General Question

JLeslie's avatar

Is it a law/regulation/code that all hotels have to triple sheet the beds? And, is it true that blankets only need to be washed every three months?

Asked by JLeslie (65935points) July 20th, 2009

I tried to find the answer on the internet, but am not having any luck. I thought all hotels beds are supposed to have a bottom sheet then a top sheet, then the blanket/comforter and then a sheet over that? But, that was not the case in a hotel I stayed in recently. I thought this rule existed because they don’t have to wash blankets often, and for that matter how often do they have to wash the bedspreads when there is one?

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17 Answers

eponymoushipster's avatar

I worked in a professional laundry, and yes, the outer blankets only get a washing quarterly, unless they show reason to be washed before that.

JLeslie's avatar

Gross. I hope someone says that they are supposed to be triple sheeted. I had to ask for an additional sheet, and I think they thought I was nuts.

Tink's avatar

Ewwww, I hate sleeping in hotels. I’m a germaphobic
I guess they need to have less contact with the actual bed?
But the idea that they only wash it every 3 months is even more disturbing.

eponymoushipster's avatar

that’s the general idea. plus, they’re more expensive to replace than sheets, and washing wears them out.

BBSDTfamily's avatar

The reasons that it’s hard finding a definite answer is that different states have different laws on this, but hotel chains enforce their own rules on top of these. Best bet is to always spend the extra $ to stay somewhere with a good reputation.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

This is why I prefer camping.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic because sleeping in animal shit on the ground, you at least know where you stand?~

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@eponymoushipster I’m a savvy enough outdoorsman not to sleep on animal feces. I put a tarp on the ground, put a tent on top of that and sleep in a sleeping bag on top of an inflatable mattress. None of which have been jizzed, lubed or otherwise oozed on by strangers.

JLeslie's avatar

Ewww…lol. My husband jokes that he is going to bring a black light with him to hotels to freak me out.

eponymoushipster's avatar

@The_Compassionate_Heretic i didn’t want to tell you this, but raccoons are nature’s pranksters. they sneak into tents and teabag campers.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

@eponymoushipster I knew it! The little bastards!

Facade's avatar

So all the semen and vaginal fluid on the blankets is there for three months because the hotel is too cheap to buy new ones when they get “worn”? How disgusting

eponymoushipster's avatar

@Facade that’s why i bang all my whores on the floor. the germs.

Supacase's avatar

Are we talking about the bedspread or the blanket underneath? Or (eww) both? I always pull the bedspread off right away, but sometimes you need the blanket for warmth.

I was in a Hyatt a week or so ago and used the folded (and banded, so you know the maid has attended to it in some way or another) throw blanket. I could tell it wasn’t freshly laundered and it grossed me out.

JLeslie's avatar

@Supacase we are talking blanket, but I was wondering about the bedspread too, and to be honest I hate staying where there is a bedspread. Marriott consistantly seems to use triple sheets and comforters. Most of Hilton seems to also?? I check the pictures on the internet before I book a room.

YARNLADY's avatar

You could call the health department to find out what the local regulations are. Every different jurisdiction has different rules, city, county, and state.

It also depends on what the policy of the hotel management is. I would never stay in a hotel that only washed the top blanket quarterly. For specific questions, ask the manager.

cookieman's avatar

When we travel, my wife brings her own pillow, blanket and a can of Lysol. Me? I just sleep on whatever they give me.

Ironically, at home, she’s a major slob and I’m a neat freak.

When I’m on vacation, so long as it apears clean, I just don’t care. I’m there to relax.

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