What types of pain do you actually enjoy?
I still remember the conversation between the two great philosophers.
Daffy Duck was explaining to Bugs Bunny…
“I can’t stand pain like most people. It hurts me”.
Perhaps you enjoy the pain (struggle) of gardening. Can pain excite the pleasure of sex? Do your muscles thank you when they burn after a good workout? Will the stinging sweat in your eye during a runners high make the experience any more enjoyable? Are you thankful for the pain when overcoming an addiction, reminding you that wholeness is on the way?
Is there a pain in your life that you consistently move towards, or is it to be avoided at all costs?
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84 Answers
The only pain I might enjoy is the one which comes after exercise. It lets me know that I’m trying to make sure that I live a fulfilling life.
Other than that, I view pain not as something to be enjoyed, but as a necessity. Without pain, how can we truly appreciate comfort?
I love pain during sex. A good slap or twist or pull. I love a good workout. It feels great to know that you’re doing something good for your body. Sometimes I like the feeling of my stomach cramping when I’m really hungry, that one’s kind of weird, don’t understand it. I love the feeling of tattoos and piercing while it’s being done. (not the aching afterward.)
I don’t like the feeling of heartache but it’s reassuring because you know what you had was special. Remembering a loved one is bittersweet. I must like it because I do it everyday.
Some say experiencing pain is how they know they’re alive. Not for me but I love that idea.
When I was little, I loved the pain of pushing a tooth out early.
I was so Bill Murry in Little Shop of Horrors
I like my teeth cleaned. Especially when they have to get the pick out and go deep.
Certain types of pain during sex are arousing, even to the point of it being agonizing. but then, perhaps I have a bit of a masochistic streak Pain is indeed one way to experience being alive, but when my hernia begins to hurt, I just want it to go away. It’s odd how one sort of pain is welcomed, and another is avoided.
i do not enjoy any pain, no matter how beneficial or salutary for me the event causing it might be. Maybe the pain doesn’t cause me suffering, because it is connected with something that is doing me good, but the pain itself i certainly do not enjoy.
As regards exercise, my impression is that i somehow am endorphin-deficient—i never get a feeling of well-being after exercise.
The delicious pain of eating something really hot fiery and spicy (chilli peppers)!!! My nose is running, my eyes are tearing up, my face is red and sweaty, my tongue is on fire, the taste buds are enlarged, my heart is racing. I’m taking short hissy breaths associated to eating fiery hot stuff. Can’t talk, just gasp for air… Ooooooo….... pass the birds eye chillis and Jalepenos!
@Velvetinenut : good point that you make there about the effect of capcicains(sp?)—
i might have to modify my answer to take that into account.
“What does not kill me makes me stronger.”
I love getting my eyebrows waxed. Don’t ask me why, it feels good.
Good massages are a “good” pain, too. They can hurt so much, it makes you want to cry, but man are they great.
The pain that comes from breaking up a fight or stopping a thief.
@Velvetinenut I completely forgot about the wonderful endorphin rush inducing pain of capsaicin! The pain of hot peppers isn’t really pain though, its more like a sweet burn. I love the way a hot pepper sets my mouth on fire, and thanks for reminding me of this exquisite and very welcoming form of culinary torture.
I love the feeling of soreness the day following some great physical exertion; it tells me that I am becoming stronger because of it.
@Bri_L I used to do the same thing!
@Velvetinenut I totally forgot about that and that’s the best of all!
I like the pain (not to an excess, surely) when I, or someone else pulls out my hair. Strange?
I enjoy the pain of gauging my earlobes, I can’t explain what it is but something about the way it feels like they’re just going to rip open is definitely enjoyable to me.
I also don’t mind having some scratch marks on my back after some one-on-one time with my girlfriend ;)
Annnnd I DEFINITELY agree with the spicy food, my stepdad and I have a sort of competition where he tries to make buffalo wings that are too much for me to handle. I’ve yet to have some that were too hot.
When I have poison ivy, if I stand in a scaldingly hot shower and run the water over the lesions, it hurts so good. Not sure why, but it makes the itching stop and gives me the shivers.
Hot peppers and the completely different effect of wasabi – both pleasurable in measured amounts.
Pain during sex only when my threshold has been raised by prolonged stimulation.
The pain of lactic acid buildup as a result of exercise, and then only because I understand what the results will be.
sex, workout, tattoos. in a nut shell
Yes, I do like the pain a tattoo gives. When being applied.
