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Simone_De_Beauvoir's avatar

What was the last lie you've told?

Asked by Simone_De_Beauvoir (39062points) July 23rd, 2009

Was it a big or a little lie? Was it to your partner, your parents, on fluther? Was it a lie you’ve told before and have you gotten used to telling it? Was it to yourself, do you lie more often to yourself than to others? Do you not lie at all (remember YARNLADY’s earlier question on being honest 100%)?

The last lie I told was earlier today when I was chatting to a friend on the phone and I wanted to get off the phone so I said I had to feed the baby though his next feeding was still 30 minutes away…this was easier that just explaining, yet again, how tired I am every day to a friend without kids that would probably not want to hear it again…

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