General Question

kevbo's avatar

What are your thoughts on "homo luminous"?

Asked by kevbo (25680points) July 21st, 2009 from iPhone

Yes, it’s the latest far out thing that I’ve stumbled across and decided to fluther from the hip about, but the idea seems
like a nice anchor point amid all the garbage and hysteria that has been churning of late.


Briefly, it’s a coined phrase (borrowing from homo sapien) to signify the idea of a next step in humanity’s evolution that is characterized by a more immediate connection and interplay with “the light” that is commonly referenced in religious traditions and elsewhere. This is more of a “sparking” than gradual evolution possibly attributed to cosmic event or alignment. The counterpoint would be worldwide fear-and-confusion mongering designed by “evil” interests to keep a lid on this evolution and retain control.

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22 Answers

ragingloli's avatar

Homo Superior is more likely to be the next step.

cookieman's avatar

@ragingloli: beat me to it. lurve for you.

marinelife's avatar

I will wait to accept that “evil forces” are trying to stop this evolution when I see signs that there is evolution, which so har I have not.

lloydbird's avatar

@kevbo What ”..garbage and hysteria..” has been “churning of late.”
Did I miss something?

noctowl's avatar

i think its bs

filmfann's avatar

homo luminous? Sounds like a Harry Potter magic spell to turn someone into Rip Taylor

marinelife's avatar

Edit so far (not har).

KatawaGrey's avatar

I think if evolution could happen within a generation ass opposed to between generations, it would have happened and there would be evidence.

cyn's avatar

bright human?

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I am still hoping for Homo Caudalis, that would be so awesome.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

My thought was “Glow-in-the-dark gay guy? Cool.”

Bluefreedom's avatar

I’m in the Homo Luminous stage right now. Whenever I meet new people, I have the natural ability to light up their lives. I’m just special like that.

PandoraBoxx's avatar

@Bluefreedom, You are just special like that, You Light Up My Life. rumor has it that this theme music follows you wherever you go…

Bluefreedom's avatar

@PandoraBoxx. Thank you for that very nice answer. That’s a beautiful song also. A great choice. =)

whitenoise's avatar

I’m pretty sure that in our current setup, we have pretty much no time for our species to evolve along the normal long and proven genetical path, in order to safeguard our future.

With so many ways that science is coming up (!!! I am not ranting against science !!!) that lower the price and access barriers to stuff that can kill all life on earth, we will have no other option available than to become “Homo Liminous”. I see that as the evolution of our social structures into a sustainable society. We will for instance either change our footprint or run out of resources. I see no alternative to social evolution and I am hopeful it can take place a lot faster than genetic evolution.

fireside's avatar

So, regardless of whether we call the next phase of humanity Homo Luminous or Homo Superior, the real question is how will people react to the change?

Will the people who haven’t received this enlightenment or these new abilities be accepting of the new stage of human life? Or will there be an effort to round up and study or wipe out these people so that the status quo isn’t challenged?

Would people who profess to have new abilities feel the need to keep quiet and not tell others out of concern for ridicule, prejudice or personal safety? Is the process of evolution slowed down by this prospective silence, keeping the new species from intermarrying and reproducing?

cookieman's avatar

If you’ll allow me to geek out for a moment: This was the basic premise of Grant Morrison’s run on the X-Men.

fireside's avatar

@cprevite – sounds pretty interesting! I liked the old cartoon and watched the movies but haven’t looked at the comics in 20 years.

nebule's avatar

I would LOVE it!!! :-)))))

Zuma's avatar

I get lit every chance I get.

candide's avatar

sounds like it should be relegated to the sci-fi fantasy genre!

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