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CMaz's avatar

Why is farting so funny?

Asked by CMaz (26323points) July 18th, 2009

Is it just one of lifes simple, and free pleasures?

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31 Answers

SirBailey's avatar

I had a female boss that used to pass gas in front of her subordinates and it was NOT so funny. It was looked at as “You’re such garbage that I can fart in front of you”. That DID reflect her overall treatment of us.

It was FAR from funny.

Even without that, I don’t find it funny. I think it’s rude.

CMaz's avatar

Now you see. That is a funny FART story. :-)

SirBailey's avatar

It’s one level up from crapping on a person. Now if that’s your thing…

filmfann's avatar

Cause it’s a gas!

filmfann's avatar

One of my co-workers would vent himself in a group, and just tell everyone “Breathe through your mouths, not your noses. They taste better than they smell.” It might have been the most sickening thing I ever heard.
He would also occasionally fart, and say “I blew you a kiss!”

chyna's avatar

I don’t think it is funny, but the 30 something year old’s in my office think it is hilarious and seem to be able to fart on command. Sheesh, grow up.

SirBailey's avatar

If it’s happening on the job then the boss isn’t doing HIS job. And when the BOSS does it, WOW!

cwilbur's avatar

Petitio principii: farting is not funny.

Saturated_Brain's avatar

Toilet humour… Amusing in doses, disgusting in buckets.

OreetCocker's avatar

It’s awesome, and if it’s ur thing, check out the ifart app on app store, it’s vfunny and you can record your own!!!

cookieman's avatar

It’s hilarious…if you’re ten.

Beyond that it’s juvenille and repulsive.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

OMIF, you guys. Farting has a universal appeal, and if you take yourself so seriously that a simple fart makes you think you are better than everyone else, then I don’t want to know you. It might not be appropriate everywhere, but christ, you act like someone just shit in your Cheerios. It’s perfectly natural, and actually healthy. It shows that your digestive system is doing its job.

I for one find fart humor funny, and that is one thing I share with one of my favorite authors, Kurt Vonnegut, who found fart humor amusing as well.

hug_of_war's avatar

I find fart humour incredibly stupid and immature.

SuperMouse's avatar

I don’t find flatulence amusing at all, probably because I had three brothers who thought it was the funniest thing on the planet and I had my fill growing up. @evelyns_pet_zebra I agree that it is natural so I don’t find it repulsive necessarily, I just don’t think it is funny. That being said, I know a 40-something woman who wants to make a needlepoint pillow that says “Farts are Funny” and my ex and my three sons think there is really nothing more hilarious than a nice loud smelly gas.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I don’t think the foul odor is funny, and can be quite disgusting and repulsive, but the sounds are humorous. Eh, must be a guy thing.

Sort of like women all think babies are cute, even the ones that look like the result of first cousins getting married, or someone dating outside their species.

MerMaidBlu's avatar

Farting is very natural, it can relieve some pain after a greasy meal and can also be a warning that something with more substance is on it’s way. I agree with the fact that not all chosen times can be appropriate, however, if you are around people you are comfortable around and they don’t seem to mind…let ‘em rip! I’m 26 and I have thought farting is funny since I can remember…has anyone seen the episode of South Park where everyone spontaneously combusted from holding one in? Or a skit from George Carlin about letting 25% of a fart out to see if the people around you can handle the smell?...that’s funny stuff

MerMaidBlu's avatar

lol it’s not just a guy thing…the smell definitely isn’t pleasant but the sounds are the best part about it

CMaz's avatar

My ex wife use to hate when I farted. And, she said she “never” farted. But her silent but deadly ones use to crack her up.Go figure. ;-)

sakura's avatar

Fart and then waft the covers for full effect :D

Facade's avatar

I think farts are hilarious :)
The different sounds are most amusing
lighten up guys

cyn's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra cat’s cradle?
i have that book

Bluefreedom's avatar

It’s not funny when your mouth is open and someone let’s go right in front of your grill!

Come to think of it, I don’t see much humor in farting at all. But that’s just me.

cyn's avatar

It’s just the noise that’s funny.

Facade's avatar

@cyndihugs the smell is funny too, especially if it’s very foul teehee

cyn's avatar

@Facade EWWW! a mixture of beans, meat, broccoli, eggs…

SuperMouse's avatar

@Facade you have obviously never lived with a person with UC or any other stomach issues! My ex could clear a room in mere seconds! I didn’t believe that anyone could be awakened by the smell of smoke until one night the smell of his gas woke me from a sound sleep. It was just awful – nothing funny about it. lol4rl!

dannyc's avatar

I only find it funny when my dog farts and gives me a stupid look.

Sariperana's avatar

Ohhhh i have double standards…
I find it hilarious when its my own…
But when its someone elses? Disgusting!

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

@cyndihugs I was thinking more of Galapagos, as there is a great fart reference in that book.

NaturallyMe's avatar

A well placed albeit inappropriate fart is usually always funny. Like in a meeting. Or in parliament. Or mostly anywhere where there’s a gathering and there’s a silence that’s just begging to be interrupted by a fart.
I don’t know why i find them funny, but i just do. And i’m 31.

My dad sometimes blames his fart on the fridge.

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