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anonyjelly16's avatar

Need ideas for Funny Miniature Golf Awards?

Asked by anonyjelly16 (747points) July 17th, 2009

I will be helping out with some awards at a miniature golf game. To give you an idea of what I am looking for, here are some of the award ideas that everyone liked:

1) The Jacques Cousteau Award – for the most golf balls ending up in water.
2) A “Golf for Dummies” book.
3) Best Dressed.

Thanks so much for your help guys!

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8 Answers

Jack_Haas's avatar

Billy Mays award – Mightiest putter?

J0E's avatar

Longest Drive

fireside's avatar

The Eye of the Tiger (Woods) Award for lowest score

The Happy Gilmore Award for hitting the most obstacles

ragingloli's avatar

a golf gti as the main prize.

fireside's avatar

A box of erasers for changing scores should go to the loser.

Bri_L's avatar

The “Greatest Putz” award

The “Stroked the Longest” award

The “Couldn’t Hear Your Golfing Over Your Outfit” Award

The “Most Creative Math On Their Scorecard” Award

The “More Time Off the Course Than On” Award

The “Needed 3 Digits for Their Score” Award

filmfann's avatar

The Joe Award. Most shots made against a Volcano.

What too obscure?

Mimimimiinfl's avatar

Need gag gift ideas for miniature golf prizes. Any suggestion would be great.

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