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Fred931's avatar

GT Legends Game Mod; Help please?

Asked by Fred931 (9434points) July 18th, 2009

I’m probably just having a run of bad luck on this, but…

I’m trying a lot of trainers on GT Legends for 1 or 10 million dollars, but none of them seem to work for me. I have my game patched to Any ideas?

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2 Answers

rpm_pseud0name's avatar

Here is a cheat that will unlock everything, which I guess will render money useless.

Unlock all tracks and cars.
Create an empty file named “TG2001.DYN” in your GTL installation direction. Any new profiles created in-game thereafter will have all tracks and cars unlocked from the start.

Fred931's avatar

I’ve definitely tried doing this, @rpmpseudonym, but it’s never worked. Where exactly should I place the file? Next to the first file inside the Program Files file? Inside of that file? Inside the user profile directory?

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