General Question

jonsblond's avatar

What can I do with this butter?

Asked by jonsblond (44447points) July 20th, 2009

My husband and I left our sons home alone for 36 hours and they left a 2 lb tub of butter out all night until we returned. Is it safe to eat?

I really hate to throw it out if we can’t eat it. Does anyone know what we could use it for?

My 74 yr. old mother will be very proud of me for not throwing it out. Please help!

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18 Answers

La_chica_gomela's avatar

It’s fine. timothykinney keeps his butter out all the time, as in, unrefrigerated. It’s home is on a shelf or the counter.

Dog's avatar

My grandmother kept butter out all the time with no ill-effects.
In our home such errors are exploited by our dog leaving us without any butter at all.

augustlan's avatar

I’ve read that butter is very stable due to all the salt. I still can’t wrap my head around it though.

Tink's avatar

Didn’t it melt?

jonsblond's avatar

@augustlan Neither can I. That’s why I asked.

@Tink1113 It didn’t melt. We had a very cool weekend so it didn’t get very warm in the house. The tub was warm and the butter wasn’t as firm but it looked fine.

jrpowell's avatar

We keep sticks of butter on the counter for days. Once we open one it doesn’t go back in the fridge. Never had any problems.

Jeruba's avatar

My mother always kept butter out, too. And margarine. They lived on top of the refrigerator. You’re fine.

YARNLADY's avatar

I’m assuming you mean real, dairy butter, and not the vegetable oil spread. It doesn’t hurt to leave it out.

jonsblond's avatar

Thank you everyone! My daughter eats grilled cheese daily for lunch and I was afraid the butter would make her sick.

@YARNLADY Yes. It’s spreadable butter.

eponymoushipster's avatar

yeah, we leave ours out.

if all else fails, use it as lube.

Zaku's avatar

Butter can be out for days at room temperature and will generally be perfectly ok.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

well the butter should be fine… but… if you’re asking… ;)

WifeOfBath's avatar

If it does not taste rancid it is okay to eat…:D

dynamicduo's avatar

I grew up never refrigerating butter, and I suffered no ill effects. Now that I live on my own I generally keep it in the fridge, but I long for the old days when it comes time to spread butter on toast or do some baking without leaving the butter out in advance.

Butter does go rancid eventually, but you will be able to easily identify when this is, and we’re talking weeks, not days :)

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

Butter is fine, but for Evelyns’ sake, never leave cream cheese out. I once ate some room temperature cream cheese and boy howdy, I’ll never do that again, as I was puking like a out of tune lawn mower burns oil.

jonsblond's avatar

@evelyns_pet_zebra I had the same experience with a cream cheese dip that I brought home from my parents house after a get together on Christmas Eve. That was the worst Christmas Eve ever!

Garebo's avatar

sounds like a common WI dilemma, but usually it’s cheese-just kidd’in.
Maybe you could make ghee, it is great for cooking.

Garebo's avatar

Oh, I forgot “Last Tango In Paris”-again just kidd’in.

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