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simone54's avatar

Is fruit really that much better for you?

Asked by simone54 (7642points) July 22nd, 2009

I have not been eating correctly. I never eat three meals a day and when I do eat it’s usually not healthy, mostly candy and fatty food. So, I’m going to make sure I always have fruit in my house to eat when I get those little snack cravings.

Is that a good plan? I’m saying the fruit still has sugar. Sugar is a bad.

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11 Answers

Facade's avatar

Try drinking V8 Fusion juices. I don’t eat well either but my juice intake makes up for a lot.
Also These juices are packed with nutrients, especially the “green goodness.” they sell them at walmart ;)

Capt_Bloth's avatar

Yes it is. Different fruits have different sugar levels, but it is important to remember it is all unrefined. Also, you are getting other nutrients that you won’t get just eating candy. You will also consume less calories on a whole if you substitute fruit for candy. You are right some fruits have lots of sugar, but our bodies were designed to digest those foods and are much more efficient at doing so than with all this garbage we eat now. It is overall a very healthy move, and it is great you are considering it

tedibear's avatar

@Capt Bloth, thank you for pointing out the difference in sugars.

Try to opt for the actual fruit more often than fruit juice. You will get much need fiber from the whole fruit. Also, eat more vegetables! They make a good snack, too. I’m partial to dipping green pepper pieces into cottage cheese.

The_Compassionate_Heretic's avatar

Fruit sugar is far less bad than candy sugar but the amount of sugar in candy is ridiculously high. The fat content in candy bars is also very high.

Fruit has nutritional value. Candy has no significant nutritional value.

Eat more fruit.

Zendo's avatar

Dump the candy. Refined sugar (sucrose) is incredibly bad for some of us (those prone to diabetes) and will rot your teeth.

OreetCocker's avatar

Try cranberry and raspberry juice with lots of vodka… works for me :-)

cookieman's avatar

Fruit pulp in the belly is also very good for digestion.

Vary it up to keep it interesting. Black grapes, mission figs, red or Asian pears and kiwi are nice alternatives to your typical apple, banana or orange (not that those aren’t great for you too).

Purée fresh fruit with unflavored yogurt and ice for a smoothie. Make your own fruit Popsicles (you can get molds at Walmart).

skfinkel's avatar

Eat the fresh fruit and toss out the candy and artificially sweetened stuff, and you will see how much better you feel. And then you will be the one answering this question in a few months!

aprilsimnel's avatar

Star fruits! Mangoes! Kiwis! It’ an opportunity to try some new foods. Here’s a list.

mattbrowne's avatar

You should eat fruit, vegetables and salads. Otherwise there’s quite a risk especially when you get older. You’re more likely to get sick.

Moderate amounts of sucrose is okay if you exercise a lot.

dynamicduo's avatar

Blanket statements like “sugar is bad” are incorrect. You need a certain amount of sugar to live!

Furthermore, the sugar you find in fruits is naturally occurring, which is a world apart from the high fructose corn syrup found in almost everything today. Fruits contain high amounts of fiber and vitamins which are critical to healthy living. Each fruit tends to contain different vitamins or quantities thereof, so variation of consumption is important.

Lose the candy. THAT is 100% sugar and crap you don’t need to be eating, ever. You shouldn’t be worried about the amount of sugar inside a fruit if you regularly consume candy with sugar or sweeteners.

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