Social Question

Trustinglife's avatar

What great thing happened today - part II!

Asked by Trustinglife (6671points) July 22nd, 2009

Part I, which you can find here, has been one of my favorite all-time questions on Fluther. Lurve for SuperMouse for asking it!

The thread was getting so long that I suggested we start a new one. Join us in reflecting and sharing the great things about your life here.

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345 Answers

AstroChuck's avatar

I woke up. That’s always a great thing.

Sarcasm's avatar

I gave birth to a bouncing baby wisdom tooth.

Supacase's avatar

I had an entire day to myself for the first time in over 4 years – including a “special alone day budget” courtesy of my husband.

DominicX's avatar

Today I bought all kinds of accessories (bright orange case, mouse, Microsoft Office, 16 GB USB drive, EyeTV TV tuner, etc.) for my upcoming MacBook Pro. Now all I need to do is get it…lol

It’s just going to be a problem because I’m going away for 10 days starting on the 29th and I’ll just have to wait until I get back to get the laptop.

kenmc's avatar

@DominicX When do you leave your homeland? I, oddly enough, plan to go back there in Sept.

DominicX's avatar


Mid-September I leave for Stanford. Classes begin September 21st.

Jack79's avatar

Hmm…tough one as I haven’t been having good days recently. I just woke up. Erm…there was no earthquake during the night and I’m all in one piece. There’s even electricity (not always the case) and my internet works. That’s as good as it gets I’m afraid. Hope to have better news later on.

ABoyNamedBoobs03's avatar

four old ladies saw me virtually naked first thing this morning….

..well, maybe not a great thing…

jonsblond's avatar

You started this thread again. Lurve to you @Trustinglife!

whatthefluther's avatar

Three wonderful jellies hit the 10K lurve milestone today: @dalepetrie, @SuperMouse and @Bri_L,....and I was fortunate to celebrate with them. I’d say a pretty fine day for fluther.

YARNLADY's avatar

My Oldest Grandson made it back safe and sound after his vacation drive of 1,000 miles round trip, alone. He had a great visit with his other grandma and family.

noelasun's avatar

My puppy went the entire day for the very first time without any accidents!!!!! =)

Resonantscythe's avatar

I’d say-
one day closer to being 100% over my ex,
I bought some cereal that was healthier for me( taking steps toward losing weight),
And after the way I had been feeling these past few months, not feeling depressed and hollow at all today was significant

tiffyandthewall's avatar

i played ‘marry, bop, or kill’ (see 30 rock – or at least, that’s where my friend told me she got it from), which is a nice game to play when you’re feeling especially immature and goofy. also, i took my senior pictures! not gonna lie, i can’t remember the last time i’ve felt so nervous. i’m so glad it’s over with.

cyndyh's avatar

I rode lightrail today to go to dinner and drinks with my sweetie. It just started running in my town this past weekend. It’s pretty cool, and no one has to drive home afterward. We got a bit of a walk in going back and forth to the station, too.

Harp's avatar

At about 10:00 PM, my wife took our ancient little dog out to the backyard to answer Nature’s call. A few minutes later, I heard a shriek and a strident summons. I ran to the scene, the big bush by our back step, where the dog was standing.

A baby opossum had tried to climb up her leg to her back, My wife, who thought it was a rat, had brushed it off with her foot. It found its way back to its real mother, hiding under the bush. Her back was squirming with adorable little opossums.

The night before, my wife walked into our basement to discover 5 raccoons raiding our cat food supply.

marinelife's avatar

I woke up with my husband beside me. The possibilities of the new day unfurl before us all shiny and golden.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Trustinglife started a new thread so that lots of jellies can enjoy this question with us now!

SuperMouse's avatar

I am taking enormous pride in the fact that a thread I started got so big that it hatched a new one!

zephyr826's avatar

My husband sent me an anniversary/birthday present, and I finally got my Kitchen-Aid! (does little mixing dance of joy)

irocktheworld's avatar

I went to a concert and saw someone famous in person!!! I almost got 2 touch him and say hi but it was SO crowded :)

cwilbur's avatar

I moved one step closer to actually owning a place to live.

Jack79's avatar

Despite it being a horrible day for me (apart from the reason I already mentioned other things went wrong too, including a major problem), I did eventually manage to go for a swim. The water was perfect and the whole experience was quite relaxing and helped me clear my thoughts a bit.

sdeutsch's avatar

I made cupcakes yesterday, and now I’m eating one. Not a fabulous day so far, but little things like cupcakes help…

@zephyr826 Lurve for “little mixing dance of joy” – I did the same thing when I got my Kitchen Aid!

MissAusten's avatar

I got home from running errands to find that the tobacco hornworm caterpillars I’d ordered have arrived! My kids and I get to raise them and watch them become hummingbird hawkmoths! The best part is that the kit we ordered was the simplest one with the fewest caterpillars. They accidentally sent a larger kit with 15 caterpillars! The worst part is that we can’t release the adults because the caterpillars are tomato pests. One will be added to my son’s insect collection, and the others will have to live out their one-week lifespan in our butterfly “house.”

Thanks @Trustinglife for starting this question all over again!

monsoon's avatar

My girlfriend came to my work with me and afterwards we’re going to The Rainforest Cafe!

It’s supposedly for kids, but god how my insides squeel with glee when the elephant goes off.

monsoon's avatar

Ps. This question should be asked regularly.

benjaminlevi's avatar

Today I wasn’t tortured OR murdered!

nebule's avatar

I found out that I’d lost another pound and a half in weight this week.. that makes 10 in total so far!

sdeutsch's avatar

I’m crocheting some adorable little stuffed animals for a friend’s baby shower this weekend. They’re definitely brightening my day!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I finished my photo book, sent it to press, and got a tshirt that I ordered about a week ago. I also ate a cupcake :D

Jack79's avatar

@lynneblundell but that would make you…erm…skinny?

cak's avatar

I ate a wonderful piece of Key Lime Pie. It was fantastic and I don’t regret a single bite!

Jude's avatar

Funny, the whole day I thought about what I needed to do to get my “poop into group” (shit together) and, so, I finally formed a plan. I made a few major life decisions today and set some goals. I think that that’s a good thing.

jeanna's avatar

I listened to some awesome 90’s music and danced to it in the living room in my favorite dress.

“I gotta say, today was a good day”

Resonantscythe's avatar

WOW! I never thought I’d get so much lurve on one post. I just wanna say thanks to everybody and that’s what made Today a great day! :D

SuperMouse's avatar

I was incredibly inspired by a couple of jellies today. (I’m looking at you cak.)

KatawaGrey's avatar

I love that now that this question has been asked again so many new people are telling us about the good things in their days!

Another good thing from me, I found unsecured wireless in my building so I’m online at my apartment. :)

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I had a revelation while driving home and listening to moe. The more things change, the more they stay the same. The more things stay the same, the more I go insane.

Trustinglife's avatar

Great evening I had. By the way, thanks for all the appreciation for getting us a new thread! I agree – it’s great to have all these new jellies participating in sharing the good news.

Tonight I had a great conversation with a close friend of mine. I supported him, he supported me, and I got much much clearer about how I want to find work, and how I want to approach a weekend with my family, especially considering it will be over my birthday weekend!

I’m celebrating in advance that my family will all be coming to watch me play Ultimate this weekend at a tournament (parents, brother, his wife, and their baby son). My birthday is Saturday, and that’s the day I’ll get to play in the tourney and have my family watch. My parents have never actually seen me play, so it will be quite special. Yay!

I just sent off an e-mail to my fam letting them know what I’d like, and hopefully we’ll have an evening that works for everyone – and hopefully me too! This hasn’t always been the case, and I’m proud of myself for asking clearly for how I’d like my birthday to go.

augustlan's avatar

@Trustinglife Happy birthday in advance. I hope you kick ass in your tournament!

Bluefreedom's avatar

I received some nice recognition from my superintendent for constructing a lesson plan for my subordinates and squadron members regarding a certain procedure they must know and employ while on duty while offering them a knowledge base that can benefit them in the future. To top it all off, I’m at the tail end of a 12 hour shift and only minutes away from a 3 day weekend. Not very exciting, I know, but I’m really looking forward to the rest and relaxation.

nebule's avatar

@Jack79 I wish! I still have 31 pounds to lose! :-) But it’s all good!

Jack79's avatar

@lynneblundell Oh by the way I found some of them…got them right here if you want them back ;)

31? nah, can’t be that many…sometimes women overdo it with the dieting

nebule's avatar

I’m afraid so! and I’m aiming for 10 stone 1 pound.. with that figure…I truly am not overdoing it :-)

dynamicduo's avatar

I finally had my condensed windows replaced, so I now have a nice view out of my main apartment window!

I also found a great book from the library about amigurumi (a Japanese craft where you crochet cute little animals), which I will start making with the wool I am spinning and dyeing. That was a pleasant surprise :)

Jack79's avatar

@lynneblundell come on, I think you’re fine…and hey I’ve seen your bum, remember? Men like curves. Wish I could be 10st, or at least 12–13.

nebule's avatar

:-o !!

sdeutsch's avatar

@dynamicduo I’m crocheting some amigurumi right now! (That’s what I’m making for my friend’s baby shower.) I’ve tried a few different pattern books, but Amigurumi World is my very favorite – it’s the only one I use now!

noelasun's avatar

@sdeutsch Ahhh! too cute! I want that cupcake!!!! =)

dynamicduo's avatar

@sdeutsch Awesome, that little turtle looks so cute!! :D The book I found is Kyuuto! Japanese Crafts – Amigurumi. I’m excited to start making a cute little bear!

sdeutsch's avatar

@dynamicduo I’ve looked at that book a bunch of times, but I never bought it – let me know how your bear turns out!

nebule's avatar

I was ready to ask someone out today and they weren’t actually around so that I could ask them out… now that was good..really..I’m sure life gives you exactly what you need.!!

Jack79's avatar

oh…ok, so this is what you meant by “our date” on that other thread? I think informing the other person that they have a date with you usually increases the chances of them showing up lol

Something good actually did happen today (after an even crappier day than yesterday…yes, it does get worse, amazingly!). I managed to sing well. Which was not something I expected. The mike helped of course, but I could do a lot of things with my voice, and it made me feel a bit better. And the few people that did show up loved it.

SuperMouse's avatar

I started the day with a fabulous spinning class then went on to have quite simply the best day of my entire life. Ever.

Harp's avatar

Dang, I’m gonna take up spinning!

MissAusten's avatar

Tonight we were at my sister-in-law’s house having dinner. Our three kids were playing hide and seek, and to stop the boys from hiding in our car, my daughter locked the doors. Of couse, the keys were IN the car. The spare set was at home. Not too big a deal, since other people were there and we’d have no problem getting home or going back tomorrow to pick up the car.

Anyway, the car has a keypad on the door, but we’ve never set the code and had no idea what it was. Our daughter kept pressing buttons until the door actually unlocked! What are the odds of that?! Five buttons, each with two numbers, must have a lot of possible combinations, right? I am so not good at math. Not only that, but she remembered the code. I still can’t believe she got the doors unlocked.

