Meta Question

jlm11f's avatar

What additions/improvements would you like to see in the Fluther interviews?

Asked by jlm11f (12421points) July 25th, 2009

What kind of questions would you like to see more of? What aren’t you as interested in? Would you like them shorter/longer? All constructive advice is appreciated.

Important – This question is NOT asking you to nominate flutherites that should be interviewed. You are free to PM me for that but don’t turn this into a popularity question.

Fluther interviews

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53 Answers

casheroo's avatar

Well, reviewing them I like that they got more personal…I’m reading Shilolo’s and don’t like that it’s all about Fluther. I think diving into who the person really is is what I want to read.

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

I like them just the way they are. Interviews should have a variety of questions about different subject matter, to learn more about the interesting people that are being interviewed. I wouldn’t change it. Of course, I only read the whatthefluther and sscrowell interview. sometimes I think about how I would respond to the interview process, and then I’m glad no one wants to interview me. My answers would really be outlandish and make people think I am stranger than I am already viewed on this site. =)

shilolo's avatar

@casheroo So sorry to disappoint. ;-)

Dog's avatar

I like them a lot as they stand. I especially enjoy the humor in the last three.

loser's avatar

None! Love ‘em!!!

Tink's avatar

I have a question, where do you see these “interviews” at? Is it a video or like they ask questions and people answer them?
Edit: Never mind I found them :)

evelyns_pet_zebra's avatar

:::points and giggles at @Tink1113 :::

Tink's avatar

Rasberries on @evelyns_pet_zebra‘s face :P

augustlan's avatar

I really enjoy links to their favorite question(s), info about their career or homelife, what their philosophy on life is… I think they’ve been pretty darn good so far.

tinyfaery's avatar

More and more often.

whatthefluther's avatar

I don’t mind that you tweaked the photo some, but did you have to give me fat cheeks?

Tink's avatar

@whatthefluther Are you sure those aren’t yours??

whatthefluther's avatar

@Tink1113…Winter isn’t approaching so I haven’t begun packing in acorns.

Tink's avatar

@whatthefluther Haha if you say so… :P

asmonet's avatar

“What’s your favorite toe?”

asmonet's avatar

No I like them, I think they’re far too short though. About towards the end I’m getting into it and then I’m sent packing with no warning.

I also think they should be more frequent. Seems like we wait forever in between, and by the time a new one comes out, we have so many new users who have no idea they exist and old users who have moved on since the last installment that few people care to tune in – I think a more reliable structured release of new interviews would be preferrable. If you’re not getting nominations, would it be so hard to compile a list of criteria? Even something as simple as 5k+ Lurve and you automatically get put up for consideration to whoever picks? I mean, at 5K you’ve clearly invested in the site and become known by a large group.

Really, I think knowing when they’d come out would help me not to miss them and even look forward to them. First of the month, anyone?

cookieman's avatar

I agree with everything @asmonet said.

I’d also like to see more photos, although I understand this can be a privacy issue for some.

jrpowell's avatar

I would like to see more of them.

I know they are a lot of work. Maybe you could outsource them. Like one week, “johnpowell interviews kevbo.” and the next week, “Marina interviews Tink1113.”

That way all you would have to do is edit, and approve it. I know you put a lot of time into them. But it might be easier if it opened up.

edit :: and that would make the interviews more personal. I know a lot more about Nikipedia than I do seVen.

cookieman's avatar

@johnpowell: That’s a great idea.

Tink's avatar

@johnpowell Thats awesome!

Bri_L's avatar

I think they are going quite well! I enjoyed them!


jrpowell's avatar

Actually.. I was thinking about this. It might be more interesting to have a conversation that can evolve. The list of questions kinda sucks. Say if a few weeks of private comments back and forth became the interview. More like 60 minutes. (the TV show.)

Dog's avatar

Just tossing an idea out there- announce the candidate on the blog a week prior and allow the Jellies to post questions they would like to ask of the person. Then make some selections from the questions to put in the interview.

tinyfaery's avatar

Maybe you should just come up with a series of possible questions. We can all recommend basic questions that we’d want asked of all the Jellies.

casheroo's avatar

@Dog Ohh, I really like that idea!

Tink's avatar

How do you get “chosen” to be interviewed?

casheroo's avatar

@Tink1113 It seems they just randomly select people. But it’s usually an active user.

Tink's avatar

@casheroo Oh, so one day they will pick you and stuff, out of the blue?

jrpowell's avatar

@Tink1113 :: You have to send PnL ice cream. She doesn’t even care if it is melted.

