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An NSFW question about sex?
Alright, here goes. I’m a straight man, as straight as they come…not in any way bi-curious or anything of that nature. I’m also a different strokes for different folks kind of guy. I have no desire or need to force my sexual views down anyone else’s throats. But some times certain shall we say, “practices” perplex me.
For example, I’m a person who believes the anus to be an exit only. Now perhaps I have the luxury of having 3 holes to choose from and can afford to be picky, unlike some homosexual males. From the standpoint of a male however, I can understand the appeal of anal sex…both from the standpoint of the giver and the receiver, regardless of one’s sexual orientation. Clearly this is a tighter squeeze from the point of view of the person inserting part of one’s own body into this particular hole. And I do understand from the standpoint of a man that the prostate is reachable from inside the anus and therefore one can derive sexual pleasure from having this area massaged, regardless of whether the device used to massage it is a penis, a dildo, beads, a finger or what not.
I fully understand that my aversion to this area may deny my certain pleasures, and I’m OK with that. Both my wife and I are in 100% agreement that the area from which feces emanates is an exit only. It’s simply a matter of sanitary conditions. And even the act of colon cleansing, which I suspect is more prep than most people are willing to put into a sexual encounter, does nothing to assuage my aversion to considering that part of the body as a sexual playground.
But again, I believe to each his own. However, it does leave me with a few unanswered questions for those who do find this area to be sexually appealing. The first question I would like to ask is to women who enjoy being the recipients of anal sex (if any do exist). What pleasure do you derive from this activity, if any, other than that of pleasing your sex partner? Basically, I come from the point of view where even if I go more than 24 hours between bowel movements, I’m afraid to use the bathroom, I don’t particularly find the sensation of having my anus stretched to be a pleasant one, and to have it stretched repeatedly from multiple directions, aggressively does not seem to be an activity I would enjoy. And though I can imagine if I were into prostate play, I might be able to sacrifice the pain of having my anus worked over like Mike Tyson’s sparring partner, I can’t imagine why anyone would willingly partake in this activity if there was no pot of gold at the end of the brown rainbow. So, that would be my first question…ladies…if any of you enjoy having your ass pounded, can you please describe for me what you find pleasurable in that circumstance.
The second question I have is in regards to analingus. If I’m not willing to put my dick there, I sure as hell ain’t shoving my tongue up there. I don’t care if you’ve fully cleansed and disinfected the area and had the button bleached, I’d simply be unable to overcome the idea that I was eating shit, if even a microscopic amount. Nor would I want my partner to provide me with this service…I can imagine that it might be pleasurable to the receiver in the same way that being touched in any intimate way by one’s lover could be seen as pleasurable, but I would never want to kiss my partner again. I am curious what it would do for a person, other than again, the fact that they might be giving pleasure to their lover, to actually lick another person’s anus? How would you get over the ick factor and why would you want to…what could you POSSIBLY get out of it?
And my final question is to homosexual males (or I assume this is a phenomenon mostly limited to homosexual males, but I suppose anyone with an asshole conceivably COULD partake in this activity). What’s the deal with butt plugs? I don’t even like sitting on a bicycle seat…I can’t imagine shoving something up my ass that would require my anus to stretch THAT far, and then to have that bulky piece of plastic up inside my rectum? That just looks like a pain I don’t need, and as it’s not really meant to “massage” one’s prostate in the way a penis, dildo or finger could, I am curious who these are for? Masochists? Is there some sort of rectal pleasure receptors beside just the prostate about which I am not aware.
OK, so I’m pretty “vanilla” when it comes to my sexual tastes, and I sure am not going to judge anyone harshly if they choose to answer this…I’m all into do whatever you want to whomever you want as long as you’re all consenting adults of the same species. I’m just looking to understand a few things that I know I personally will never experience, have no desire to ever experience, but yet somehow have no way of understanding despite having kept an EXTREMELY open mind.

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