Jack79's avatar

2×2x2×2x2=32 combinations. Are you sure the buttons only have 2 numbers each? sounds weird…or did you mean two digits? as in 99×99x99×99x99=almost 10,000,000,000

Trustinglife's avatar

@SuperMouse Tell us all about your best-day-ever! Don’t leave us hanging!!!
@Jack79 Damn, you’re good at math.

I’m now officially celebrating the commemoration of my birth! I’ve already received so many well-wishes from friends and acquaintances (thank you Facebook!). It’s so heart-warming for me to feel cared about. I’ve felt quite lonely with how my life is these days, and it’s remarkable to me to remember how connected I really am, and how many people care about me.

Jack79's avatar

Happy Birthday Trustinglife :)

MissAusten's avatar

@Jack79 Each button has two digits. 0–1, 2–3, 4–5, 6–7, 8–9 The code itself has five digits, but if the code is, say, 01237, some of the buttons get pushed twice. Does that make sense?

Jack79's avatar

@MissAusten no, I’m pretty confused, it’s obviously a system I have not seen. My car has 4 button that you can keep pressing up to ten times each to form any number between 0000 and 9999. But in any case, seems there are a lot more than 32 possibilities (which would not make it such a safe system in the first place).

nebule's avatar

Today: I took my son swimming and he so loved it and I loved seeing him love it.

irocktheworld's avatar

Today I woke up and thought to myself that today will be a very good day :)

ru2bz46's avatar

I spent the entire day (13 hours) with a new friend. The first five hours included her son, and I taught archery to them both. After that, we spent the next eight hours talking and eating at two different places (walking distance apart). It was a great day of conversation and getting to connect with someone.

Jack79's avatar

Today: I think lynneblundell asked me out…probably…or at least implied that she may want to go on a date with me…I think…(scratches head)

Sarcasm's avatar

Today is a good day indeed!
I got the house to myself. I took the opportunity to dry off in the sun after my shower, rather than with towels.

YARNLADY's avatar

We drove around and looked at other houses in our neighborhood to get an idea which plants we want to line the front of our yard, since the fence is going to be setback by about three feet. We got a lot of great ideas.

monsoon's avatar

I went hiking, when I’ve wanted to for a long time, and I didn’t have an anxiety attack the entire time.

DeanV's avatar

I got back from an excellent vacation in Hawaii and slept until about 10:00 this morning. On accident. Which is alright by me.

sdeutsch's avatar

I went to a good friend’s baby shower today, and I got to see her whole family, most of whom I hadn’t seen in close to 15 years. She and I were best friends in elementary school, and they were like my second family – until we went to different high schools and drifted apart. It was so good to see all of them after so long – it really felt like coming home, even after all this time!

sdeutsch's avatar

Also, she loved the little crocheted animals I made for her – an elephant and a penguin! She wants me to teach her to crochet so she can make some of her own. ;)

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Someone at Starbucks made my drink the wrong size, but they gave me the mess up with my correct order for free. I also got to make a couple deliveries at work, and got like 15.00.

ru2bz46's avatar

My friends did a barrel tasting of their 2008 Syrah today at a local winery co-op. Several other wines were on the tasting list as well, so when I asked to taste, the woman pouring the wines asked for my ID! At 43 years old, I must say that I was flattered. I had to go out to my car to retrieve my ID, and the woman was so embarassed for making me retrieve it, she gave me the premium tasting for free. She asked her coworker how old he thought I was, and he said, “oh, he’s fine…at least 25”. I’m still smiling from that one.

nebule's avatar

I came a little bit closer to just sitting in the moment rather than trying to fix or make anything better

jonsblond's avatar

I woke up to memories of an unforgettable weekend of camping, fishing, riding ATVs, watching my daughter swim in the lake with friends and itching like crazy from all the bug bites I received when my husband and I snuck off to a quiet place in the pasture for a little alone time. ;)

nebule's avatar

@jonsblond I have to say you sound like (from all your other posts too…) you have an idyllic life!

jonsblond's avatar

@lynneblundell Thank you. It’s not perfect but we try to make the best with what we have. :)

OpryLeigh's avatar

I had some peace of mind for a few moments!

DeanV's avatar

@Leanne1986 I just had to give you a GA so you wouldn’t be on 999 anymore… :)

OpryLeigh's avatar

@dverhey I was hoping someone would help me out there :) thank you

ru2bz46's avatar

A friend listened to my advice and benefitted from it!

SuperMouse's avatar

The 10K threads really made me smile today! I lurved whatthefluther’s post in cprevite’s congratulatory thread!

whatthefluther's avatar

Two of my favorite jellies, @cak and @cprevite, hit 10K lurve and are headed up to the 10K Lurve Lounge…and, I was fortunate to celebrate both them and their milestones. I sure love and lurve fluther. See ya….Gary aka wtf
@SuperMouse…Thank you for the kind words…I’m pleased you liked it. Much lurve…Gary aka wtf

Jack79's avatar

Today? well I met a friend whom I hadn’t seen for a year (she used to be a singer in my band) and she managed to make me smile. Oh and the DJ (yes, also a girl) made a pass at me :)

SuperMouse's avatar

@Jack79 don’t let @lynneblundell hear that, there might be a cat fight.~

Jack79's avatar

@SuperMouse lol or maybe she’ll hurry over to get me first ;)

irocktheworld's avatar

I went to the park and hung out with my friend and we were goofing off and stuff and we went to the peaceful place with the fountain! =]
It was fun!!! :D

Trustinglife's avatar

Since I bought my grandpa’s car in January, I’ve been holding on to two cars. I posted my older car on Craigslist last night, and got three responses from people interested in buying it! (Here’s the ad.) Very exciting. One person scheduled to come see it tomorrow. Hooray!

whatthefluther's avatar

@Trustinglife…For a Toyota (or a Honda), that motor is barely broken in!

nebule's avatar

I am here! lol

my jealous days are over! I have confidence everything will work out just….fine


whatthefluther's avatar

@lynneblundell…Is that by chance a Martiros above the mantle in your avatar photo (btw: very nice photo)?

nebule's avatar

@whatthefluther it’s called Alon’s Band which can be found here… by F. Evelyn

and…thank you x

whatthefluther's avatar

@lynneblundell….Excelllent…thanks for the links! Lots of similarities….click on “view slideshow” for “Manoukian, Martiros”, here. He has many styles but went through a period where he incorporated keyboards and stringed instruments in his works. There are only a couple in the slide show, but many more if you click on “catalogue/artist” then click “photo” next to each work. Actually, I think you’ll enjoy that site…lots of great artists. Thanks again and enjoy!

nebule's avatar

thank you whattthefluther :-) It’s very nice – I like it x

SuperMouse's avatar

I’ve added something new to my life’s goals; I want to be a Spinning instructor. That and I want a Jeep Wrangler.

ru2bz46's avatar

@SuperMouse I see you are someone else who ends up teaching what you enjoy. Isn’t it great to share the lurve?

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I went to the doctor, and I passed my hearing and vision tests with flying colors. I then came home to find that my book of my photos showed up, and it’s BEAUTIFUL. Turned out just like I wanted it, so now I’m finally getting around to emailing my models the photos of themselves. And, it’s half price day at the Cheesecake Factory, so I’m going with my two best friends to get some cheesecake. It’s a good, good day!

augustlan's avatar

@SuperMouse I have sworn that once I’m no longer ferrying my kids around, I’m getting a Jeep Wrangler. I just hope it’s not too late for my body to handle the jarring ride!

I had a great day with my kids today (ferrying them around in the damn minivan)! Dentist appointments went off without a hitch, we stopped at Baskin Robbins immediately afterward (so much for that teeth cleaning!), went to the library where they picked out books and I wrote an essay for my blog. We then had like a two hour talk about sex… all while driving around in the van. Awesome day.

whatthefluther's avatar

@augustlan….You could have them check @Facade’s question re: sex in public places…..or not!

SuperMouse's avatar

@augustlan I have a tiny little car right now with the three of them so the Wrangler can’t be much worse!

KatawaGrey's avatar

@augustlan: You sound like a very cool mom!

I worked today! I love my job so much that I don’t mind that I have to work during a card tournament on Sunday. I rang customers up for the first time today and my assistant manager answered all of my questions and didn’t get miffed when I asked all the nitpicky things. Now I’m watching Royal Pains and talking to my boyfriend and a good friend. Oh, and I had lunch with my mom and had the most delightful dessert. It has been a very good day.

sdeutsch's avatar

Yesterday I had lunch with a friend who I hadn’t seen in a few months, and then I had my monthly phone date with one of my best friends (she lives in Denver, so I hardly ever see her). It was really great to talk to both of them – I’ve been so caught up with moving that I haven’t had much friend-time lately. I missed it!

monsoon's avatar

I’m finally getting on top of the latest project I’ve been stumbling over at my new job. Yay for flow charts!

irocktheworld's avatar

I went to the amusment park and rode some awesome rides and it was freakin awesome!!!!
I’m eating pizza and that’s a very good thing =]

ru2bz46's avatar

@KatawaGrey Please describe the dessert…

Jack79's avatar

My guitarist came back and we played together tonight and it was good.

jeanna's avatar

I painted my fingernails red. Yeah, I know that isn’t much, but it put me in a good mood. I hardly ever paint them.

Plus I plan on drinking some beer and cooking delicious food. Oh yeah, cupcakes will be made also.

sdeutsch's avatar

@jeanna Cupcakes always make it a great day!

ru2bz46's avatar

I got out of my yoga class tonight (one of my favorite teachers was on fire, BTW), and some friends were waiting for me at a nearby restaurant that serves $2 and $3 appetizers during happy hour! Good workout, good friends, good (and cheap!) food…life is good. :-)

irocktheworld's avatar

I went to this sick concert and it was a blast I’ll never forget!!!! :D

KatawaGrey's avatar

@ru2bz46: It was an especially fudgy brownie with walnuts and a scoop of ice cream topped off with hot fudge and whipped cream. I shared it with my mom so I didn’t eat too much but just enough.

YARNLADY's avatar

I bought a toddler gardening kit with a hat, gloves, hand shovel and hand rake. Mr X and I got some planters ready for Petuna seeds which we will plant tomorrow.

ru2bz46's avatar

Ooh, thanks @KatawaGrey. That was definitely good for me. :P It actually sounds very familiar; I think I’ve had the dessert before. Yum!

cyndyh's avatar

I went to the Glass Museum in Tacoma with my husband and daughter. I love that place and we got some great walking in all day.

irocktheworld's avatar

I’m going to a picnic with the ENTIRE family and it’ll be fun!
Ohh Ohh and today is my little brother’s birthday and we’re going to celebrate!!! :D

TitsMcGhee's avatar

This weekend was a lot of hard work, but a lot of hard playing went on too. I got to go out for my friend’s going away party, where I met a guy who I really hit it off with. We had a really good time and hooked up. I had to work ALL DAY Saturday, but a midnight showing of Donnie Darko afterwards was good, and the 14 hours of sleep I got when I came home from that was great.

sdeutsch's avatar

Last night, hubby and I used the free tickets he won in a radio station contest and went to see Clue – it’s one of my favorite movies, and I’d never seen it on the big screen. It was a one-night-only thing, at the local Cult Film Series, and I was so excited that we got to go – it was fabulous! They only did one ending, which was also cool – it’s very different when you don’t see all three endings one after another!

monsoon's avatar

We went to the Samurai exhibit at the Asian Art Museum today—SO awesome. And then my girlfriend and I surprised her sister with a two months late birthday party (just the three of us), because it’s been that long since they’d seen each other.

