How important is the internet to you?
I recently read a statistic which stated that 84% of German people in their twenties claimed they would rather give up their current partner or car than their internet connection.
Would you be part of the 84%?
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38 Answers
Like anything else, if it were gone, I would learn to live without it.
Internet is pretty damn important, but I’d rather have my transportation and the boy. But it would be very very hard to give it up.
No. It makes my work life much, much easier. I enjoy being able to look almost anything up at the touch of a few keys, but there was life before the Internet, and it was fine.
I went for a few months without. This was November and December of last year. I played a lot of Mario Cart 64 and read books.
It was pretty good.
No. Fluther would be the only thing that I would miss if I didn’t have Internet access. I can easily live without it.
Taking the fact that I take online courses for college…recreationally, it is like a hobby for me. I could probably be doing something more useful though.
Oh wait, I didn’t read the details sorries!
I would not give up my car, I would not want to walk everywhere with a toddler…that would take forever! Also, the internet does not give me orgasms. Unless it grows a peen, I think I’ll keep my husband.
Assuming the two are mutually exclusive, yeah I’d take internet over girlfriend.
Girlfriends are cool, sure, and entertaining, but internet offers so many more things.
Totally addicted. I was glad to lose my free piggyback a few weeks ago. I miss the full fb page though.
I don’t know how to measure, per se, how important the Internet is to me. I’d be hard pressed to give up my spouse or my car in exchange for the Interent so I’ll make it a point to never put myself in a position where I’ll have to choose one over the others. With that in mind and without factoring any outside circumstances into it and judging on a scale from 1 to 10 (one being the lowest in importance), I’d say I’m hovering around an 11 in favor of the Internet. I’m sorry, I just can’t imagine a life without Fluther.~
I can make money with the Internet. The car just helps me get around. In many ways, it’s superfluous.
Regardless, I’d keep my spouse above all. Not even close.
I can admit the internet would be hard to give up. I think if I decided to give up my partner and/or car for the internet, the hardest part would be telling people why. :\
I’m single and I live in an area with decent public transit. So I’d take the Internet.
Assuming the poll was about recreational internet use, I’d not be part of that 84%.
My babe definitely comes before the internet. 84%?...People these days
no i wouldnt give up my girlfreind or anything for internet cuz that would be really lame to do, but i am a web designer so im pretty much reliant on the web.
Well, If there was no internet anymore… I’d go see friends (with a car) instead of messaging them all the time.
Most of the (social) stuff we do on internet can be done in the real world so I’d learn to live without it.
But right now it plays a very big role in the things that I do.
My spouse, before the internet…hands down. No competition. Really, 84%? Wow.
Edited to add: Darn. I really like my car – but I use the internet to make money. Car v. internet, getting a little more difficult. Car. I still need to drive those kids places!
I’d have to think long and hard about giving up the minivan… it’d be a close call. But giving up my husband for the internet? No. Way.
The internet is very important to me. Mainly because, at the moment, it is my only means of communication with my wonderful girlfriend. I think I would shrivel up and die if I lost that means of communication with her.
If it was someone I liked then I would be in the 16%
No! I love me some internet, but it does nothing for me in bed!
Oh gosh, I don’t know.
The car wouldn’t go, that’s for sure…I need that to get my errands done and to get to college!
The boyfriend? shhhhhh don’t tell well we are both net junkies so I’m sure he’d understand…LOL. I’m only half kidding, I think.
Honestly, I’m not sure. I use the internet for sooo much….keeping in touch with friends, homework, research, entertainment, etc. I love my boyfriend dearly but not having internet would make my college life VERY difficult and I could not be as productive. I also would lose contact with friends because my college is far away and they aren’t so good about picking up phones. sigh
The internet is always there for you so long as you pay your bills. Partners are not.
I can see the reasons of the Germans there.
The internet is no replacement for a partner though.
If I actually had a girlfriend and a car, I would give up the internet.
Since I make my living on the Internet, giving it up might mean giving up things that cost me money, such as my truck. However, my husband brings in disability pay, so he would be a keeper even if the internet had to go. Unless he died. Then the internet would win.
At least they have just now built a public library 1/10th of a mile from my house. That would help.
How important is the internet for me? I’d place it somewhere between food and oxygen.
But seriously, I wouldn’t give up my spouse…my car, though, fuck it, I’ll take the bus.
I’d give up the internet before I’d give up my beloved Toyota or my lovely wife. I’d miss Fluther like a heroin junkie misses the needle, but I’d get over it. I still have my PS2 and my DVDSs and my books. I’d still have my computer, which is important to me, because of my creative work programs.
Someone offered to buy my Toyota the other day, and asked me to name my price. I told him $10,000. He said that was crazy, no one would pay 10K for an 18 yr old truck. I told him, “Yep, I’ve wanted a truck like that for my whole life, and its not for sale.”
Meh. <—-that’s how it is for me. Take it or leave it, really.
i wouldn’t say the internet is as important as that 84% think it is, but it is very important. not only because of me though. if everyone had to give up the internet, it would be a lot easier. but there are so many things that are exclusively online, or very difficult/expensive without it.
i’m in high school right now, and i can’t remember the last time i had a paper due in english that i wouldn’t need the internet for. one of our papers, we were given an online ‘library’ from which most of our sources had to come from. each source was a separate grade to begin with. also, we had to send in the final product through the internet.
i do love the internet, as it provides me with nearly endless entertainment, but i don’t like how much i feel like i depend on it. i think i’m going to start limiting my entertainment dependency – i spend way too much time on here, tumblr, facebook/myspace, and livejournal.
Well I don’t have a girlfriend right now, but no, I wouldn’t give her up (unless it was someone I wanted to get rid of anyway). I would give up my car though (one of them anyway). The internet is extremely important to me, as it provides me with information very fast. I use it all the time as an encyclopedia mainly. It is also my main means of communication with the outside world (I live on a small island). Most of my friends are in different countries, and it would be extremely hard to try and communicate via phone (expensive) or letters (slow). And of course I use the internet to play an online game when I have the time to relax.
It’s important in the sense that it makes communication so easy, especially when it comes to people in other countries. I could live without it but I wouldn’t want to.
I would give up a lot of things for the internet, but not my spouse or my car. Financially, I’d give up a lot of things to be able to afford it if it came down to that. It’s damn important to me. It’s how I keep in contact with everyone. Fluther & FB are my lifelines to the outside world & my friends & family. I would sacrifice a lot to keep it.
No, I don’t think I would. Plus, I’m not German and definitely not in my twenties. When I become one, you can ask me again. =]
No offense to any Germans on here, but the German people have historically seemed to have poor judgment.
The internet is 100% critical to every part in my life. Sure I could live without it, but I would never choose to do so.
Give up my spouse? Well I’m not thinking very highly of him right now, so that’s a yes.
Give up my car? It’s a beater, so why not? I do value my freedom and mobility though. At the same time, if it were a choice of no car for life or no internet for life, I would be taking taxis.
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