How do I prevent looking like a dork in glasses?
I just picked up my first pair of glasses from my doctor this afternoon. Up until two years ago, I’ve had perfect vision. All throughout college, while my friends with – less superior eye sight -fought with putting on their contacts or fiddled with their glasses, I spent the extra time I had doing fun stuff . Two years ago, I noticed that my eye sight was “letting go”: I couldn’t see as far as I used to, and the world became a tamed blur. But the break point came two weeks ago when I was away for training for one week and for the entire week I could not see the, what seemed like, hundreds of PowerPoint presentations! That was when I knew I had to get help. And I did. Well, it’s too late to make this long story short, but, like I said, I picked up my glasses today. I have a round, wide face, so it was difficult finding a pair of glasses to compliment my features. I spent too much money on the glasses and I think that I would commit murder if anything were to happen to them. Anyhow, I know this is vain, but how do I avoid looking like a dork in glasses? I feel dorky in them, even though they are “stylish.” And, worst, I think I look dorky too. The first comment I received (ahem, from a family member, so I know it was an honest response) was, “Nerdy.” I’m a pretty cute gal and I happen to think I’m more sophisticated and sexy than “nerdy”, but, nevertheless, that was the first response. To think of it, I don’t think anyone, except for Sarah Palin, really looks good in glasses. I’ve never had a “WOW” moment from seeing anyone else in glasses. But, whatever. I’m more concerned with how I look at this vulnerable moment in my life than anyone else. I suppose my next concern, aside from how not to look dorky in my new glasses, would be how to apply eye makeup synergistically with my new glasses. But that is another topic.
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32 Answers
If you are that concerned about the glasses, why don’t you go for contacts? I don’t know what you’ve heard about them, but they are a pretty convenient solution to the whole thing. I have been using them daily for over 5 years now and haven’t had a problem yet.
Chunky or crazy fun frames that express who you are, a sense of humor and the willpower to avoid pushing them up your nose in the middle.
Always, grab the side and pull up.
Dorky with glasses?? I don’t think so! I think glasses make people look gorgeous, (not to just cause I wear them too) :P
If you don’t feel dorky, you won’t look dorky. Thick, black frames are more in vogue now, wire-rimmed ones seem a little dorkier to me at the moment, but then again they’re great on some people. I’ve worn glasses since I was in the 2nd grade, (I don’t want to count the years!) and I adore them. I think I look much better with glasses than without. Try on every pair in the store if you’re not sure what you want, and bring along someone you trust when you’re picking them out. My little brother picked the ones I have now, and I love them so much I haven’t gotten a new pair in 4 years.
<=== for me. Contacts turn me into hippie boobs, glasses turn me into genius boobs… I like both. O.o
After thinking about my friends with glasses, I only knew one who was dorky and that was with our without glasses. It didn’t really effect the other ones. 2 of them are the coolest people I know. So basically what I’m saying with all of this, is that it’s the person that wears the glasses that makes them a dork, not the other way around. You don’t sound like a dork. Just don’t worry about it and you’ll be fine :)
I would consider wearing contacts, but my doctor says that my eye sight isn’t that bad yet. He thinks that wearing contacts at this point would be a drastic measure.
glasses make people look amazing…the dorky look is the cutest look ever =D
I think girls look very sexy in glasses.
Unless you look like this , you probably look pretty cute.
You didn’t say why you don’t just wear contacts? The disposable soft ones are so easy and convenient. I have worn and hated glasses all my life. I could never be properly fitted with contacts until the last year or so and they are so great. No more dirty glasses, can wear any kind of sunglasses. I would give them a try.
I thought Sarah Palin looked like the flying nun no matter what she wore!
Don’t put tape on them, don’t snort while pushing them up, don’t put that neck string on them ;)
Seriously- you’re right, glasses can look dorky. They also can look extremely sexy. I almost always wear contacts, but sometimes when I’m lazy I will wear my glasses. Oddly, I get lots of compliments even though I prefer contacts. Anyway, regarding contacts- your doc sounds nuts. You can get an extremely weak Rx if your one eye doesn’t need much help.
@rooeytoo She did, the doctor said it wasn’t needed.