We silly stringed her in the dark after she blew out her candles, and my silly string must have been off because when we turned the lights on, the cake was covered in green silly string (that was my color)... Whoops! It builds the immune system! : )

monsoon's avatar

@ru2bz46, yeah, we knew that (about being flammable), that’s why we waited until the second the candles were out, not such a good idea for the aiming department.

cyndyh's avatar

@sdeutsch: You mentioned winning free tickets. I forgot to tell people about this past Wednesday. My husband and I went to a concert and it was starting late so we went over to a bar to have a drink beforehand. There was a beer promotion and they were handing out raffle tickets. I won $20 gift certificate for a record store!!!! So before heading home we each picked out an album. Yay!

augustlan's avatar

My fifteen year old and I spent the day painting her bedroom a lovely shade of pale robin’s egg blue. It looks beautiful. :)

Trustinglife's avatar

I sought out this thread specifically to celebrate with you all…

I sold my car today!!!!! This was my baby – a 1990 Toyota Camry, the car I learned how to drive on, the car I drove across the country in, the car that got broken into… ok, maybe not that part. It took me 6 months to get up the nerve and non-attachment to sell the car, and then another month or two to actually get it done. (Awhile ago I received my grandpa’s newer Camry when he stopped driving, which made the old ‘90 Camry expendable.)

I’m so grateful now. Really liked the guy I sold it to. Feel good about the price. Glad to have the cash. (That was a lot of $20’s!!) Just feeling good, good, good.

Oh, and to top it off, I had a great conversation with my fantastic Enneagram teacher tonight, and I’m going to help him with promotion for his classes. I mean, the guy doesn’t have a website or anything. So I whipped up a quick blog (thank you WordPress!), and we’re well on our way. He says I can keep the vast majority of the profits from these endeavors, too, which hey – I don’t mind. Oohlala!

sdeutsch's avatar

I’ve been totally stressed out lately, but this morning I went walking for the first time in months (I used to walk every morning, until the craziness of buying our house started). Going out before the rest of the neighborhood is up, walking through the park and listening to the birds and the early morning quiet, is such a great stress-reliever – I feel better than I have in weeks!

SuperMouse's avatar

@Trustinglife congrats on selling the car! Does the buyer live locally? If he does you will probably still see you baby around town!

@sdeutsch are you settling in to the new house? I’m really glad you had some relief!

I bought cycling shoes! I didn’t want to splurge, but I am spinning pretty much every day now and I decided I needed them. This morning is my first class with the shoes, according to everyone I talk to, the proper shoes really improve the whole experience! I can’t wait to try them.

sdeutsch's avatar

@SuperMouse We’re starting to settle into the house and get our stuff unpacked, so that’s a huge relief. Now I just have the unemployment and health problems of various family members to stress about – but things are slowly looking up! How was your spinning class with the new shoes?

Trustinglife's avatar

@SuperMouse Nah, he’s 3 hours north. I live a half-hour outside of SF, and it amused me that he mentioned a few times how much San Rafael felt like a city. Anyway… it feels so great to let go.

I’m up this morning with great energy. Can’t wait to get a lot done today!!

monsoon's avatar

Finally got to register for classes today (which start in two weeks). I’m nervous about getting back into the swing of things after my recent bout with anxiety, but I’m happy that starting this semester, for the first time, I’ll have nights and weekends off thanks to my new job (fingers crossed I get to keep it!).

ru2bz46's avatar

I lost my job today!!! Well, not my whole job, but I got released from a special programming project (worth $85 billion to the state) I was placed on. I was pulled in as an additional resource yesterday, and the timeline was impossible, and the project is being micromanaged by one of the Governor’s cabinet members (had a meeting this morning with her to discuss details). Yesterday sucked major donkey balls.

Anyway, I spoke to my section manager, and he agreed that the way in which the project was being managed was not worth pulling me off of my other high priority projects, so I am no longer involved with the evil high stress project. Sweet victory!

Trustinglife's avatar

Had probably the most intimate conversation I’ve ever had with a good friend tonight. He’s a total party guy, and has been having some crap happening in his life. He never talks about this kind of stuff, so I felt quite honored to listen to him clear and get these things off his chest. I felt my heart open as I listened. Ah, it’s so great to have friends.

irocktheworld's avatar

I’m goin swimming today wth my family and I haven’t gone swimming in like..forever so I’m soo excited!!! We’re going swimming for 2 whole hours and it’s going to be a blast!! :)

jonsblond's avatar

@irocktheworld I love to swim! Hope you have a great time.

I have had no children in the house for almost 24 hours. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been able to have a morning to myself without 10 million questions. It’s been a stress free day so far!

Resonantscythe's avatar

Got my hair finally cut after about a month. Small event, but my head feels so good! Now for a shave.

irocktheworld's avatar

@jonsblond That’s soo awesome! Swimming is sooo fun but it’s raining out and I don’t know if we’ll be able to go :( but I don’t know if it will clear out or not but thanks,I hope your day is going well! =]

sdeutsch's avatar

My husband and I made tacos for dinner (he made the taco shells himself by frying up some corn tortillas!), and we packed them up and took them to the park near our house and had a picnic. We found a spot with a gorgeous view of the city, and after we ate we just sat on our picnic blanket and talked and watched the sun go down. It was the perfect way to spend a Friday night!

irocktheworld's avatar

I splashed in puddles and played with my dogs!!!! :D

cyndyh's avatar

Yesterday we hosted a dinner for my daughter’s birthday. Fun was had by all. And tomorrow we’re hosting a BBQ sendoff for my son who is joining the Coast Guard.

So, tonight I’m making the rub for the ribs and doing the braising and making the sauce. My husband’s making his hobo packs, marinading kabobs, and a tequila pineapple thingie. Yum. I’m already banking some calories tonight so I can munch tomorrow. :^>

I love the smell of the rub on my hands. Yes.

ru2bz46's avatar

I taught archery today. We had a few no-shows with the instructors, so there were just two of us to teach ten students; we each got five. Three of mine must have been deaf because they could not listen to a thing I said all day. One of them started to run into the shooting lane to manually pop the balloon he kept missing with his arrows, and I had to reach out and grab him before he got shot.

Anyway, the good part of this is the realization that, while I would have pulled my hair out a few months ago, I was able to remain calm the whole day. I think the yoga is having a side benefit! :-)

Jack79's avatar

Something great did happen today for a change: it was the opening night for our theatre, and we did great! Everything ran smoothly (apart from some secondary lights that didn’t work, but nobody noticed) and there were very few mistakes. The place was completely packed, with hundreds of people standing in the aisles, and everyone loved it. They also liked the music, which made me proud (since I wrote it) and all of the actors were smiling and happy after the show.

irocktheworld's avatar

I finally visited my godmother and god father who baptized me for the first time this year!!
It was awesome!! Like a reunion,kinda :P
But the sucky part of it was that is was SO humid out and everyone was sweating :P
we visit them once a year since they’re getting older but they’re soo sweet :)

nebule's avatar

I got 90% for my essay!! :-)

MissAusten's avatar

We have an artist staying with us for a few days, working with my husband. He lives in Orlando now but is originally from Brazil. Besides being an insanely talented artist, he has some crazy skateboarding skills that my kids are in awe of. He plays the piano, speaks three languages, and today cooked up some Brazilian barbeque for lunch. It was sooooo good! He’s pretty cute, too! Too bad he’s going back to Florida tomorrow!

Oh, and I had a really great hair day today! haha!

ru2bz46's avatar

I spent seven hours talking to an old friend today, catching up on the past 22 years since we’ve seen each other. Life is good!

jonsblond's avatar

@ru2bz46 Wow! I bet your ear was hot. :)

My daughter lost her first tooth. She had her cousin spend the night last night and when they woke up my niece noticed that Emily had lost her tooth in her sleep. They both woke Jon and I with such excitement this morning that it was contagious.

ru2bz46's avatar

@jonsblond It was SMOKIN’!

SuperMouse's avatar

My boys are coming home today! Their dad took them to Arizona for a week and I have missed those little buggers! Before I drive to the airport I am going to workout for a couple of hours then spend the day with my beloved. Perfect!!

cyndyh's avatar

My son was sworn into the Coast Guard today. I think this is going to be a really good thing for him. He just seems to have gotten everything together to do this right.

And I ran three blocks (going back to get my ID) without feeling like a was gonna die. It actually felt good to be able to! All the swimming and the weight loss must be doing me some good. I haven’t actually been a runner for about 25 years, but I might try running again sometime soon.

irocktheworld's avatar

I’m going to the beach today…whooo hooo!!! :D
I rode my bike with my step brother,he’s staying with us for 2 more weeks now and it was a LONG bike ride but very fun since I got to explore new places =D

KatawaGrey's avatar

I hung out with people and collected some lovely glass bottles from the beach these past few days! Now I am tired and going to eat something. I have done a lot of driving today…

augustlan's avatar

I took a little nap on the couch, head resting on my husband’s lap, his hand gently stroking my forehead. I felt like we reconnected after a couple of stressful weeks and I woke up with a new vigor. I sure do love him.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@augustlan: I just want you to know that when I read that, I felt something tug on my heart. My mother never married because she knew she would turn into a harpy and ruin someone’s life. As someone who has no guide for marriage (and who seems to be surrounded by people with disastrous relationships) thank you for posting this. It gives me hope. :)

augustlan's avatar

@KatawaGrey There is always hope for love. You just seriously made me tear up, and improved upon my lovely evening. Thank you.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

A guy who I used to work with wasn’t at work when I showed up at his store to cover a shift for someone… because he got fired for not showing up. We have hooked up in the past, and he has been a real asshole to me and made me feel like shit. I feel like karma has finally come back around to bite him in the ass! I also got along really well with the girl I was working with, and I’m getting my shit together to take pictures tomorrow. It should be a good day!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I know I was the last one to answer, but this shit is so incredible, I had to share. I was in a car accident today, on a 5-lane, 60 mph speed limit highway. There was a ladder in my lane (second from the left), but there was someone in the lane to my left (I couldn’t get to the right or I’d run over the ladder anyway), so I began to to slow down. As I was going about 30, I was rear-ended by a guy doing about 50. I thought my car was absolutely fucked, and I had a hell of a time getting to the side of the road, but when I got out, niether car had been messed up, and none of the people involved were injured. I don’t know how we managed that. Additionally, I took 3 rolls of (what I hope) will be beautiful pictures. I went a few places I hadn’t been in awhile and discovered some new places. Luckily, one of my best friends was there for all of it. Lastly, a boy I like said hi to me and chatted for a bit , even though he is in Korea. What a strange and brilliant day.

augustlan's avatar

@TitsMcGhee Glad to hear neither you nor your car were injured!

