General Question

claire18's avatar

Should I use bleach to fix some white clothes that came out pink last time I washed them?

Asked by claire18 (2points) January 6th, 2008

I wash my clothes in a laundromat and last time my whites all came out pink. I assume it’s because of whoever washed their clothes before me in that machine. Anyway, if I use bleach this time, will that make them white again? How do I use bleach?

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4 Answers

PupnTaco's avatar

If they’ve been dried it may be too late, but the bleach couldnt hurt.

gooch's avatar

I would but don’t use too much it will eat up your clothes also use hot water

figbash's avatar

I’ve had this happen before and I was able to remove the pink with a box of Rit Dye Remover. This was a few years back, but I was able to find it in Target.

Ronald's avatar

hot water used with bleach may destroy the fabric..caution!

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