Do you have a lot of "drift" in your life?
“Not to decide is to decide.”
Is your life purposeful or actionable for the most part, following a plan that you’ve mapped out for yourself, or do you find yourself drifting through life, because of uncertainty, complexity or waiting for someone else to do their part? Do you feel like you have control of the drift, or is it a source of anxiety? What causes you to drift?
What does it take for you to stop drifting, and take ownership?
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30 Answers
Oh let me tell you! I have so much drift in my life right now I could probably make my way to Japan in a few days’ time.
In a way this drifting has been planned, or at least allocated. After years of rigid schooling, it was almost impossible to resist taking the opportunity to abandon that rigidity.
Doing this drifting has allowed me to learn things about myself that I would have never learned otherwise. It has taken me in directions I never thought I had any interest in, like farming. Farming! I’m a city gal, raised on a computer and working for a big tech company, but this aimless drifting I’ve been doing this past year has let this desire to be a farmer surface to the top.
So I currently feel confident in my drifting, I don’t feel as if I am wasting my time and money by not rushing out and buying a house/getting started farming/whatever. At the same time I am using this time to read books and gain knowledge for when I do choose to make this transition, saving money for the eventual house, etc. Drifting has allowed me to reflect on myself and decide what goals I am interested in pursuing over the next few years, and I have no doubt that I will continue to drift in some fashion for most of my life.
Drifting is the way to go if you feel like leading a “spicier” life. We just started a family, so stability is a must…
Drifting is the only way to live. I do have a goal for the future, and I do take actions to meet my goals, but a structured, or rigid lifestyle does not allow for all the unique experiences life has to offer. I believe, whenever life offers you an opportunity for something new, take it. This way of life inevitably leads to a lot of drift
My wife and I are currently considering buying a new house. She is a bit frustraited by my not making a decision, but my decision-making method involves studying the subject, then sitting back and letting the answer form without forcing it. When it’s done, the bell will go off.
let’s see, the only piece of real estate I own is a piece of driftwood
heh heh
@filmfann I agree… it’s best to let things happen organically and generally wait until something feels right..rather than forcing anything.
I make the plans and life just drifts me. Seems like I’m trying to drive in a straight line while the earth is moving due to constant earthquakes.
Plans? The only plans I make are the day to day things, like going to work, coming home, eating. Trying to plan anything else in life seems…boring. I like the surprises, curves, and unpredictability life offers; it keeps things so much more interesting.
I’d love for my life to be mapped out and planned right now. Even if those plans ended up changing, I like to know what’s going to happen… so I can make a plan B, just in case. I’m that kind of person—knowing what I’m going to do in a given situation makes me feel more secure and like I’m going somewhere. Stability is very important to me. Unfortunately, various circumstances (money, relationships, the general college scene) keep me from having that kind of life, and I’m not willing to give up or change some of those circumstances in exchange for security. So an unwilling drifter I am.
I don’t see it as drift, I see it as letting the current take me where it will, and still remaining at the rudder to steer clear of the rocks and the rapids. We don’t really have much control of this thing we call life, but we can make decisions based on experience and gently guide ourselves in the direction we want to go. It’s when there is a curve in the stream and then Niagra Falls looms up ahead that is when life gets scary.
Life is about choices, your results may vary.
i feel like eventually i will end up somewhere, but sometimes i feel lost.
i definately feel like if i made a plan for myself with school i would of ended up somewhere i really didn’t want to be and i finally found what i really want to do by just floating along and trying different things when it felt like the right time to try it…
My life is one big drift. Sometime the wind blows me in the right direction, sometimes it does not blow at all.
Ending up marooned on an island waiting for the next wave to catch.
I found that the plans I made got royally screwed up anyway, so there was no real point.
I’m taking life as it comes.
To float like clouds, to flow like water.
I find that it is best to go with the current and enjoy the ride. When I struggle too hard to make things happen the way I want them to, that is when I get into trouble.
The only plans I made concerned being able to survive retirement. Now everything depends on my husband’s health and my son’s mental state. I work my life around doctor’s appointments and periodically calling EMS.
I am definitely not a drifter. A vagabond, maybe. Funny thing is, as much of a control freak as I am, I’ve also learned and become comfortable with identifying the things I cannot control.
I make plans all the time. I love plans and anticipation. The thing is, life doesn’t care what our plans are. I don’t think I would call it drift, since I have a plan. I would call it life’s illusions.
I trust myself to always choose the right path, whether I drift down it cause it seems good, or if I charge down it cause I know the way. I can be anal retentive and rogue and random. Life always happens, and I love figuring it out as I make my way.
I am more confused about my drift than when I started thinking about it.
I used to feel like I could run my personal life like I ran my work performance, with goals, objectives, and projects. The house was decorated, I sewed the curtains, kids had homemade Halloween costumes, I threw dinner parties on a regular basis that would bring tears to Martha Stewart’s eyes. I cleaned, I landscaped, I volunteered, I worked full time.
And then I stopped, and no one noticed.
Long ago, drifting would have floored me. These days, it is the way of my life. And it doesn’t scare me.
drifting is the way to go. for anyone who has…or hasn’t, really…read the book “into the wild”, there is a quote by christopher mccandless – “but in reality, nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future.” its really true.
I live for the excitement of where life would bring me. However, every now and then, I still make sure that I am able to steer back control when needed – particularly when my son’s future is at stake.
Not everyone who wanders is lost…
I’m going to add it to my quotes cupboard…thank you.. x
@jamielynn2328 correct. mine too. =]
@lynneblundell (just in case) another quote you might like: “There are years that ask questions and years that answer” by Zora Neale Hurston
ooooh thank you!!! love it love it!!
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