MissAusten's avatar

@TitsMcGhee So glad you are OK! When you mentioned a ladder, I literally gasped. My husband was in a bad accident once because someone lost a ladder from their truck on the highway. For a second, I thought you were going to say the ladder went through your windshield!

zephyr826's avatar

This is before it happens, but I’m excited anyway. Earlier in the summer, some children from our shurch and I had an opportunity to do some volunteer work build houses in Michigan. We live in Southern Illinois, and today, we’re taking one of the other kids on the event, from Topeka, Kansas, to Holiday World . I’m excited,. both for the friendship, and the roller coasters.

irocktheworld's avatar

@TitsMcGhee Thats sooo cool! Im glad your alright!! :)
I’m going to a birthday party today and my really good friend invited me who I haven’t seen in 2 months and I know it’ll be awesome! ;)
Yesterday I got a shot and we had to wait 3 hours in the waiting room which sucked but at the end when I got my shot,it didnt hurt at all!!! I was shaking and scared for nothing!;)
And i ate yummy burgers..hehee…:)

cyndyh's avatar

I mentioned how I’ve been loving the smell of lavender everywhere as it’s been blooming here lately. Today my husband got me some lavender cheddar cheese. Oh yeah. He gets Sweetie Points for that. :^>

augustlan's avatar

I took two of my girls to get haircuts today. The salon we usually go to would charge about $40 for each haircut, plus tip. Since money is tight right now, we decided to go to a Paul Mitchell cosmetology school in the heart of downtown to give it a whirl. The school is located in an old Masonic Temple (built in 1901), a beautiful building, faced with interesting stone work (naturally). Just as beautiful and interesting inside, with exposed brick walls and soaring ceilings.

My oldest daughter had an experienced stylist, who did the job by herself. The younger had a less experienced stylist who got a lot of help and instruction from a teacher. His techniques were so interesting! At one point, a whole crowd of students was gathered around to watch the haircut in progress. One tip I learned here was to cut the bangs last, after the entire rest of the haircut is done, and hair has been blow-dried. It helps them see how the hair will lie, any cowlicks, etc.

Anyway, long story short -er, they both got the best haircuts of their lives, had fun in a beautiful location, and I learned a better way to trim my bangs. All of this for (with coupons) $15 total. Without coupons it would have been $30 for two haircuts. And they won’t accept tips! Instead, they have a donation jar. All money collected goes to area charities. Great experience.

Trustinglife's avatar

@augustlan What a fun (and smart!) experience!

Great day today. I spent most of the day with a good friend. We don’t spend much time together but we’ve known each other almost ten years now. I had edited her resume, so we had lunch and went over that. Then we tossed a frisbee, took a walk, had dinner, and went to see the new Harry Potter movie. I’ve been spending a lot of time at home lately, and it was so so great to get the heck out of the house and spend the whole day out. Loved it.

Oh, and before that, I gave another friend some organizing coaching via Skype – helped her re-organize her system for how she manages her life. Loved that too. Good day!

irocktheworld's avatar

I’m going to see my favorite band today!!!!!
I’m goin on awesome rides today which will be a blast!! :D
School starts in 2 weeks and I’m nervous but excited!!! :]

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Thanks for the concern everyone! Yesterday, I was photographing at Grant’s Farm, which is a St. Louis tourist attraction. It is kinda like a mini-zoo, which used to be a farm owned by the Anheuser-Busch family. Admission is free, but I was pretty bummed out that I had to pay 11.00 to park there. When I was done, however, I figured out why it’s so expensive – they give out free beer! That was my happy surprise for the day :D

MissAusten's avatar

Tonight my husband and I actually got out without the kids. We went to see “The Time Traveller’s Wife,” which, believe it or not, turned out to be a good movie even though I’ve read the book (that usually ruins it for me). I very rarely cry at movies, but I must have cried through the last half hour at least of this one. Don’t tell anyone, but my husband got a little teary-eyed too. Both of us loved it but the book is still better.

Then we stopped at a nice local restaurant, had a couple of drinks, and are going to bed early. wink wink If the kids sleep in tomorrow, we’ll have had the perfect night!

irocktheworld's avatar

I went swimming and got a good tan and I jumped into water and went on this cool water slide that’s like a toilet bowl but awesomer! :) It was great! :) I spent time with my dogs again which is always a great thing! :]

YARNLADY's avatar

My Grandson came early today, so I’m sitting out in the front yard watching him and the dog run, run, run, now that we have a new fence to keep them safe.

ru2bz46's avatar

A local comedy club gave free tickets on Fridays to State and County employees due to the furloughs. I went with a good State-worker friend to see Jason Resler and Shane Mauss tonight for free!

KatawaGrey's avatar

I just got back from GenCon. It really is the best four days in gaming. I’m tired, have significantly less money in the bank and drove a total of 28 hours (we live in CT and drove to and from Indiana) but it was so great!

Resonantscythe's avatar

I forgot to do this yesterday but, got back from a wedding where I was a groomsman and everything went well both at the actual wedding and the reception. Also I met a really cool girl and I think we had a good time talking with each other. The 3 hour drive sucked but was worth it.

cyndyh's avatar

My husband went with me yesterday to check out some spots around the lake for a future swim. Things are looking more and more manageable with every step I take.

irocktheworld's avatar

I spent some time with my sister and we went to her house and had a fun time doing what we did.We spent time outside with her friend and we did each other’s nails and watched tv and talked about life.:)

MissAusten's avatar

Today I took my kids to a local park where milkweed plants grow in abundance. We were on a mission to find a monarch caterpillar, something we have always wanted to find (we were mainly hampered by the fact that I didn’t know what milkweed looked like and am so bad at identifying plants). Now that I know what it looks like, I don’t know how I missed it before.

Finally, we got lucky! We found a beautiful monarch caterpillar under a milkweed leaf, and he looks like he might be in his 4th or 5th instar—meating he’ll make a chrysalis soon. We are attempting to raise him (her?). We’ve had a lot of success with other caterpillars in the past, so as long as this one hasn’t been parasitized by wasps it should turn out fine. Now I get to take a trip to the park every day to pick milkweed leaves until this sucker pupates. Finding the caterpillar not only made my day, but made my kids so happy!

augustlan's avatar

I spent today (my birthday!) with my girlies. They had made me a carrot cake with cream cheese frosting, one of my favorites. We went shopping to pick up all of the last minute clothes they need for back-to-school, and I bought myself two new pairs of tennis shoes (such a deal, I couldn’t turn them down!). As this was our 3rd day of shopping in the last 4 days, I am quite sore now… but it was totally worth it!

KatawaGrey's avatar

@augustlan: Happy happy birthday!

augustlan's avatar

Thanks guys!

cyndyh's avatar

Did you get pancakes? If not, you should get them tomorrow. Cheers!

Trustinglife's avatar

I think I might have saved my roommate’s life tonight. He was significantly altered – he threw his back out, could barely walk, and was on lots of painkillers…..... and plenty of alcohol. He was slurring his words, etc.

He had set his mind on returning a DVD to the video store before the deadline, and the store he was going to is actually a 30-minute drive away, mostly on a busy highway. He assured me that he was fine, and left the house. I was really worried about him – even to the point where I wondered if that was the last time I was going to see him. I ran out, caught him in the driveway, and I insisted on driving him there.

He told me a long story the whole drive, repeating himself, and I was amazed he had planned to drive in the condition he was in. I’m very grateful he didn’t – who knows what would have happened. I feel like a mentsch.

zephyr826's avatar

Today was our first day of school, and I feel great. I got to see my students again, and I (at this point) am really excited about this year! For those of you who are parents, thank you for lending me your children. I really appreciate it.

MissAusten's avatar

@zephyr826 I’d be happy to lend you my kids until they go back to school, especially after our shopping trip for school supplies this morning. Three kids and a long list of boring crap to buy isn’t a good combination!

cyndyh's avatar

Yesterday I swam 4 miles and still had the energy to go out with my fella after my shower.

Today I got a letter from my son. So far, so good.

Tonight I get to see a movie. Cheers!

Trustinglife's avatar

I like how simple your note is, @cyndyh!

Got really angry at my housemates today and had a great conversation with my best friend to clear out my anger. Felt much better afterward, though the conflict remains.

End of summer league with my Ultimate frisbee club team. Such a fun league, and we’ve still got a few more weekend tourneys to go. We’re off to Humboldt tomorrow for a tourney, 5 hours away. Oh, and I was going to ask a woman out on another team tonight… but alas, she wasn’t there. Hopefully this weekend!

cyndyh's avatar

Thank you, sir. I hope she’s there this weekend. :^>

TitsMcGhee's avatar

In the past two days, I’ve successfully driven halfway across the country, and made it, alive and unharmed (barely). I was able to visit the Atlanta Botanical Gardens, which were marvelous, and I saw the new Miyazaki film, Ponyo, which was geared towards children, but was delightful nonetheless. Now I“m gearing up for a relaxing day at the High Art Museum.

nebule's avatar

I asked someone out on date…and they said no…but I feel fabulous for doing it!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

@lynneblundell: I applaud your effort for sure! I mostly don’t have the balls to put myself out there like that.

MissAusten's avatar

This morning, my kids and I got to watch our monarch caterpillar change into a chrysalis. The whole process only takes a few minutes, so it was pure luck that I happened to walk by and see the caterpillar changing. The kids were amazed, and it was so bizarre to see this black, yellow, and white caterpillar wriggle out of his skin to reveal a bright green chrysalis!

We also went back to the park to collect monarch eggs, half of which have hatched already. They are as tiny as the letter “i” appears on my computer screen, which makes it difficult to believe that in only two weeks they’ll be two inches long and ready to pupate! Taking lots of pictures of the whole process!

Trustinglife's avatar

@MissAusten Would love to see those pics! Feel free to share them when you’re ready.

I’m doing some part-time work for a friend of mine today. He facilitates a process called the “Belief Closet,” and he did it for me today so I knew what I was helping him market. I loved it! Really powerful for me. I used to believe “Conflict was painful,” and now believe, “Conflict is uncomfortable, but normal and healthy, and brings me closer to people.” Also: “I establish strong boundaries whenever necessary.” wOOt! Now where are my roommates…

MissAusten's avatar

@Trustinglife In about two weeks I’ll be happy to share!

cyndyh's avatar

@lynneblundell : Good on you! You’d never know unless you put yourself out there.

Today I had a one mile swim (which is short for me these days) that took a lot out of me, and I got out of the pool early and hung out longer than usual in the sauna. I talked to another swimmer who I see at the pool often, but haven’t talked with before. She had some really great drill ideas about helping me to improve my breathing. I plan on trying a few of them tomorrow. I think I owe her a huge thank you.