Tink's avatar

@johnpowell What flavor??

jrpowell's avatar

She is a woman.. So chocolate works best. ducks

Tink's avatar

<<Sends a quart of chocolate ice cream to PnL>>
Wait a moment! Do I even want to be interviewed??
takes ice cream back

jrpowell's avatar

Upon further thought I realized most of the people interviewed hang out in the chatroom. So that might help.

casheroo's avatar

@johnpowell no one is ever in there anymore :(

Dog's avatar

Tis true, the room echoes.

Bri_L's avatar

I have been alone with my thoughts and nacho cheese in there many times.

jrpowell's avatar

Nacho cheese {runs to the chatroom}

whatthefluther's avatar

@Bri_L….Just made my first visit to the chat room (not all people interviewed hang out there). I entered, it said jp, syz and casheroo were there….syz exited on my arrival….I spoke three times and all I got was an echo as @Dog reported…couldn’t even find the nacho cheese! What does jp know anyhow….hell, @PnL bought me ice cream!

Bri_L's avatar

@all – If I am where nacho cheese is, you have .4 MAYBE .5 seconds to get some.


whatthefluther's avatar

@Bri_L….Oh hell….at least I got my ice cream!

Dog's avatar

Hey we have ice cold beer in there right now. ;)

jrpowell's avatar

Yeah, that is kinda the problem with the chatroom. It usually takes a few people on AIM to (seed) it. But a lot of people come in, wait 30 seconds and leave.

I just keep it in a tab. It will notify me of a new comment in the tab.

And on OS X you can use Pyro and it will use Growl to let you know when someone makes a new comment in the room. And Pyro tells you how many new massages in the dock. Like Mail does.

Bri_L's avatar

@johnpowell – I didn’t know about Pyro. Thanks

jrpowell's avatar

OMFG. PnL is up in this mess. I am going to hide. Later.

jlm11f's avatar

Hey guys, thanks for all your input and positive comments about the blog!

@casherooI think diving into who the person really is is what I want to read. That’s what interests me too.

@whatthefluther – Andrew is responsible for the photo editing. Maybe he was jealous of your good looks and felt the need to tweak.

@asmonet – Most people feel the same way about the intervals between each interview. I agree that they should be more frequent. The problem with setting a fixed time slot is that it puts too much pressure on both the interviewer and interviewee. Knowing myself, I’d set aside all my real life chores (studying and more studying) in an effort to get the interview done in time.

Plus, depending on the interviewee, some interviews are completed only after repeatedly kicking and screaming at the interviewee (glares at @johnpowell) about 20 times a week to finish answering the questions. That is also what concerns me about @johnpowell‘s suggestion of 60 minutes-esque style of interviewing. But I think we can reach a compromise by using @Dog‘s suggestion of announcing a week before about the upcoming blog post and also trying to do one interview/month, though not necessarily on the first of each month. Nominations are not a problem at all, since every day I interact with new flutherites whom I would love to interview. The list is too long!

@johnpowell – Outsourcing them is definitely a possibility but I probably won’t explore that at least until 1–2 more interviews, since I’ll have to bug Andrew into sitting down and setting up a system for the process. As for Upon further thought I realized most of the people interviewed hang out in the chatroom. – I disagree. Of the five people I have interviewed, only one is a chat regular (you!).

@Dog – Love the idea! I’ve been thinking of implementing something similar ever since Gail’s interview actually. Once I return to the states, I’ll set up a system.

@Tink1113 – I choose the interviewee’s based on their contribution on Fluther. Please refer to the ice cream comment made by @johnpowell. Chipotle gift cards will also be accepted.

@everyone else – You can have all the nacho cheese. Just leave the guacamole, sour cream and burritos for me.

Bri_L's avatar

@PnL – You’ve sold me out! I thought we had an agreement about the cheese!

Tink's avatar

@PnL My ice cream ain’t free :)

Bri_L's avatar

@Tink1113 – Your a group of penguins. Maybe she wants ice cream that ain’t been lived in!


Tink's avatar

@Bri_L Oh man! But it’s a popular flavor :)

Bri_L's avatar

@Tink1113 – “Penguin Butt Rrrrrippple!” :-P

Tink's avatar

@Bri_L lol yeah “Penguin Butt Rrrrriple®”

asmonet's avatar

@PnL: You could start interviews with say, four jellies – get them all finished or very, very close – publish one and continue from there monthly, get ahead of the game so there’s always a three month/interview buffer between the deadline and no interviews at all. It would be tough to start, lots of coordinating but relatively simple to maintain. And you can refill your buffer interviews if it comes down to one ahead of yourself.

And on top of that, once the system is put in place the person in charge of coordinating it could take breaks for finals, work, etc. without jeopardizing the flow of the interviews.

jlm11f's avatar

In case you guys didn’t see it yet – lookie.

If I get a good response for this, then we can make it a permanent feature for future interviews.

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