What do people say, write or text that you care nothing about?
sometimes it’s simply TMI or it’s something said that does not make a difference to you. the only person who benefits is the one saying it out loud. “i need to wash my car, dude;” “i’m about to go to the bathroom;” “when i get home tonight, i’m gonna cut my toenails.”
none of the above is anything like a mother saying “i am so excited; we are expecting a call from our son in afghanistan.” now that’s different.
do “what are you doing right now? episodes annoy you? does anybody care? what “one-liners” do people say to you that don’t make a difference to you one way or the other?
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39 Answers
Ok first of all I hate recieving fowards! I hate one word or letter responses, ex. K or ok
I don’t like when some one textes me and says whats up? When I just saw them not even 10 minutes ago.
“I believe in god.”
“I saved $100 on my car insurance by switching to Geico!”
The most annoying things EVER are those really short texts..or just people who never have anything to talk about when they text you, but they still text you every day! Also, when they never have anything to contribute to your conversation…it gets old.
@Tink1113 oh God yes! i do absolutely loathe forwarded messages.
FWD: God loves you. send this message to 10 people and you will get what you’ve always wanted!
Chain eMails (jokes, feel goods)
They all get instantly deleted and/or trained into my junk folder.
FWD: Send this to 10 people and your crush will tell you they love you.
“I’m bored” – really? Don’t drag me down with you.
Forwards are really annoying, I got one that said do this or else someone will murder you and I got really scared so I forwarded it :P
Almost everything. But I’m asocial like that.
Religion and politics mostly. It’s also pretty rude when someone talks at you and not to you.
For some reason, the status I dislike the most is “getting ready to make dinner.” “Making dinner,” “deciding what to make for dinner,” or anything along those lines also qualifies.
I twitch when someone tweets or texts what they had for lunch/dinner/breakfast. Why would I give a damn what they ate?
@Dog right back atchya! i so agree!
i think its really funny to text people pointless things like “i’m cutting my toenails”. obviously they know that i know that they could not care less, but its still funny.
oh yeah, forwards are annoying, i do agree. sometimes people will send me pictures of their desk at work or their feet and clearly they realize that i can not possibly be interested in them but i still never know what to say so i just do not reply.
‘I’m going to the store.’ Then, ‘okay, I’m back home.’ Who the hell cares???
@willbrawn: Reply to “I’m bored” with “Then you’re boring.”
Those f’in quizzes on Facebook.
NO ONE CARES what mineral, Jane Austin character, or type of shoe some quiz says you are.
Also, I get annoyed when friends on roadtrips feel the need to text me to let me know what stupid little town they’re driving through. Just tell me you got to your destination safely.
@Likerader Lurve on the stupid quizzes on facebook.
I don’t have text capabilities on my cell phone for this reason.
On facebook, which I rarely look at, there is one person on there that says things like: My dad is taking my son to Walmart, pray for their safe return. And: Just got up, wondering what I’ll have for breakfast. What is wrong with these people??
OHH THOSE FACEBOOK QUIZZES. “what day will you get pregnant?” “what does youre eye kolor say about u?” things are always misspelled and usually the questions relate not at all to what the quiz is supposed to be about. sooo stupid.
I cant give likeradar enough lurve for her comment.
Don’t send me your quizzes!
Unfortunately, in this era of meism, with the encouragement of Facebook, Twitter and the like, it would be a much shorter list to put the things that I do care to hear, read or see.
@Marina love your wisdom, girl! love your wisdom.
Almost everything. If I really want the text message, I talk to someone to feel their voice.
@Likeradar – here is a quiz, How Do I Give You More Lurve For Your Answer!!!
@Marina – long live Marina!!!
I really don’t care when people complain about things they can’t change.
I don’t generally get many text messages..most of my friends are on here…and the texts I do get are generally very meaningful…I count myself as very very fortunte
This thread has solidified my reasons for not getting on FaceBook or Twitter.
I got ambushed by this fellow once who’d just peeled a piece of skin off his lip. His exact words were, ‘This is the biggest one so far!’. Then he showed it to me. Gh. Lip-skin-flashing!
@Thujone – Welcome to Fluther.
What the hell?!?!?!? A piece of skin off his lip??????
Thank you!
Also- yeah, a piece of skin off his lip >_< I’ve got no idea how you’re supposed to react to these things. I’m not sure throwing up is an appropriate response, although trust me, I was tempted..
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