KatawaGrey's avatar

I made a new friend when drafting at one of my game shops yesterday. She’s very friendly and is one of the few outgoing female nerds who has no problem interacting on a friendly level with other female nerds. I saw Inglorious Basterds with my boyfriend, awesome movie, btw. I organized some of my stuff in my living room so that my roommate will stop touching it and re-arranging it. I feel you @Trustinglife. Roommates can be a pain…

irocktheworld's avatar

I came back from an awesome sleepover! We stayed up till 2:30 at night!! I was soo sleepy and now I’m lazy..thats good! ^_^
I went to my school to see my class and be comfortable with the school since it will be my 1st year of going into it! While I was walking on the steps,the guy I really like yelled my name and said hi!!! He wasn’t blushing before but when he said it,he was and he was soo happy!I couldn’t take that smile off my face,omg I think I’m blushing right now.I saw my friends and talked for a while like always,haha! :)
Early morning I went and walked my new dog,Monkey and he is just soo cute! I’m blessed to have him with me.He loves me more than anyone in the family and he is 9 months old!! :D

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I made last minute plans to see a friend that I hadn’t seen for a year, so she and her mother joined my mother, brother, and me for dinner. We got to catch up, which was great, and our mothers clicked really well too. I think they may become friends, which will be great for my mom who commutes and occasionally can’t come home on the weekends. Having another person she can hang out with on those occasions will be great. I also packed to go back home, which means I’m just a few days away from going back to school. So excited!

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

I’ve been away from Fluther for a while, and SuperMouse’s question was one of my favorites. I was really sad to see it had closed, but then I say TrustingLife had made a new one! It lives on!

jlm11f's avatar

Today I read some of the great things that have happened to all of you and that made my day :) I just discovered this thread.

MissAusten's avatar

My husband just called to tell me he can get tickets to see Dane Cook at Madison Square Garden in November! But he said he won’t help me kidnap Dane, so I have to come up with a plan for that on my own. I just know I am going to bust some vital internal organ with a combination of laughing/lusting at that show, so if you all don’t see me around here anymore after November, you’ll know I died happy.

cyndyh's avatar

Ok, so this tree beside our house has been dropping these greenish whitish things. I found out they’re plums and soooo good. So, I picked/gathered about 30–40 of them and went to a farmers’ market today and my husband decided to make dinner tonight. This is what I just got treated to:

Mixed fresh greens salad
Pistachio crusted pork loin medallions with plum sauce
Braised leeks
Sauted chayote with garlic and herbs
Poached plums with yogurt and cinnamon
A nice chocolate port

Oh, my! I think I’ll keep him!

ru2bz46's avatar

I saw a concert at a local club featuring my ex’s husband. It’s their 20th anniversary this year, and it’s the first time I saw them. He’s also a really nice guy and very understanding about the huge amount of time I’ve been spending with his wife lately. It’s also really great getting to know her (my ex) again. I hadn’t seen her in over 20 years.

Trustinglife's avatar

Welcome @PnL!!! Excited to hear the good news from YOUR life!

I asked a woman out today!!! I’ve been wanting to ask her out for about a month… and finally did today… and she said YES! Trying not to get my hopes up. But I’m really nervous, happy, excited, uncertain, satisfied. So so so glad.

Also, just got home this evening from an Ultimate tournament (where I asked this gorgeous woman out). I’m normally super strategic in so many things, especially about how I present myself to others. All that intense physical activity, I think, is helping me just flow and be myself and not give a rip. That’s a big deal for me. I needed some of that to buck up and ask her!

irocktheworld's avatar

I celebrated my sister’s birthday today!! It was awesome! We ate cake and took really random and funny pics! It was an amazing party! :) I also had a great dy of school! :) I soo happy I could finally open my locker!! :D It made me think about my birthday….3 more months….=o

cyndyh's avatar

On Sunday I swam across Lake Washington and most of the way back. Today I got a swim cap and goggles so I can do more in the lake and the pool. Tomorrow I have an outing planned with my daughter in a canoe and me in the lake for another long swim. I hope the weather stays cooperative.

KatawaGrey's avatar

Cak is back!

sdeutsch's avatar

I had dinner with @EmpressPixie today! We had tasty middle-eastern food and our very own tiny Fluther meetup – hooray for new friends!

SuperMouse's avatar

On Friday I had surgery to fix my shoulder. The doctor said the rotator cuff was torn but he didn’t see it until he got in there, so it is a good thing I opted for the surgery rather than just a cortisone shot. It hurt pretty bad for the first couple of days,but now the pain is less then it was before the surgery and it is getting better every day. I am really getting excited about intense weight training!

jlm11f's avatar

@SuperMouse – Yay for lesser pain. Rest that shoulder for a bit before you do anything strenuous!

I just finished my first week of medical school, which involved my white coat ceremony, tons of orientation and interacting with a patient and his physician to learn more about their relationship. I also bought my stethoscope which was wayyy too expensive (145$!) but is adorable because I bought a beautiful color – burgundy. This is what mine looks like.

MissAusten's avatar

Today is my son’s sixth birthday. We had a wonderful family dinner with my husband’s parents, sister, and her husband. My son has the most awesome taste buds for a kid and requested oven-fried sole, scallops, steamed carrots, watermelon, and ice cream cake for his birthday dinner menu. He almost insisted on corn dogs and mussels, but changed his mind once we got to the grocery store! The dinner was fantastic, and everyone went nuts over the cake, which I made from ice cream sandwiches. Even better than Carvel! My son got spoiled rotten with presents and attention. Next weekend is the “kid party” with his friends from school, but tonight it was just family.

The only sad part is that my husband is out of town. He’s working on a big project and can’t make it home until next weekend. However, he posted a Happy Birthday video for our son on his blog. The video, which he made while on scaffolding several stories up, showed a shot of the words “Happy Birthday” with our son’s name painted on the cement of the building’s courtyard. It’s not the same as having Daddy home, but still very cool! So now I’m exhausted and I’m going to leave all the pots and pans where they are until tomorrow morning!

jonsblond's avatar

I’m thankful for all of my fluther friends that bring a smile to my face every day.

I’m also thankful for the Acer notebook that I bought today. I finally get to fluther with my husband again.

I’m usually not materialistic but fluther has been our entertainment for many many months now. I missed it terribly when our ipod touch was ruined.

Trustinglife's avatar

Fantastic Ultimate frisbee tournament this weekend. Big highlight was from our quarterfinal game this morning. We were low on numbers, our best player was out, and we were pretty tired from our 3 games on Saturday. Oh, and the game was at 8 am! I dug deep, and pulled out energy I didn’t know I had (I haven’t been sleeping much at all lately). Adrenaline was my friend. I fired up my team.

We started out down 0–3, then turned it completely around and finished on top 15–9. Incredible game. I pushed so hard and we had played so well against a good team, I felt myself actually wanting to cry after the game.

Semis were close and tough, and we barely lost, 13–12, on the last point. After a fun final game, we ended up 3rd out of 13 teams in the tourney. Not bad! Very satisfying. I love my team.

YARNLADY's avatar

Labor Day should be called “Family Day” for us. My son, his wife, their two sons and her Mother came over. We spent several hours in the pool and the new receipes I tried out (Pasta Carbonara and breaded Santa Fe Chicken) were a great success. I got a lot of “new baby” time. I keep “older brother” (2 years old) every weekend.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@Trustinglife: How did things with that woman you asked out go? I don’t know if you mentioned it (terrible memory, you know) but I hope things went well!

@YARNLADY: Baby time is always good!

I’ve been spending a good amount of time with a new friend which is always good. Today we watched a movie and I watched while he did a raid on World of Warcraft. It’s not exciting but it does equal a good day for me. :)

Bluefreedom's avatar

I just found out from my superintendent today that I’ll be moving to day shift and taking over as flight sergeant (supervisor) for one of the two day shift crews. I’ve been working midnight shift, continually, for the last 10 years so this is going to be an interesting (and hopefully rewarding) change.

jonsblond's avatar

Congrats Blue! I hope the change works for you. Sounds exciting!

Bluefreedom's avatar

@jonsblond. Thank you! There is a lot more activity and a higher operations tempo during the day here on the base so that will be a nice challenge. Also, finally being able to sleep during the night, which is better for your health according to my doctor, will definitely be a plus.

Trustinglife's avatar

Looks like I got me a job!!! Had an interview that went well. The job is with MaestroConference, a company that offers sweet new technology for conference calls. I led a teleclass this morning using Maestro and loved it. Excited to support what this company offers.

And, I feel a little worried about how I’m suddenly going to fit in full-time work to my life. I’m sure I’ll manage. I’m really looking forward to working again. After plenty of time away, there’s an allure to waking up to things needing to get done, great people to do them with, and money coming in as a result. Hallelujah!

YARNLADY's avatar

I had a happy 35th anniversary this weekend.

MissAusten's avatar

I found out my husband is coming home tonight instead of Friday night! He’s been working out of town for almost a month, so the kids and I have been really missing him. I’m not going to tell the kids he’s coming, but will surprise them at the train station!

KatawaGrey's avatar

I have a good solid idea for my script writing class which I will be presenting in about two hours. I had a good golf class today and things have just been going well in general. :)

MissAusten's avatar

We finally had some of our monarch caterpillars grow into butterflies. I managed to get some decent photos of the entire process, from egg to butterfly. If anyone is interested, you can view the pictures. This was an amazing process to watch, and we were very lucky that all of the caterpillars (so far) have emerged as healthy butterflies. We still have three more that are still growing!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

After a particularly awful day yesterday, I had a seemingly uneventful day, but with a few good things here and there. Things have been hectic, stressful, and overly taxing emotionally lately, with the start of my second year of school and whatnot, but things are definitely looking up.

And I got back to fluther after a bit of a hiatus…

Trustinglife's avatar

@MissAusten Incredible! I bookmarked your photo gallery for more enjoyment again another time. Truly stunning.

Excited for my first day of work tomorrow!!

MissAusten's avatar

@Trustinglife Thanks, and good luck on your first day!

KatawaGrey's avatar

I tested my type 2 magic deck for the first time at a tournament yesterday and it performed much better than I thought it would. I also won a free pack of cards which yielded a very good, highly coveted card that is worth a fair amount of money. Then, my boyfriend stayed over at my apartment where we had some fabulous sex and today I hope to have a great time with my mom!

irocktheworld's avatar

I’m goin to a 50’s themed birthday party!! I have it all out! I will be wearing a white shirt with peace all over it and some jeans and and flip flops..ooh! And also this big headband thing you put on your head…yeah…I look groovy! :D
Im also going to walk my dogs today,to the park and to this very peaceful place where I can relax and write some music.:)

zephyr826's avatar

Last night was the opening for our community theater production of South Pacific (I play Nellie Forbush). It went really well, and my dad surprised me by driving down the 4 hours to see it after telling me that work wouldn’t let him get off. Also, last night my husband called and told me that he’s getting on the first of many planes today that will bring him home from the ‘Stan for good! Happy Day!

Fred931's avatar

I learned how to use iDVD.

augustlan's avatar

@zephyr826 Happy day, indeed! Congrats on all the good news!

@irocktheworld You might want to rethink your outfit a bit. What you’ve described sounds more like the 60s or 70s than the 50s. Anyway, have fun at your party!

ru2bz46's avatar

I met up with an ex-gf last month whom I hadn’t seen in 22 years since the relationship ended very badly. Anyway, we’ve been getting reacquainted, and we went out of town together a couple weeks ago where we ended up in bed after a few drinks. The sexual tension has been building between us, and it just broke this weekend when she came to my place for a marathon sex night (5 times)!

