General Question

kelly8906's avatar

White spot on neck and chest?

Asked by kelly8906 (340points) July 22nd, 2009

I noticed that I have white spots on my neck and chest. I’m pretty tan, but in certain spots, I have skin that is much much lighter than the rest. It looks really weird, and it started from only being on my chest to being on my neck as well. Does anyone know what this is? Could it be from the tanning bed? It’s very noticable. I look like I have white spots all over me.

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6 Answers

Harp's avatar

Could be Tinea versicolor, a common fungal infection.

kelly8906's avatar

It does look EXACTLY like that. Thanks. :)

shilolo's avatar

Good call Harp. You can try a common antifungal cream like clotrimazole 1% on the spots if you want, but they will likely go away on their own anyway (and sun exposure helps).

casheroo's avatar

I had that are my arms and chest for a little while. I was told I could use anti-dandruff shampoo to make it go away…so I used it instead of the medication, and it went away.

Tearofdeception's avatar

Go see a pharmacist or a doctor for a prescription… I had that as a kid and I got some cream for it. It’s gone now! ;)

shilolo's avatar

You don’t need a prescription. Over the counter anti-fungal cream (like for jock itch) will work just fine and is much cheaper.

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