Tattoos and piercings. Pressing on bruises.
… and I can’t think of anything else.
Sexual pain and the soreness after a good workout
A tattoo machine etching its way across my skin.
A needle piercing through my skin.
Muscles screaming bloody murder after a hard workout.
A lover biting my neck, scratching my back or giving me a quick nibble on my bottom lip.
And, of course: sex. During and after.
I do like FACADE’s answers.
I like the pain of a work out.
I liked the pain of childbirth.
I like the pain that is inflicted during sex (nothing brutal, just a bit rough)
pressing on healing bruises
over stretching
( I read a whole lot of tattoo pain, mine didn’t hurt at all so I can’t count that one)
When you chew a piece of Big Red or other overpowering gum that feels like it could burn through your tongue. I like to chew on it for a second then stick it between my tongue and the roof of my mouth until it burns so bad my eyes water.
Stress. It’s weird but I love working under stress. I work better and just love the idea of so much going on at a time. Other then that, I’d say sex or just like your arms being sore.
Tattoos. I also like to rub painful muscles and push on bruises. For some reason it just feels so much better after applying pressure and causing pain.
@tinyfaery I know exactly what you mean. If I work out or or end up with some sort minor injury, It feels so much better to press on it or stretch out the respective limb and get that special kind of pain that I wouldn’t actually say hurts because it’s not like falling or getting hit by something, it’s different somehow and feels completely good. It’s not like pain for pleasure like some S&M thing, the feeling from pressing on the wound just feels entirely pleasurable.
my retainer felt sorta good and it sorta hurt!
I attempt to avoid masochism as much as I can. I’ve never found pleasure in any type of pain that didn’t need to be there or shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Life is so much more worthwhile, in my opinion, with an abundance of pleasure and satisfaction whenever and wherever you can get it.
ass spanking!
just joking
The first step into the hot tub. Ow, ow, ow, oh, oh oh ummmmmmm
@YARNLADY – Oh you nailed it on the head! I forgot that one. And the typed out sound effects? Icing on the cake. Serious lurve!
Haha! I was thinking of the hot tub answer a few hours ago… That’s right!
i do miss the pain i felt after playing football with my friends.
I quit playing after breaking my ribs. That pain got to be more than I cared for.
@cyndihugs I do love a good ass spanking, don’t see them as a real “pain” though
There are degrees of pain associated with sex that spark adrenaline surges which is what my brain is really after. It’s pretty tough to not find a bungler though.
@syz : masking one pain sensation with a different one (as with the hot water on the poison ivy, or scratching an itch, or salt on a mosquito bite) is called a “counterirritant” effect. The pain more recently begun is novel and so automatically receives more attention and thereby shunts the other one to the back burner until your pain receptors become habituated to the later one, at which point the counterirritant effect starts wearing off—that’s why you have to keep scratching and scratching.
@prude It’s something I enjoy.
I like pain during sex and during getting tattoos done
why does everyones tattoo’s hurt when they get them done?
maybe the tattoo people are being mean?
It hurts because you’re technically getting stabbed a thousand times a minute.
@prude – that reminds me of that Patrick Swayze movie Road House where he plays this cooler Dalton and he says
pain don’t hurt
@all of fluther saying that tattoo’s hurt
your all nuts
@prude I have 8 tattoos. The one on my ribs hurt like a mother. And everyone I have ever known that has had their ribs tattooed said it hurt. If you don’t feel any pain while getting a tattoo it is unique to you.
@tinyfaery I think maybe you guys pissed off your tattoo artist or something
I find it hard to believe that something like this can be unique to just me
@prude – so what would your explanation be? Other than other than the very unlikely event that they are pissing off their tattoo artist or every single one getting a poorly skilled one or one with bad equipment.
Maybe you just have a love and or high tolerance for that type of pain. Could be. My one sister said it hurt like a mother. My other, not so much. Still hurt. She said she didn’t enjoy it. But not like a mother.
@Bri_L well, maybe it was (still?) my addiction to pain pills?
@prude you’re they only person I’ve ever heard of to claim that tattoo’s cause them no pain at all. So it might be.
@prude – maybe. It could be that it just doesn’t bother you. It’s a big world. That isn’t to far out to believe. It’s just your disbelief that the activity would be so painful to others I find surprising. But if you don’t feel it as painful at all, then that would also make sense.
@Bri_L what I find surprising is that so many say they are and I can’t wrap my head around how they can be and if so, then why do so many do it over and over?
