General Question

uniquenewyork's avatar

What's the best macro lens for a Nikon D70?

Asked by uniquenewyork (295points) July 24th, 2009

I want to get a lens for fantastic close-up photography. Any recommendations on either sites to review or an actual lens that you like?

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6 Answers

bpeoples's avatar

I shot this artists portfolio with a Nikon 105mm micro:

That would pretty much qualify as “fantastic lens”—I own the 60mm version, and it’s a great lens too, but if you’re really doing a lot of macro, you want the 105.

This: is the same 105 with a 50mm reversed on the end of it.

martijn86's avatar

Take a look at Tamron’s latest macro:

Very promising if you read the reviews. There is plenty of light, plenty of distance to the subject and the focal length works great on portraits too!

littlewesternwoman's avatar

You can either get a macro lens – that is, one that does not “zoom”, but only takes close-ups; or you can get a lens that will let you take from macro to about 50 mm (which is “normal”, or what the eye sees, for a 35 mm camera). Check out B&H PhotoVideo online, or in person if you are in the NY area, for the best selection of lenses…

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