- I remember trying to be cute when I was three.. intentionally yelling out that I was “free” instead of “three”. I remember thinking how sneaky I was that everyone thought I was dumb enough to say “free”.
- I remember being a river guide in a kayak and a very large woman was my customer that day. She made the inflatable kayak sag on the sides allowing water to come in right in the middle of the roughest part of the river. We flipped over and she chose that moment to scream that she didn’t know how to swim.
- I remember the night my dad told my mom he had cheated on her. We were camping at a giant family reunion and Dad had just killed a giant spider in the tent so that we could go to sleep. Later we heard them arguing and the next morning before it was light we left the campground… we didn’t want to go.
- I remember hitting the only home run in baseball of my life in little league. I had been struggling for so long to hit at all. No one was there to teach me how to hit. Then one day my dad (who was separated from mom at the time) showed up and was my dad for the whole day. He taught me how to hit. He pitched super fast at me which got me prepared for the much slower little league pitching.That very night I plugged one over the center field wall and hit my way onto the allstar team after that. Eventually my hitting streak ended and I returned to normal.. Dad was gone again.
- I remember hiking way up into the mountains with my little brother and my dad. It was such a long hike and we had packed far too much making our packs very heavy. When we finally got to the top it looked so beautiful that it was all worth the trip. Subsequent trips to the same spot never had the same effect as that first day.
- I remember digging a giant hole to use as a fort in the middle of a cow ditch and having a rancher scream his head off at me to fill it in so his cows wouldn’t fall in.
- I remember finding my older brother’s porn stash in a fort he had built in a horse stable at the fairgrounds. A rancher yelled at me that day too, thinking it was my fort. I don’t have much luck with ranchers. (probably because my brothers, my sister and myself were the only kids in town that weren’t the children of a farmer or a rancher)
- I remember snipe hunting, glass mountain, blue lake, trips to Mount Lassen, skiing in Mount Shasta, getting lost in the woods, getting found in the woods, learning what a boner was, the day my brother gut stung multiple times by a yellow jacket, wood cutting trips, shooting the rifles, playing cowboys and indians, water balloon fights, the day my neighbor died, the day my sister’s friend died, the day my friend died, the day my grandmother died, the day I found out that my grandfather was a pedophile, Christmas at grandpas before we found out, spilling the lemonade all over the dinner table, the infamous rag incident, setting my room on fire, breaking my favorite radio, my mom teaching us the bible, my first crush whose name was Anna, the girl next door kissing me, the girl in 6th grade wanting to kiss me, watching my first MLB game at the stadium, the day the egg hit me in the face, the day I got in a “fight” with a bully, the day the teacher yelled at me and to this day I don’t know why…
I have far too many personally significant memories to count. I’ve already filled up too much space.