General Question

kenmc's avatar

Is the "Pyramid of the Capitalist System" still applicable in today's society?

Asked by kenmc (11786points) July 19th, 2009

The Pyramid of the Capitalist System is an image I’ve stumbled upon quite a bit.

Do you think it’s out dated? Was it true in the first place? What are your thoughts on the image?

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11 Answers

dalepetrie's avatar

Only if the top caption read “we own you”.

kenmc's avatar

@dalepetrie Only if….. ?

YARNLADY's avatar

The image itself, and the idea behind it is an idealistic way of looking at a very complicated process. It does not now, nor did it ever present an accurate representation of the actual process.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

ideologically speaking yes of course. money flows up, always has in capitalism.

dalepetrie's avatar

Only accurate/applicable if….

Bluefreedom's avatar

I think the “Pyramid Scheme” is still occurring in today’s society even though it is a highly dubious venture and not very popular either.

Strauss's avatar

In short, yes

Zendo's avatar

It is still a very accurate representation of a simple system.

Jack79's avatar

Well, it is not so much obsolete as it was simplistic to start with. The model still works more or less in most capitalist societies, though of course some details have changed over the years, due to the opening of international markets as well as technological innovation. But the basic idea is still the same.

benjaminlevi's avatar

How could capitalism be anything else?

Hypocrisy_Central's avatar

I high amount of slick propaganda is what I think that was.

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