@berry_lips If your doctor says your eyesight isn’t that bad yet, I suppose he means that you don’t need to wear contacts all day? If you, just don’t wear your glasses normally, just wear them if you need to see a slideshow or something. There’s a nice Dutch expression for those moments you do need to wear: schijt hebben. It basically means that you shouldn’t worry about it looking nerdy. This 1) will make it look less nerdy in the first place and 2) means you’re not worrying about it ;-). What’s the big deal, for those few moments it really doesn’t matter. It’s not like people won’t like you anymore if you look nerdy for a bit.
So many people in the world wear glasses, so it’s not really like it’s a dorky oddity that you’re wearing glasses. You will get used to how you look. I’ve worn them so long that I look funny with out them. Be confident and you will look confident and non-dorky.
I’ve worn glasses since I was 10 years old-so that makes 23 years. I’ve been ordering my glasses from Zenni Optical because they are very cost effective. I don’t wanna say cheap because they are very good quality glasses that don’t cost an arm and a leg. I wear weird glasses because I got bored with regular ones.
1. Are you expecting to wear them all the time, or just for specific purposes such as reading or distance?
2. They’re not bifocals, are they?
3. What’s your job or profession?
4. How do you wear your hair?
5. How old are you?
It may help to let you know what our 16 year old daughter said to us just last week.
She is very label and fashion conscience and is debating working as a model in the fashion industry for a living. She asked us if she could please get glasses- that they are “sexy-chic” now. Her eyesight is perfect and her fashion request was denied.
I was going to suggest wearing a loud obnoxiously hued dress and a garish shade of lipstick, but that was when I thought you were a guy. since you are a girl, this is why people should fill out their profile page, so we can know what sex you are. nevermind. =)
I never felt dorky with my glasses although, my first pair was Disney brand, I am mortified when I look at them now You just wear them with confidence. If you need glasses, you need them. Don’t try to leave them off when you need them because like with driving, you may miss something and cause an accident.
I personally wear my contacts pretty much all the time, I do need new glasses that are cute…they aren’t too hard to find.
@evelyns_pet_zebra It would help if there was a field in the “Edit profile” page where you could set your sex ;-)
Big, big, chunky glasses.
Girls in glasses = super hot, but I have a librarian fetish.
Also, just get contacts. And a new eye doctor.
@andrew: Who doesn’t have a librarian fetish? I’d tear up a boy in a sweater vest and black frames.
@Vincentt take it up with @andrew, he’s one of the famous people that created Fluther. How about it Andrew??
@asmonet I’ve got my sweater and black frame glasses on, where do you want me to deliver these books you checked out?
I think glasses rock!!! I totally have a think for women with glasses!
If you’re old enough you can get corrective laser eye surgery. It’s permanent but the consultation and procedure can cost a bit.
I’ve worn glasses since I was 11 (read a lot), but I’ve had fun with many diffrent styles. If you can pull it off, get an outrgeous but chic one.
In light of your other question, glasses can also make you look more mature, smarter, and more promotable, so they can help with that glass ceiling you were complaining about. And you can also do what Sally Jesse Raphael did and get really colorful glasses so folks think you are making a fashion statement.
I also forgot to tell you is that when you hit your thirties things start to go, such as your vision ~
I have several pairs of glasses and sometimes wear contacts. It’s all in the attitude! I love glasses. I have my “mom” glasses, my nerd-chic glasses and my (husband’s label for them) “sexy librarian” glasses.
Glasses are not as nerdy as they used to be! Let go of the labels.
lol, Sarah Palin.
and I know what you mean, I sometimes feel pretty dorky when I’ve got my glasses on but then I just remember these beauties that I had at the ripe age of two and I don’t feel so bad.
plus all the glasses-lovers in this thread make me excited to wear them! :)
By wearing them with dignity,,You need them, you are better off with them, and to hell with dork comparisons.
I also have a very round face, and have difficulty finding good glasses. I have been wearing them for about 15 years now. I suggest 1) nothing with a round frame on the bottom – the shape accentuates the round-face thing, echoing jawbone and cheeks especially. I like the squared-off look – my last 2 wire rims have been more or less rectangular. 2) go for wire rims and not plastic. The plastic can look kinda nifty, but they are thicker, and will obscure more of your face. If you don’t like the nose pads there are the old-fashioned nose-bridge type. 3) avoid the ones that are rimless on the bottom only – if you like that style, try the total-rimless look. You might love it. I can’t pull it off, but I really wish I could. 4) don’t go for the transition lenses. They don’t work in the car, and they eventually get a permanent darkish patina that won’t go away indoors.
I have a round face, I find rectangular glasses look the best.
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