KatawaGrey's avatar

@ru2bz46: Virtual high five. On a related note, I just figured out what your fluther name is saying.

I actually had a bad day today but reading @ru2bz46‘s post made me feel great. Sex for all!

MissAusten's avatar

My six year old son, who had a miserable two days suffering from a bad case of strep throat is finally feeling better. He might even be able to go to school tomorrow, and I might get to sleep all night without having to clean up puke or try to measure Children’s Tylenol when I can’t see straight.

My day today started with an email from my husband with a link to an article in the Daily News (out of NYC) about the mural project he’s been working on for the past several weeks! He looks good in print. :)

SuperMouse's avatar

@MissAusten, isn’t it great when they starting feeling normal again?!

cyndyh's avatar

Sunday I cut short a long swim, and I’m glad I did because otherwise I would have missed a call from my son! I got to talk with him. He sounds great. Just a few more weeks and I’ll get to see him at his graduation.

This evening I get to have dinner with my daughter and hang out at a coffee shop afterward.

YARNLADY's avatar

I just got back from a wonderful Dave Bruebeck concert. He is still the best after all this time. It was well worth the money.

Bluefreedom's avatar

@YARNLADY. Take Five is one of the coolest jazz songs ever. Brubeck and his patner, Paul Desmond are excellent.

cyndyh's avatar

I just had the best birthday.

Bluefreedom's avatar

@cyndyh. Happy Birthday!

cyndyh's avatar

Thank you! I got have breakfast my sweetie made, see a funny movie (The Informant, who doesn’t love Matt Damon?), go to Oktoberfest and have a sampling of beers. And it’s always on Talk Like a Pirate Day! So, I had a great day with me first matey. Arrrr. :^>

Also, my son called me again and we got to talk about seeing his graduation and plans for him getting back to the west coast. I can’t wait to make a crazy big deal of his homecoming.

ru2bz46's avatar

Happy birthday @cyndyh!

I took a three-hour vinyasa yoga class from international teacher, Rolf Gates. Afterward, I took a three-hour teacher training class from him as well to improve my teaching style.

augustlan's avatar

@cyndyh Happy birthday. Arrgh!

jonsblond's avatar

I forgo my shyness for a moment and reenacted Meg Ryan’s orgasm scene from When Harry Met Sally in front of 3 men this evening.

KatawaGrey's avatar

@jonsblond: I hope at least one of them was your husband!

jonsblond's avatar

@KatawaGrey lol…of course. It was for Jon’s radio show. :)

ru2bz46's avatar

Ooh, and the best part of the vinyasa class last night was afterward, when Rolf was signing my copy of his book. He told me that I had a very strong practice and he had to avoid watching me during the class so he wouldn’t accidently push the rest of the class too hard. (When teaching a class, the teacher will observe the class as a whole to gauge the intensity – some will breeze through the class, while others struggle to make it, but the whole will find it challenging enough to require brief rest periods.) Looks like the 12 hours a week I practice is having some effect…

KatawaGrey's avatar

@jonsblond: Oh good, I do worry about these things. ;)

Two days ago, I made mashed potatoes for the first time ever from scratch and they were delicious! Then my boyfriend came over and ate them and declared them to be delcious. Yesterday, my friend came over who I haven’t seen in a long time and we ate more mashed potatoes and watched a good movie. All in all, a great couple of days. :)

SuperMouse's avatar

My work schedule was all in a jumble. When I arrived here today I was able to straighten it all out – huge relief! I have to work until 10:00, but I do get to see my man for a couple of hours this afternoon!

zephyr826's avatar

This is two days old, but I’ve been busy ;) My husband came home from Afghanistan for good on Monday night! He’s in one piece, safe and (as fra as I can tell) healthy.
It has been a long year, and I thank you much for all the lurve to get me through it.

ru2bz46's avatar

Congrats @zephyr826, and a huge “thank you” to your husband!

sdeutsch's avatar

@zephyr826 Hooray!!! You must be so happy to have him back home…

I just finished testing out my favorite pumpkin bread recipe with gluten-free flour, and it came out really good. Pumpkin bread is one of the few things that I just can’t live without in the fall – I’m so happy I found a way to make it without the wheat!

cyndyh's avatar

I get to see a movie with my sweetie tonight.

KatawaGrey's avatar

My scriptwriting teacher loved my script idea! I was absolutely terrified because he was critiquing them in front of the class and he was ripping into some people pretty badly. He came to my script and I was preparing myself for tears when he looked at me and said that I needed to flesh it out and that other than that, it was good. I almost fainted. To make things even better, when I asked him after class about some of the details I wanted to add/change, he smiled and said I was on the right track.

jonsblond's avatar

My MIL brought our family a huge care package of food and supplies just when we needed it! I am so lucky to have a loving MIL.

MissAusten's avatar

@zephyr826 That’s great to hear!

ru2bz46's avatar

I called to cancel my cable TV/internet service since my six month intro period expired and I can’t afford the $60/mo bill. They adjusted my account and put me into another intro period for 12 months. Hooray!

Trustinglife's avatar

First paycheck yesterday for my new job! So exciting! I’m now firmly on the road to credit cards paid off and a few treats for myself!

irocktheworld's avatar

I finally get the chance to relax!!!!
I am sick now and I have a fever.I didn’t go to school but I relaxed in my bed while my dog was cuddling right next to me.I’m soo happy I finally got a break since I’m always busy.:)
I’m also listening to my favorite song.:)

MissAusten's avatar

My husband came home from NY after being gone for a month. I visited him last weekend, but the kids hadn’t seen him and were ecstatic when he got off the train. :) Today he is picking our youngest up from preschool, cleaning up the house, and making dinner. He also brought home a nice fat paycheck, so we can set aside some of it for a much needed vacation this winter.

To top it all off, our ten year old daughter surprised us with breakfast in bed. She carried in a tray of cinnamon toast and coffee. Even though she couldn’t find the cinnamon sugar and made her own with powdered sugar, the toast was pretty tasty. The coffee was another matter entirely. She had the right idea, but used way too much water and forgot to grind the coffee beans before putting them into the filter! I managed to make a fresh pot while she was in the shower!

ru2bz46's avatar

@MissAusten Nice save with the coffee!

ru2bz46's avatar

I went to a birthday party for one of my favorite yoga teachers last night. It was a 70’s theme, so I picked up some great vintage bells, platforms, polyester shirt, belt, chains, and a Wayne Newtonesque wig. I must say, I looked pretty good. She called me today to say I made a good impression on her parents. ;-) Even her boyfriend liked me well enough to pay for my substantial bar tab after she was hanging on me half the night. :) I think I can get used to being single again…

ru2bz46's avatar

This morning, I got up early after a night of partying for an intense yoga class done to live music by Girish ( The energy was amazing!

arnbev959's avatar

This morning I found myself stumbling alongside my sister on the hunt for garage sales when I would have preferred to have been sleeping. The forecast for this morning had been rain, so the sales were few, and far between. At one particularly junky looking stop, which I would have passed over had not my sister dragged me in after seeing how few their items were, and that they carried the usual odds and ends that you find at garage sales where you always leave empty handed: a set of chipped drinking glasses, a weathered Christmas decoration, a crooked chair, I did find something interesting after all. It was a twenty volume set of books, entitled The German Classics. They were beautiful, leather bound, circa 1913. The man who was selling them noticed me looking at them, and said he’d sell them to me for eight dollars. And he knew they were worth more too. (He said they go for $80 on Ebay, only no one buys them on Ebay, because very few people are interested in buying books on Ebay, especially old twenty volume collectable sets of books. And I checked. He wasn’t lying.) He seemed to sense that I’m a bit of a bibliophile, and I think he felt good that they were going to someone who would appreciate them and love them.

Later in the day I went for a bike ride. It still hadn’t rained but it was clearly going to. (And that became clearer and clearer, darker and darker.) When you have been riding your bicycle for a long time you fall into the most beautiful trance where your mind is completely blank, and you have no thoughts, and you are just going. And the wind is blowing, and the sky is darkening, and the street is empty and surreal. It was eerie, but absolutely miraculous to be riding down an empty street before the storm.

My cousin his having a baby. Today was the shower. I of course, being a male, was not invited, nor did I have any care to be. But, in due time, an invitation did come. After such female gatherings when the women have done whatever it is that they do, they often call up their sons and husbands and brothers, and tell them that they should come over. So I did, and I sat outside with my uncles and male cousins, while the non familial shower attendees finished their showering of the mother-to-be. When the group had dwindled to the usual family barbecue crowd we had a regular barbecue. My grandpa told some funny stories from his youth. I took my one year old cousin for a walk around the block. Ate, drank, and was merry.

jlm11f's avatar

@zephyr826 That’s fantastic news, please thank him for his service :)

I’ve been busy cutting up cadavers, using a hammer and chisel to take out vertebrae, being in school from 8 am to 10 pm daily and complaining about the irony of lack of tasty and nutritional food in a medical school. My first exam is in two weeks and now I am freaking out because there’s just so much material. Another night of studying for me. What they say about losing your life is true. It’s unbelievably overwhelming and yet, somehow, I kinda like it. The one thing I realized fast is that I am so lucky to have a strong support system. My friends and family make my hectic schedule so much better. They’re there for me on a daily basis to keep my spirits high :) My Fluther friends included, of course.

ru2bz46's avatar

@PnL You’ve got access to all that meat, but you complain about the lack of nutrition? ~
(Yeah, maybe that was in bad “taste”...sue me :-P )

KatawaGrey's avatar

One of my best friends got married yesterday! I’ve known him for 8 years and he still seems like the 17-year-old who would come over to my house and play Magic all summer long. The wedding was beautiful and he was so handsome in his suit! He married a lovely girl who I get along with quite well. The wedding was very small so it was wonderful that i was invited. I made a speech with another friend of ours the three of us always played Magic at my house together and it was generally a wonderful day.

ru2bz46's avatar

Last night, I went to my favorite yoga teacher’s house for a housewarming party. She got a great place in a great neighborhood for a great price! I got to meet a lot of new friends and hang with some I’ve known for a while. Way fun!

This morning, I drove to San Francisco and met my two favorite teachers for a two-hour level 2–3 “vigorous vinyasa” yoga class taught by their teacher. It was quite the experience to practice mat-to-mat between my favorite teachers to the guy who inspired both of them the most. Even better, I rocked that class! I came within inches of even getting my left leg behind my head!

After the class, I drove a couple hours home and took my first guided meditation class from another friend of mine. It was just what I needed to end a very busy weekend full of parties and intense yoga. Life is good!

cyndyh's avatar

My son graduated from basic training Friday, and I got to be there to see it. We had a great few days in Cape May, and I got to swim in the Atlantic for the first time in decades. Even better, my son is stationed on a cutter close to home. He has a few more days before he has to report. I get to cook for him, his girlfriend, and my daughter tomorrow night. I look forward to having everyone together.

