance, anything is better than getting trashed for not knowing how to use a site I’ve never been on. The problem is I’m on my phone with barely any signal so I can’t exactly skip along from page to page, I’m probably better off using dial-up.
@CodexNecro Welcome to the collective. I am sorry about the iphone issues. I know it is not as easy to manipulate from there. I think MrItty was only trying to show you earlier threads on the topic. There is a bread range of opinion here on the topic, probably reflective of the society at large.
Edit: broad not bread.
@RareDenver Well I never did it enough to get high, but I dont like the smell
@CodexNecro Try getting the Fluther app, it let’s you skip around more than using it on the safari, it works the same and it’s easier.
@Marina There is a bread range of opinion here
Someone’s got the munchies and food on the brain, lol
@CodexNecro there was nothing sarcastic about my response, semi- or otherwise. You posted that you were sure that this question had been asked, but posited that you were asking it again because you’d never been here for any of the other times. From that I assumed that you were unaware of the ability to search for previous threads, and I gave the most helpful answer I could based on that belief.
Bacon bits on your ass? What is that about?
Ooops, sorry wrong post. ;-)
I’ve never used any “recreational drugs” and probably have been drunk three times in my life. I tend to be annoyed with people who use a lot. Now that you know that about me you might be surprised when I say I am completely in favor of legalizing marijuana. It is stupid and illogical that alcohol is legal and pot isn’t, and especially if it helps you when you are sick come on! It’s ok to take narcotic pain killers, opiods, and not smoke some mj when you feel like shit and might be dying?! No one should be paying a fine or going to jail because they smoked some weed.
@RareDenver Thanks for catch on my abominable keyboarding skills. It did work as a Freudian slip, didn’t it?
@Marina It was a classically placed typo :-)
Ok. Think of the legalization of Marijuana as a map of the United States. Fluther stands just about where Minnesota would be.
@daloon Where would that be on your ass map? : D
Lol probably next to the crack!
Actually it’s somewhere on the left cheek, near the upper left hand corner. As it happens, places like Israel and Palestine and Saudi Arabia fall into the crack. The northernmost edge of my crack is somewhere around Moscow. ‘Course that makes sense since the map is from Russia. The nether end passes through Western Antarctica.
@MrItty my bad, I misunderstood you. I’m on a sidekick so no apps for me, the web browser on this thing hacks up pages like you wouldn’t believe so this site looks different to me than to everyone else.
@jleslie I think you’ve got the right mindset here, I completely respect you or anyone else who chooses not to smoke weed, but I do and I know what it does to my body. I work (sort of) hard all day, every day and I don’t see why I can’t light up afterwards if I’m not being harmed and neither is anyone else.
CA has been talking about it a lot lately. I’m all for it. We need the tax money.
@tinyfaery, absolutely, taxation would generate ludicrous amounts of money, then maybe my little brother and little sister won’t have to use books from the cold war era in school. Not to mention the money we could save if the govt did away with the abysmal failure that is the war on drugs.
Legalize it, and educate about it accurately. I have no interest in using it, but it’s a waste of people’s lives to have all the criminality about it, and it probably dramatizes it and makes it more attractive and more used than what I imagine will eventually happen if it’s legalized.
@CodexNecro If you smoke every day, I might argue you are being harmed, but I am not trying to preach (if you are interested in my opinion on that I will tell you), I just don’t think you are a criminal, and the law should have nothing to do with your use, except if it endangers others, the same as prescription drugs and alcohol.
I suppose the community in Fluther is leaned toward legalizing. That’s just the feeling I got when reading a couple of questions regarding cannabis.
Personally I support the model Spain government has. Grow for yourself, smoke for yourself and we’re all good off.
@JLeslie, this is true, but smoking anything in large quantities is bad for you. If I spent everyday picking some of my mom’s tulips from the garden and smoking them, it’d be bad.
Making marijuana taxable is a bad thing. And, will prevent it from ever being legal.
Growing for personal us only is the only way to go.
ChazMaz, explain to me, how can you tax something that’s illegal?
That is under the pretense that it was to be made legal.
@CodexNecro I think you are referring to the smoke you are inhaling, I am reffering to the dependency. What I would say is that if you hate going without it for day, if you are edgy if you don’t get to smoke, no good. But, I say this about almost all addictive substances so I am very “conservative” on this issue. Not judgmental.
What I’m trying to communicate is at least know if you are addicted, I am not saying you are, but know, don’t be in denial. Like, I was addicted to caffiene, if I didn’t drink it every day I felt like shit, looked sick, developed a headache by 3:00 in the afternoon. I don’t think there is anything wrong with having caffiene every day, but I say if you drink it, drink it, don’t complain to me you have a headache and have to leave work when you can avoid a headache by making sure you have a coffee. Now, with alcohol, people who drink every day, sometimes they think they are just relaxing with a couple of glasses of wine at night, but then when they can’t have it they are not happy, moody, maybe even going through some withdrawal. I am NOT saying poeple who drink should go ahead and drink like my caffiene example. Look, there are surgeons who take a drink before surgery to make sure their hands are steady—that is scary shit, but true. So, I dont want that surgeon to surgery on me if he has a drink in him or not, because he is either altered by his drug of choice or altered by the lack of it, either way he is altered. So if you are addicted, I’m not saying you are, but if you are, be aware of what happens to you. I do believe that some people can smoke it for months and then just leave it no problem, some can’t, just be honest with yourself.
JLeslie, I think I know what you’re trying to say.
On addiction. I have to say, I’ve been growing concerns for myself, since my smoking habits have become more frequent. I can say that I have acquired some drug culture knowledge, knowing when to use it, but more importantly, knowing when NOT to use it. I’ve met people saying they need a joint to forget about their trouble, to unwind, to stop worrying. I say this is drug abuse, no excuse. There are two points that neeed to be pointed out, one of which is most certain to occur. It is the fact that after intoxication, problems are still going to be here. Deal with them before, then get high. Second point being that not only one is in a sucky mood before, one may experience a really bad ‘trip’ while intoxicated, so to say. So I’ve come to a conclusion that I smoke more frequently just because I’ve gotten worries off my back, now being free to enjoy it full scale. Because that’s the point of it. To enjoy it.
And I know that when school starts, I’ll be able to function normally without experiencing any withdrawal syndroms. That is both due to my strong argument of smoking without worries and due to the nature of marijana itself – causes no addiction (somatic), no dependency and no tolerance-development.
@daloon You had me rolling on the floor, laughing my map off! :)
You got my support. But an awareness level has to be created that THC can be as dangerous as alcohol. We all know that prohibition failed in the past.
@LanceVance Wel, not sure I am really communicating well what I mean. I’m saying that if you are altered when you toke and altered while your not, because you NEED a toke, then I think you should not be using at all, you’re addicted, and it affects the people around you, possibly your work, and your driving. That’s not just getting drunk or hi every other weekend to have a good time. With pilots, and surgeons, and truck drivers it is a zero tolerance in my opinion, for people similar to you I think eventually can catch up to you.
I got a somthing to tell you all…CANADA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I smoke it everyday .. We love it here it’s a part of our culture
@daloon Not any more. I laughed it off!
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