What if a Flutherite could see who gave them Lurve or Great Question/ Comment?
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39 Answers
While I have wanted to know “who?” sometimes, I think that being able to anonymously support someone is a good thing =)
Peer pressure would follow.
The mods can see who clicks on great answer. And I think about how much lurve I give and who I give it to a lot more now. I once accidentally lurved a comment I really hated while checking it out in the process of being a mod. They all saw that. And judged me.
Okay, that last bit is emphasis for humor’s sake. But seriously, it would make lurve waaaay more about popularity than good answers. Blind lurve means being able to say you like something without everyone knowing who you are.
Then world as we know it would end.
Don’t mess with the Lurve, man. Bad things will happen.
You may end up in the frizzer.
No need to speculate on what that would be like. If you want to see what that would be like, simply join Askville!
A version of that was attempted on Fluther once upon a time. During the trial, if the querent awarded a quip with a GA, then the “Great Answer” link was colored red for all to see.
I personally felt like it put undue pressure on the querent to award GAs just to be seen as “fair”. Or perhaps if people realized that certain querents were stingy with GA lurve, then perhaps they wouldn’t answer his questions any more.
It was disabled after only a week or so.
On occasion, I will simply state that I’ve given a GA/GQ in a quip if I want to draw attention to it. I think that’s sufficient.
I wish we could see who the person asking the question gave lurve to. It would be nice to know if we actually helped the person.
This was attempted but it was visually ugly. I think it could be done with more pretty. And I would like to see it return.
As it is now I could get three great answers but I don’t know if I actually helped the person asking the question.
@Gundark In the very RARE occasions that I go there anymore, twice I’ve wanted to hit the ‘GA’ button & there was none. It’s funny how you get used to the perks here. And I’d want to do the @ thing also.
Right now we do not have to explain why we give lurve to anyone. I am grateful for that. Sometimes I don’t know why. Sometimes I do it freely and frivolously. Sometimes it has deep, serious meaning for me. Sometimes I give it to everyone who responds to a question. Sometimes I give stealth lurve, including to someone whose comment was unpopular or someone who did a great job of disagreeing with me. I would not ever want to be put in the position of feeling I had to defend or justify the awards I make, even if no one ever questioned it. I like it exactly the way it is now.
Can mods see what we send and receive as far as private messages?
@Jeruba . . .i have to admit that I have given a GA or GQ to unpopular posts as well. i think of the general response (who would give that five points) and just sit and giggle.
I don’t want to know, even if I were a mod I don’t think I’d want to know (ehhh for some answers I do want to know, but not my own)
I think it would just be bad all around.
In kindygarden we received gold stars as rewards… and black stars for bad work. It was silly then, it is silly now.
@jmah: Nope. If something happens (ie, private message harassment), Augustlan can get Ben and Andrew to tell her what your messages say, but other than that we can’t see them. Unless it is an official mod message (ie, from one of us and marked MODERATOR), then we can.
@EmpressPixie . . .Can you see me right now? How many fingers am I holding up?
@Zendo I disagree; not silly (as far as kids go). When I taught the young’uns in pre-kindergarten, and they received a sticker for good behaviour; they were damn proud of themselves. And, they tried their best to be good (a little positive reinforcement). It worked for me.
And actually, Augustlan might be able to see your PMs without Bendrew as the Community Manageer, but I don’t think she can.
@jmah Yes, such tokens are received by the little tykes quite well. However, the more intelligent ones see through the hype and realize they are already quite smart without a star, and pay little heed to such silliness.
When I think about the lurve system, I think of a trite but pertinent quote that fits my thoughts: If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.
As far as giving lurve to others, here are some sentiments on that too:
Now some they do and some they don’t
And some you just can’t tell
And some they will and some they won’t
With some it’s just as well
goodbye mary. goodbye jane. will we ever meet again?
_Feel no sorrow, feel no shame
Come tomorrow, feel no paaain._
@Blondesjon. I think I’ve found it here on Fluther. Or haven’t I? I could have sworn this place was Shangri-La or Eden or Utopia. It feels like it anyway. =)
If one answers all questions to the best of your ability, trying to help out each other, it really does not matter whether you have 1 point or a zillion or who gave you lurve.
While it is heart warming to get lurve, who gives it doesn’t matter. Besides, I like the freedom of giving lurve for my own reasons or not, as I wish.
Trust me, those voting wars on Askville were No Fun At All.
@EmpressPixie I doubt Augustlan can see the pm’s without Bendrew. she’s too lazy ;)
I once gave lurve to a troll and the OP that the post was directed towards became very upset. This person asked several times “Who gave this person lurve?” “I can’t believe it!” “Who would do such a thing?” “I want to know now!”.
I couldn’t quit laughing. It’s lurve. It’s not like I gave away the secret KFC recipe.
I’m glad it was anonymous though.
I’m glad to know that PM’s are just that. Private messages.
@jbfletcherfan: No question about it; there are some things here that Askville doesn’t have that are quite nice.
@Gundark Oh, yes, for sure. Like people who don’t cut you down, insult others & back stab, & mods who actually do their jobs. Oh yes, there are better features here, for sure!
Please don’t cut me down, insult me, and backstab me for asking this, but I’m curious: do you former AVers ever wonder if one of your least favorite characters is over here making mischief?
The ones who I know are here from AV aren’t troublemakers. There was one guy from there who I didn’t like on AV & I didn’t like him here. He’s since left both places. I’m glad I don’t have to read his drivel anymore. The ones I see here now are old familiar friends.
If she is over here, she isn’t making mischief successfully.
If you’re talking about the one I think you are, she’s been gone from AV for a looooong time, too.
LOLLLLLLLL, I figured so, Darwin. ’-)
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