Trustinglife's avatar

I had a heart-opening long hike with a good friend of mine today. I love love love who I get to be around her, and I wonder if relationship is possible. (She’s initially declined, but I’m holding out hope.)

Regardless of relationship or not, I’m in love with the experience of being together. Such a completely nourishing afternoon – hiking, sitting by the Pacific Ocean, watching the clouds, deep conversation, sharing, acknowledging. A beautiful day, and I am grateful.

cyndyh's avatar

My son accompanied me on a swim yesterday in a canoe so I could swim across the section of Lake Washington that meets Union Bay. After I got across, he returned the canoe and then met me at Magnuson Park. Then I took him to lunch. It was a great swim (if a little chilly) and it was nice having the assistance and bonus having a meal with my son again before he leaves town.

And Monday night’s dinner was fun and overly filling so a big swim had to be coming soon. :^>

MissAusten's avatar

Today is my birthday. :) My husband and my dad sent me flowers. My dad always sends flowers, but my husband almost never does. He thinks they are “overdone” and should be used sparingly for maximum effect. So, when the delivery guy showed up with roses I was so shocked and thrilled I started to cry. Maybe there is something to that theory!

Tomorrow night my in-laws are having a birthday dinner for me, and when my husband finally finishes this job in NY, we’re celebrating my birthday with dinner at this fantastic restaurant. I also bought myself some nice presents!

KatawaGrey's avatar

Happy birthday!!!

cyndyh's avatar

Happy Birthday! I love the swanky dinner party of birthdays. :^>

ru2bz46's avatar

Happy b-day @MissAusten! Today is also @hungryhungryhortence’s b-day, so you’re in good company. :-)

MissAusten's avatar

@everyone: Thanks! It’s a great time of year to have a birthday. :)

augustlan's avatar

Happy Birthday to @MissAusten and H x 3!

arnbev959's avatar

I woke up late today and rode my bike eight miles to my grandparent’s house. It was the perfect autumn day. I was wearing a flannel shirt and I was cold, but in a good way.

At one point I was riding and a little girl on the other side of the road yelled “Garage Sale!” so I stopped. They didn’t have anything good for sale, but I bought a little plastic crocodile for a quarter.

My uncle talked my grandpa into buying a $1500 log splitter that he doesn’t really need. My dad had taken the truck to help them pick it up, and when I arrived they were trying to figure out how to get the one ton phallic symbol off the truck without killing themselves. They had some cheap ramps that they were borrowing from the store.

The idea was to pull the truck off the road into the little sylvan alcove where my grandpa has his wood pile, because there is a bit of a hill there, which would lessen the incline from the back of the truck to the ground. My job was to push the machine gently off the truck, while my dad and uncle guided it down the ramps and held some ropes that were supposedly going to keep it from rolling too fast.

The ramps collapsed as soon as the wheels of the log splitter touched them, and the machine fell onto the ground. The bar that juts off the end of the machine was an inch away from my face, and had my chin been underneath it, rather to the side of it, I would be in the hospital right now, with a smashed jaw and no teeth, and permanently disfigured if even still alive. My uncle and father are lucky to still have their hands and feet.

The unneeded piece of equipment cost fifteen hundred dollars, and for seventy more, they could have had it delivered. Or they could have rented a real truck with a lift for $20/hour.

Afterward my father got stuck in the dirt while trying to back out of the wood chopping area and ended up smashing the truck door against the side of a log. Now there is a huge dent on the side of my truck.
But a truck door is a minor thing.

I left the toy alligator with some of my baby cousins’ other toys at my grandparent’s house.

Today was a wonderful day, because I with my fragile life am alive and healthy, and no freak accidents occurred. The sky on the ride home was stunning, as the sun was setting it lit up the most beautiful wispy clouds that were spread over the blue of the sky.

My dog and I finished the day with a cold nighttime walk. There are more stars out tonight that usual. The sky is incredibly clear. I love that about the cold weather.

whatthefluther's avatar

@petethepothead….Wow, what a day….very nicely described. All that and you still found time to check in at RandomAssJon’s radio show. Thank goodness you are OK….speaks healthy of highly living, no doubt.
Enjoy your Sunday.
See ya around, my friend….Gary/wtf

ru2bz46's avatar

Yesterday, I went on a hike with a group of eight. I’ve done this hike before; drive to the “trail” start near Lake Tahoe at about 6000 feet, then hike up the mountain to the top of a waterfall at about 8000 feet. (There’s not really a trail since it’s a granite mountain top.) The length of the hike is around 1.4 miles, so it’s a pretty steep climb.

Two of our group needed to be back early, so we didn’t go the last 1/8th of a mile, which would have added another 30 – 45 minutes, so we stopped at the bottom of the falls and had our lunch and took pictures of the view and each other. Most of us practice yoga, so there were the inevitable shots of balancing on rocks in various inverted positions.

It was a great hike, and I got to know some friends better and got to meet some new friends. Most of this group will be going on another hike next week along the Califonia coast, north of San Francisco.

After the hike, I made it to the yoga studio in time for an intense session to squeeze out any sweat I had left in my body, then had dinner with my teacher and another new friend. It feels great to be alive!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I’ve been a little missing, yet again, with school in full swing, but I’ve had a (mostly) good couple weeks, including my birthday last weekend (complete with BIRTHDAY SEX) and some good times with friends. I’m trying to get back into the swing of fluther too, so we’ll see how I manage.

ru2bz46's avatar

@TitsMcGhee Mmmm…birthday sex… :P

whatthefluther's avatar

@TitsMcGhee….sex, birthday, the return of tits….I’d say you are nicely back into the swing of things and we are the ones that will now manage marvelously!. Welcome back and happy belated birthday.
See ya….Gary/wtf

augustlan's avatar

@TitsMcGhee Happy birthday! And YAY for birthday sex!

ru2bz46's avatar

I just punched a new hole in my belt to reduce it another inch. That makes 5 new holes in the last two years. It may be time to get a new belt to go with all my new clothes…

augustlan's avatar

@ru2bz46 Treat yourself and splurge on that new belt!

cyndyh's avatar

My fella made a yummy beef stew. The cut of meat used was on sale and was both a better cut than the recipe called for and cheaper. Nice!

sdeutsch's avatar

We had our housewarming party yesterday! Two of my best friends and my sister were all here from out of town, and it was so wonderful to see them all – and everyone loved the house (none of them had seen it yet). Today I’m spending the day with my best friend before she has to drive back to Indiana tomorrow morning – I’m so happy she’s here!

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@ru2bz46: oh geez, go buy a new belt already unless you’re ready to tie an onion onto the current one

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@TitsMcGhee: I agree with the birthday sex, like a whole week of birthday sex!

ru2bz46's avatar

@hungryhungryhortence ROFL! Until I punched the new hole, I thought of Grampa every time I got dressed because I had to tuck the floppy end of my belt into the belt loop way around the side to keep it from dangling around. In order to do this, I had to turn my belt buckle a bit to the side “like the real men wore it back in my day”.

jlm11f's avatar

My first major exam is on this upcoming Friday. I’ve been getting home around 4 am every morning and have basically been exhibiting zombie like behavior according to my roommates. Tonight (this morning?), when I got home, I saw a plate of chocolate cupcakes (with sprinkles!) on my bed with a note from my roommate wishing me the best of luck for this week. That literally made my day and I’m resisting the urge to wake her up to just give her a hug =)

MissAusten's avatar

@PnL Good luck on your exam!

Last night my husband came home! He’s finally finished with his big project in Brooklyn and is home to stay…at least until another job like this comes along. I get to breathe a big sigh of relief, because the idea of him working so high on scaffolding made me very nervous. I’m really proud of him, and really happy to have him home!

whatthefluther's avatar

@MissAusten….As one who loves exterior murals (and is the proud owner of a fine example of one by a 95 year old artist, who himself used scaffolding and indeed even fell once, albeit a mere foot and a half, but nevertherless….) I send kudos to your husband for his grand and beautiful work of art (wish I could see it personally). I look at exterior murals much as I do Native American jewelry. The latter is very wearable art. Murals, though not personally wearable, are still “worn” by the owner on his/her wall, and similarly shares its beauty and splendor with all to whom it is exposed. And thus it becomes not only a reflection and extension of the artist, but so, too. of the person who commissioned it. And, unlike framed art, an exterior mural, brilliantly transforms in a very extreme manner what had previously been merely a plain piece of wall, or as is often the case, an awful eye sore.
I am truly happy your man is back home with you, but I selfishly hope he gets out there and back to work on a similarly grand project, but this time, much closer to home!
And as an artist, husband and father, I highly suspect your man shares that sentiment.
Thanks for sharing. See ya….Gary/wtf

MissAusten's avatar

@whatthefluther Thanks so much, Gary! I hope you don’t mind if I share what you wrote with my husband. I’m sure if he has his way, he will be up on scaffolding again at some point in the future (when the weather warms up!).

whatthefluther's avatar

@MissAusten….By all means, please do share it with your husband. I plan on spending more time at his web site and enjoying photos of his other creations. He is a fine artist using a medium I very much appreciate. All my best….Gary/wtf

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I spent the weekend out of the city, and in Connecticut with a girlfriend, her boyfriend, and a few of his friends. She and I had a lovely time photographing things and bonding in Dinosaur State Park. It was nice to be out of the city, seeing the leaves change and whatnot. We were also at a party last night, which ended up alright. The part that probably made me happiest was that the guy that I was sharing the couch with after the party winded down was gracious enough to move me out of the way before he vomited. Thank heavens for small favors.

ru2bz46's avatar

I went on another hike today, this time north of San Francisco. None of our group of twenty had done this hike before. We took all the wrong trails, and our six mile round trip “easy to moderate” three-hour hike turned into well over ten grueling miles. Three of our party took a direct trail back to the cars to wait and never made it to the beach due to exhaustion. When we finally hit the beach, we ate lunch took some great pictures of each other in various yoga poses by the shore, balancing on logs, in the sand, etc.

I met fourteen new people and made good friends with half a dozen of them. Sixteen of us went to dinner at a great restaurant near the beach and had a fantastic time. We didn’t get back to our starting point until 11:15p (left at 8:00a this morning), then I exchanged numbers with one of the women I met so we can hook up tomorrow for some yoga.

When I got back to my car, it was locked in behind a gate. The free parking lot closed up at 8:30p. Even here, things worked out as I was able to find a path through a few trees and stumps to sneak my sports car down the hill and out of the lot. Life is good!

Trustinglife's avatar

I just want to say I love this thread. Up to 300 responses now!

Tonight I sang karaoke with my Ultimate teammates until 2:30 am! It was our year-end party, and what a blast.

cyndyh's avatar

This week I got to have multiple swims, multiple runs, and see my son’s new place while bringing him his stuff. We missed the last ferry back and had to sleep a few hours in the car waiting for the morning ferry to start running, but it was actually sort of fun to do.

TitsMcGhee's avatar

The Great Mouse Detective came for me on dvd from Netflix. Tonight, I’m going to relive part of my childhood. YAY!

