Has Anyone Else Listened to this Song by Peter Gabriel (see details)
I was listening to Peter Gabriel’s Hit and Miss CDs today, and this song came over the speakers. It made me really sad, and I almost started crying right then and there (which would be hard to explain at work) because it sort of describes the fear I feel if I ever had to face losing my wife, like if she dies before I do. That is the most horrible thing I can think of at the moment.
I really like Peter Gabriel’s work, because his songs wring the emotions right out of me like no one else’s can. His song Solsbury Hill also brings up a tear now and again.
Is there a song for you that affects you that way? Who sings it and what is there about that song that touches you so deeply?
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24 Answers
Black by Pearl Jam. I can hold back when I’m around others and I listen to the song, but if I’m alone I will cry almost every time. It reminds me of a time in my past that I will never forget.
Hurt Johnny Cash. I just feel his pain when I listen to the song.
Thanks Evelyns for the Peter Gabriel link.
I’ve always loved that song.
This song really didn’t do much for me and became annoying as it grew uptempo and louder.
The first half of Live’s “Lightning Crashes” makes me cry. It seems to me to be about death and transmittal of pain or the soul to a new child to start the whole thing over again.
Anything that makes me think about MY one true love:my cat Misty (she passed away President’s Day 2005). She touched my heart; more than any human’s cared to do.
Songs: Bread’s “If” and the Bangle’s “Eternal Flame.” Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes”
“Don’t Give Up” with Kate Bush reminds me of the experience of being a veteran struggling to survive and perhaps not wanting to for myself, but just to keep my cat alive and provide for her.
Verve’s “Bittersweet Symphony” just a reminder that life has never been easy for me, more bitter than sweet.
Elton John has a song called “The Last Song” and it is about a boy who is dying of AIDS with his father by his side. The lyrics are very powerful and it is one of the saddest songs I have ever heard.
At the end of the movie “And The Band Played On”, this song is playing while they are showing a picture montage of famous people who have died of the AIDS virus through the years. Every time I see this part of the movie, it makes me want to cry.
@evelyns_pet_zebra….Everything Peter Gabriel does demands attention and requires some form of emotion in return…he is that dynamic of a singer/songwriter and one of the best in the business….a GQ to you, my man
@Meribast…Welcome to fluther and a GA to you for your wonderful selections. When it comes to ballads, that string of incredibly beautiful songs put together by David Gates and Bread, is truly remarkable.
There are a lot of songs that bring me to tears. But, music is my passion and I never merely listen to great music, I experience it with everything I’ve got. One of my favorite songs that just cries with emotion and always brings me to tears is Country Feedback by R.E.M.. . Here is a pretty good performance video, though it is best experienced in person (I’ve lived this song a half a dozen times, or more).
“lies” by glen hansard
it sounds kinda disney at first, which really drew me to it. at first i realized that i still really can get lost in a disney song..but, after about 20 seconds i started crying because the lyrics got to me.
reminds me of someone i thought i was meant to be with but, things never worked out the way they would of been so beautiful in my head…
subconcious expectations that you don’t even know of can hurt the most when you hear a song like this and realize what you imagine things to be is only what you are imagining things to be….
@jonsblond – I agree with you.
For me it was Johnny Cash’s cover of One
He takes that song to a whole new level.
@jonsblond Mr. Cash does a better version of that song that the guy who actually wrote it, whose name escapes me at the moment. That is one of my favorite emotional songs.
@Bri_L Yes. Trent Reznor wrote the song. I think his version was much better, but that’s my 2 cents.
@jeanna – I kind of view it the way I do the “One” remake. Two different takes on the same song. I happen to like both of them a lot for different reasons.
@Bri_L i agree. Though its the same lyrics, they are two completely different songs.
God, that Cash killed me.
I had been a fan of “the man in black,” long before he did the covers of Hurt (NIN) and One (U2) and if I had been asked prior to them if I thought Cash could do them justice, I would have wavered on an answer, much as I would have if asked if The Fray could do the same with Kanye West’s Heartless . Cover success is so hard to predict especially if one is a fan of the original…it’s impossible not to have a degree of prejudice going into such a discussion, further clouded by the fact that genres are being crossed in these particular examples. But now, someone will need to show me a list of failed covers by excellent artists to get me to change my mind that great artists like Johnny Cash, and Isaac Slade (The Fray), if they believe enough in a cover to have the balls to possibly risk their careers on it, are more than capable of taking a cover to another, perhaps parallel level, or beyond. In my opinion, Cash did One justice, but he on Hurt and Slade on Heartless took those songs well beyond the original (and I would never have guessed that anyone could possibly take Hurt beyond that what I already “felt” when Reznor sang it). This all speaks highly of all the artists involved. See ya…..wtf
After I checked out the Peter Gabriel song (Don’t Give Up is one that does it for me, btw), I then clicked on Elton John’s Empty Garden (dedicated to John Lennon). Such a good song….
This may be cliche by now. But I really like In Your Eyes. The message has a lot to do with the fact that the movie came out in my senior year and I was told by everyone in my class that I was Lloyd Dobler. And I pursued my crush and ended up dating her. Plus I think that the thoughts are beautiful if you can actually feel that way about someone.
This one gets me, too.
Hope There’s Someone (Antony and the Johnsons)
Hope there’s someone
Who’ll take care of me
When I die, will I go
Hope there’s someone
Who’ll set my heart free
Nice to hold when I’m tired
There’s a ghost on the horizon
When I go to bed
How can I fall asleep at night
How will I rest my head
Oh I’m scared of the middle place
Between light and nowhere
I don’t want to be the one
Left in there, left in there
There’s a man on the horizon
Wish that I’d go to bed
If I fall to his feet tonight
Will allow rest my head
So here’s hoping I will not drown
Or paralyze in light
And godsend I don’t want to go
To the seal’s watershed
Hope there’s someone
Who’ll take care of me
When I die, Will I go
Hope there’s someone
Who’ll set my heart free
Nice to hold when I’m tired
@jmah…Whoa….that is fuckin’ powerful! Thank you very, very much.
@Bri_L That’s exactly how I feel out the song Hurt. When I listen to it by NIN I feel more angst. When I hear it done by Cash it’s just a very sad feeling that I get. Different takes on the same song. Cash’s version is more similar to the question that @evelyns_pet_zebra asked.
The Avett Brothers Bella Donna is another song that pulls on my heartstrings.
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