People say they hurt because they hurt. You’re getting cut over and over during the process. They do it over and over because they don’t mind the pain so much Since the end result is worth it to them. To be honest if you really feel no pain at all getting a tattoo you’re a very rare person.
@Resonantscythe ok, I guess.
I don’t think I can list that as a talent or anything, so maybe it just goes in my “freak” file?
Maybe so :). But seriously, tattoo artists and people getting them done Alike you’re the only person who claims no pain, so be proud and call people pansies I guess.
Not all of my tattoos hurt. My outer arms and my back didn’t really hurt. There was definitely a sensation, but I wouldn’t describe it as pain. My inner
arm, foot, and ribs hurt. Sure I was able to endure, but it hurt.
I think it has a lot to do with location. I hear tramp stamps and breasts (typical places women get tattoos) don’t hurt too much.
@Resonantscythe to tell you the truth, all the people I have ever met IRL (ok, aside from 2) said that it don’t hurt. (1 said it was incredibly painful, but he had a traditional tattoo, went from his neck to his calves)
@prude Really? you sure they didn’t just get them in areas where your skin is thicker or less sensitive. Everyone I’ve heard talk about it say that except for certain spots that it’s gonna hurt to some extent no matter what.
@Resonantscythe arms, calves, feet, toes, fingers, behind the ear, nape of the neck, below the eye, elbows, around the bellybutton, small of back, upperback, pubic bone area, ankles, hands and fingers
and the ass
@prude Wow. Maybe its the equipment being used. Anyone I’ve asked has said any part of the neck is excruciating.
I’ve heard that tattoos hurt as well. The reason people do it over and over is somewhat of a tribal rights of passage thing… suffering through some sort of pseudo initiation.
It’s not earned if it doesn’t hurt.
Well, to me, saying my tattoos hurt is relative, I guess. I have a giant backpiece, that was 40 hours of work in 12 sessions -some of them hurt, some of them didn’t. When you get tattooed over kidneys for example or over your sternum where there is no fat, it hurts. I just got a tattoo on my lower foot and when it was closer to the heel, it hurt more. But comparatively to all my other tattoos, it didn’t hurt. The one behind my ear hurt, I remember. And p.s.: my tattoo artist loves me and wouldn’t ever hurt me, unless I asked him to.
Man I wish these avatars were bigger! I miss seeing your beautiful artwork.
@RealEyesRealizeRealLies mine weren’t earned, they were gifts
(I only have 2)
and the one guy who had a traditional tribal one said it was (it went across his adams apple) all the others (the ones not going across the adams apple) said it didn’t hurt
@prude – “That“http://www.fluther.com/disc/50098/what-types-of-pain-do-you-actually-enjoy/#quip698901 is what I meant to say!
i like the pain of being scrathced really hard :P
@sadiewade welcome to fluther. Lurve.
Is it pronounced Sadie Wade or Sadie Wadie?
I just found this thread, and I’m in pain. I can feel the aches of yesterday’s hike starting up, and I love it. Every time I move, I can feel another muscle that just got a little stronger. Doing daily vinyasa yoga keeps me in a constant state of “workout pain”, which makes me want to work out even more to relax those muscles and build others.
hey, great double pun! “RealEyesRealizeRealLies ”
Psst…@LexWordsmith…that’s a triple.
Interesting point—there are really three puns: if we call the three elements A, B, and C, then there is a pun between A&B, a pun between A&C, and a pun between B&C. i had never thought of it that way.
does anyone have an example of a true “double” pun? it would, of course, still have to have three elements, but one of the three pairings would have to fail to be a pun.
@ru2bz46 : Thanks for the correction! if i could vote you a GA twice, i would.
@tinyfaery I’m the same way – I loove getting tattoos. The one I got on my neck was profoundly the best. I also like being Bitten ;)
@Clair & @Allie ; Ahh the sting of pleasure… and the -breathing to it can be done _more and person looks at you like you crazy and then see’s the devil look in your eyes!
Let’s see….I enjoy most pysical pain, particularly being burned or bitten. I also like being punched, clawed, stabbed, or cut. Just not on the face. I like it best when its around my neck, back, shoulders, arms, thighs, chest, or stomach. I’m a bit of a masochist….heheheh.
Emotional pain….only when its caused by people I hate. I like being mad….It makes me punch things.
Having itchy hairs pulled out one by one from my back is so painful but so erotic mmmmmmy just the through
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