KatawaGrey's avatar

@TitsMcGhee: Holy crap! The Great Mouse Detective is on dvd??? That’s the best news I’ve had in weeks!

Trustinglife's avatar

Facilitated a fantastic conference call with MaestroMonth tonight. I get to do a bunch of these calls in the next couple of weeks, which I feel so lucky and grateful about. It is really right in the realm of what I really want to be doing with my life!

MissAusten's avatar

Today I got a great haircut and a great workout.

Then, I spent the rest of the day getting ready to go out of town. I’ll be visiting friends and family back in my home state of Indiana for the next few days! My youngest, the 4 year old, is coming with me for his first trip on an airplane. I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone and visiting my all-time favorite chocolate shop. Now I’m off to bed because I have to get up at 3:45 a.m. to make it to the airport! Argh!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!

KatawaGrey's avatar

It’s my one year anniversary today. One year ago, the wonderful guy I was seeing became my wonderful boyfriend and he is still my wonderful boyfriend. :)

augustlan's avatar

I had a good, productive, sunshiney day. Followed by a great evening with my husband. Lots of lively debate about how we’d rule the world if given the chance, politics, philosophy… got laid… laid in bed for about an hour, just cuddling and hatching more world domination plans as he drifted off to sleep. :)

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

Fireflies past that one Miley Cyrus song for #1 song on iTunes!

jlm11f's avatar

We took out our cadaver’s heart and lungs this week. I know its sad that all my great things seem to relate to my academic life, but come on, how many people in the world get to hold a human being’s heart???? Exactly. Strangely, I found the lungs more exciting than the heart, the latter was kind of anti-climatic. We also walked around and saw these organs in the other cadavers, and one guy’s lungs would have been the perfect campaign against smoking. They were disgusting – hard, black and did not look like lungs at all!

Our class also went to my clinical hospital this week and had about 50 pages worth of information through at us within 15 minutes by the resident that was lecturing us. It was overwhelming in a way, but also cool to think that one day we’d have this much knowledge. Did you know that you can tell so much about a person by just looking at their nails?

nebule's avatar

I realised that I was wrong…again..and it was alright

augustlan's avatar

@lynneblundell Welcome back, girly!

ru2bz46's avatar

I went on my first real date in over 20 years last night! The dinner date was supposed to last a couple hours, but went so well, we extended it to about twelve hours, including drinks, picking up friends from the airport, seeing a movie, etc!

nebule's avatar

@augustlan thanks hun!! been a bit busy, but have some free time now! :-D

@ru2bz46 that’s a beautiful thing!! hope it flowers…

ru2bz46's avatar

Thanks @lynneblundell! :-)

Went to San Francisco for the day. Started out with a yoga class with a top-name instructor and live music from MC Yogi. It was a charity event to benefit neighborhood schools by bringing yoga into the classroom, so all money was by donation. The studio then matched all donations to double the benefit.

After that, we stopped for dinner at one of the many restaurants in the neighborhood, and had an excellent Indian curry, then coconut rice pudding for dessert.

Finally, we went to a costume party where there were many different cheeses: brie, gouda, swiss, etc. Oh, and great people were there, too, and there were pumpkins to carve. My favorite teacher carved her first pumpkin ever (she’s not from around here), so we brought that back home with us, and she gets to put it on her porch for the season. Another great day!

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I recovered fully from the flu yesterday and spent a lovely evening with friends, smoking and drinking quite heavily. I also learned how to properly pack a hookah, which I hope will come in handy soon. Somehow, I managed to wake up early and get motivated to go take pictures. The weather was AMAZING; it was about 65 degrees, completely clear, and so fall-ish. I walked around Highline Park on the west side and Battery Park way downtown, and took some photos I’m really excited about.

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I work everyday, usually from 7am til whenever but today I didn’t have to be to work until until 4pm so I was able to stay up late with my partner, sleep in and then just lie around with them… wait for it… wait… we got to leisurely lull around in the daylight! How glorious to just be able to drift in and out of an afternoon nap with a cool breeze, beautiful natural light and eating without rush. It felt to us like what we think normal people get to experience :)

sdeutsch's avatar

I just got back from a great weekend visiting my best friend. We’ve been friends since high school, and we don’t see each other nearly enough – it was great to spend 5 whole days just hanging out together. I got to see her new apartment, got a tour of campus (she’s doing her PhD at Notre Dame), and of course spent hours upon hours just talking and catching up. I was so sad when it was time to come home again – but it was a great weekend!

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

My mother called me at work to tell me she thought I was very talented, she’s never said that to me before.

ru2bz46's avatar

Woohoo @hungryhungryhortence! I know she’s hinted at it by comparing things you’ve done with what another someone has done, but to come right out and say it…have you checked the attic for pods?

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@ru2bz46: I’ll be sweeping for pods in a few hours, I can’t be comfortable to rest tonight under that roof if I don’t

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

my lover also texted me, ” bring me Joy” which made me tear up in good ways, damn

ru2bz46's avatar

I got a new cat tonight! He’ll be with me for a couple weeks to see if we’re compatible. He’s settling in nicely so far, so we’ll see how it goes. :-)

nebule's avatar

oh…well it didn’t happen today, it happened last week..but it’s worth a mention…

I’ve been thinking for a long time now how my father does really ‘see’ me and acknowledge the essence of who I am and doesn’t really think much of me. It is of course easy to contrive what other people think about us without knowing the truth. However last week I was having a particularly hard time with motherhood (potty training) and feeling incredibly inadequate and pathetic and not knowing which way to turn.

Stood in the kitchen, making a special tea for me, the night before he and my mum were due to fly off for a two week cruise, my father told me what a wonderfully brilliant mother I am and how it is displayed in a joyful, happy contented little son. He told me that he often speaks about my beautiful mothering skills to my mother and other people and that he is really really proud of me. Theo – my son is a credit to me as well as himself. He also said he probably doesn’t tell me enough how fabulous I am. He then gave me a huge fatherly hug. He said so much more too but…I have waited so long to hear those words and feel love like that from him and it just goes to show that we often are not aware of the truth and the love that it present there for us. I needed to open myself and be vulnerable in order to experience it and it happened…but it was there all along.

MissAusten's avatar

This happened Monday, but I’m still laughing about it…

I was at the airport in Chicago with my 4 year old, waiting to board our plane. We were in that tunnel thing between the gate and the door of the plane (I have no idea what that’s really called), waiting for the line of people in front of us to move. Very crowded. Out of nowhere, my son starts singing loudly:
Bye, bye Miss American pie,
drove my Chevy to the levy but the levy was dry
And the good old boys were drinking whiskey and rye
Singing ‘This will be the day that I die,
This will be the day that I diiiiiiiiiiieeeeee.”

Of all the songs he could have chosen to sing at that moment, he picks one about a deadly plane crash. Everyone around us was cracking up!

I was secretly glad he endeared himself to the other passengers, because it was a late flight and I worried he’d have some sort of meltdown before the trip was over. He didn’t, even though we had a lot of delays and didn’t get into CT until one in the morning. So, the great thing was him being so funny combined with him holding up to the travel delays better than many of the adults around us. :)

TitsMcGhee's avatar

I got asked on a date, found that the air was cleared with a guy I hooked up with, printed photos that I really liked in the darkroom, didn’t have class and had lamb over rice. Good day, good day.

jlm11f's avatar

I got my H1N1 vaccine today!!!!

Oh, and on the cadaver update – We cleaned out his intestines yesterday (read this as: removed poop from his body). Woot ~

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

My work bought me a very tasty Pastrami Reuben sandwich and my Mr. delievered an icy cold soda and a wonderful smile.

ru2bz46's avatar

Mmmm…pastrami… :P

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

@ru2bz46: not anywhere close to the deliciousness of Tummy’s :(

TitsMcGhee's avatar

Over the past two days, a friend came in from Boston to visit, and we went on the town Friday night. We both ended up getting really smashed, and whoops I went home with the bartender. I had been really needing to get laid, so at least that itch was scratched… After the amount of alcohol consumed (read: 2 Irish carbombs, 2 long beach iced teas, a shot of Jim Beam, a shot of Jameson, a whiskey and ginger, a drink that was named for me with tequila, sweet vermouth and ginger, a drink with campari, a shot of tequila and sambuca, a black and tan, and two or three bottles of beer…) Friday night, we decided that drinking wasn’t going to be the best of ideas on Halloween, but we went to a party with my friends and had a great time. I met a really cute boy and saw a lot of my friends that I hadn’t see in awhile. Now it’s Sunday, and I’m getting to spend the majority of the day just relaxing!

augustlan's avatar

FYI, there’s a new thread here for this question, since this one’s taking so long to load now. :)

irocktheworld's avatar

Today is my freaking birthday!!! :)
I’m soo happy and I curled my hair and wore really bright colors and stuff and I looked awesome! :) Everyone wished me a happy birthday and it really meant alot to me and made me smile =]
I got an ipod touch and I’m soo excited but the bad part about it is that I have to share with my little sister which sucks but I’ll live! We celebrated and ate cake and stuff! :)
Since it’s my bday…my dad is going to do my homework lol!

Bluefreedom's avatar

I received several new awards on Fluther. That’s cool.

Happy Birthday, @irocktheworld! =)

DrasticDreamer's avatar

Happy birthday, @irocktheworld :)

It was sunny today, which is always nice in October in Portland.

I got some more Fluther awards, which is always nice. :)

A falcon landed in my backyard, and hopped up to me about two feet away. Wasn’t scared at all and I got pictures. It was pretty beautiful and amazing.

nxknxk's avatar

Happy birthday! :D My mother’s birthday is to… morrow. But it’s close. Huzzah for scorpios, yadig?

These new Fluther badges were pretty great today.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

I just noticed I’m on the sidebar for receiving a new award! I’ve never seen myself on there before! :)

Happy Birthday!

KatawaGrey's avatar

I feel divided. I’ve put good news on the other thread…

irocktheworld's avatar

Thank you!! :D I can’t stop smiling! :)

hungryhungryhortence's avatar

I watched someone I love smile for more than just a few minutes.

toomuchcoffee911's avatar

I reached 2000 lurve! :D

ru2bz46's avatar

As @augustlan mentioned above, this thread continues here since this one is so long now.

Val123's avatar

This is a little of subject, but wasn’t there a time that questions like this wouldn’t be tolerated on Fluther? I love it, but has something changed?

My dogs didn’t get out of the back yard today.

irocktheworld's avatar

I went back to school on Thursday since I was feeling better and everyone was so happy to see me and I realized that everyone thought I was dead since I was gone for so long.:P
And at gym time,I went into the locker rooms and my friends saw me and practically attacked me and were telling me how much they missed me.It was nice hearing their voice and hearing their laugh.I realized how much I missed school and I will try to stay healthy as well as I can! :) Then my awesome,wierd,crazy,and random math teacher was soo excited to see me and it was good to be back.
In cooking class,I we cooked cheesecake and it felt nice and was good.:) Mmm..

Aster's avatar

Great thing? Nothing great. In fact, I did not enjoy the day (nobody would have) with the exception of some time in the sunshine with the doggies , just the 3 of us.

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