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Tomorrow would have been my parent's anniversary. I am truly at a loss, do I still recogonize it and acknowledge by giving mom a card?
My father died in January. To a point, none of us have yet to really say he’s truly gone. We are stumbling around it. My mom signs all of her cards to the family, “Nana and Papa.” Honestly, it’s more comforting that way, it seems odd not to have his name there.
Tomorrow is their anniversary. She’s going to be home, all day and has already said she would rather be alone, which we will respect her wishes – they frequently change. The problem is, my sister and I do not know whether to say anything, give her a card or what we should do. We don’t want it to look like we forgot, but we don’t want to hurt her, either.
Death of a loved one doesn’t come with guidelines. I feel so totally lost in what I should and should not be doing. Help!
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