General Question

tinyfaery's avatar

Can you give me a few recommendations for great restaurants in San Diego?

Asked by tinyfaery (44304points) July 18th, 2009 from iPhone

We are off on a weekend adventure. We want really good food. Atmosphere casual. Prices under $35 a plate.

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7 Answers

Joe_Freeman's avatar

If you want great pizza, Marino’s in Pacific Beach (92109) has the best around, in my opinion, based on 38 years of pizza-eating in San Diego County. I’d recommend the straight cheese pizza or, if you must, a pepperoni pizza is almost as good. If you’re looking for fruits and veggies on your pizza, go elsewhere. Oh, and it’s dirt cheap.

For the best pancakes around, by far, check out the Original Pancake House, one of which is on Convoy Street in Kearny Mesa. For the best hamburgers, both The Waterfront (Little Italy) and Danny’s Palm Bar (Coronado) are outstanding. Nothing else comes close.

YARNLADY's avatar

For great German cuisine, go to the Kaiserhof Restaurant and Biergarten

NaturalMineralWater's avatar

Holy cow.. great restaurants in San Diego….. I could not possibly choose just one. That’s the fun part though… go to a random restaurant and see how it is.. just so you’ve experienced it.

I’m a sucker for Mexican food so El Torrito was one of my favorite spots. Tortilla soup… mmmmmm

Dr_C's avatar

If you are into sea food an someone repelling mission impossible style on a huge wine-wall try Osetra in the gaslamp quarter… for spanish food Ole Madrid or Cafe Sevilla, for italian (on the cheap) Bucca di Beppo, Steak.. Morton’s or Mr. A’s, French Le Fountaiblleu, sunset drinks “Top of the Hyatt” on the 40th floor of the Hyatt in downtown… Mexican go for Guadalajara in old town, Mimi’s Cafe has a bit of everything for any taste…Hob-Nob grill on banker’s hill is great… Rock Bottom Brewery…. Cafe Bassam…. there’s too manyplaces to choos from… and i haven’t even started on places outside of Downtown!

simone54's avatar

Since, you ask. I should shameless plug my place….

Too bad I just worked 9 hours and I don’t feel like typing things.

Grisaille's avatar

@simone54 You stay classy, San Diego.

Couldn’t resist.

tabbycat's avatar

I don’t get to San Diego nearly as much as I used to, but I must recommend the Prado Restaurant at Balboa Park. It’s near the museums and usually very busy, but every time I’ve been there, I’ve had an excellent meal. Sort of Mexican/Italian fusion.

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