General Question

KatawaGrey's avatar

Is anyone else going to GenCon this year?

Asked by KatawaGrey (21493points) July 27th, 2009

I am going to GenCon with my boyfriend this year and since it is the biggest gaming convention in the country (possibly in the world, I’m not entirely sure on that one) I was hoping to encounter some jellies there! My boyfriend plays World of Warcraft almost exclusively so he will be doing that the whole time (even foregoing sleeping) and I do not want to be glued to his side the whole time. Perhaps if there are other jellies there, we could get together and meet in person!

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1 Answer

cwilbur's avatar

I find that the optimal size of a convention is somewhere around 250 people. Fewer than that, and you don’t have a good diversity of games; more than that, and the extra people don’t add anything. It’s vanishingly unlikely that I’ll ever go to GenCon.

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