General Question

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

Can employers make employees pay for drug testing in NJ?

Asked by SquirrelEStuff (10015points) January 6th, 2008

My union is enforcing mandatory drug testing for its 4000 members. The cost is approximately $750,000 for the first year. The cost for the first year is going to be split between the members and the contractors. I have been on the NJ Dept of Labor website, and it says employers can not make possible employees pay for pre-employment drug testing. Does this count for employees that are already employed? The reason they give us for the testing, is to save the contractors money on workers compensation premiums. Is it legal to charge the employees to pay to save the contractors money? Something doesnt seem right here.

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2 Answers

ironhiway's avatar

From your link:The first-year cost, is being split between Local 164 and the North Jersey chapter of the National Electrical Contractors Association. After that, contractors will bear the expense

Those who test positive lose 30 , 60, 90 days for 1st, 2nd, and the third. They also must undergo counseling, covered by the union’s mental health benefits program, and rehabilitation if warranted.

Members must pass a follow-up test, at their own expense, before returning to work.
I don’t know if I’m reading this right Chris but unless your a contractor it appears the cost is covered for you, unless it’s a post positive retest after the penalty phase.

If your a contractor, then your not an employee.

SquirrelEStuff's avatar

but the first year cost is split between the contractors and 164. 164 Is the employees. It comes out of our welfare fund.

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